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39 members have voted


    • Bobby Boucher
    • Forrest Gump

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Compliments of @Zonefball :

Forrest squeaks out a 6 point victory over Falco, probably on a game winning drive...toss was called more than once. 


Boucher with a solid win, 33-13, Sunshine was no match for that defensive prowess. 


Which leaves us with the original question of Gump vs. Boucher. It was eloquently debated a month prior to this matchup by great logical minds, better known as real men of genius.

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A multi-faceted match-up, there are many depths to this debate. 

Arguably, Forrest is the better athlete.  A scholarship player at the University of Alabama and a world-class ping pong player, Mr. Gump's speed, reflexes, and reaction times are unquestioned.  Ridiculously strong, Forrest carried his entire platoon (on his back) from the forests of Vietnam in live combat.  

However, Forrest is an A to B runner.  His speed is unparalleled, but could we count on him to make Bobby miss?  Is there any lateral movement in that body?  He did get shot in the buttocks.  (Everyone knows you've got to zig-zag - a la Game of Thrones.)

Bobby is a self-professed water boy with a killer instinct.  Using inner turmoil and conflict as his motivators, Mr. Boucher finds his way into the Bourbon Bowl, with the South Central Louisiana State Mud Dogs - not exactly SEC football.  Should Forrest not anger the Waterboy, could Bobby find a reason to "show no mercy" to the amicable Mr. Gump?

All things considered, my money is on Boucher, knowing that he is well hydrated and able to outlast Forrest.  Too many Dr. Peppers leave Gump ailing in the southerly climate!

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Errr.....slightly changing subject and reeaally dates me but does anyone remember when Bob Seagram (pole vaulter) won the very first “Superstars” competition on TV?   Kyle Rote, Jr. (soccer) won it around 3 years over time.   The late Peter Revson  (Race Car Driver) finished 3rd  - not sure which year.


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59 minutes ago, Lysander said:

Errr.....slightly changing subject and reeaally dates me but does anyone remember when Bob Seagram (pole vaulter) won the very first “Superstars” competition on TV?   Kyle Rote, Jr. (soccer) won it around 3 years over time.   The late Peter Revson  (Race Car Driver) finished 3rd  - not sure which year.


As I recall, Joe Frazier stole the show when he learned, very publicly, that he was unable to swim whilst competing in a swimming competition.  Unafraid of failure, I wish this mentality would find its way into today's youth.  Kids would rather never try at all, than try and subsequently fail.

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