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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2019 in Posts

  1. The SIAC didn’t really need any teams to join. IMO Jasper along with VL or GS would have been fine with me. I’m not buying for 1 second GS offers more in terms of overall athletic appeal than VL.
    1 point
  2. SIAC didnt need Lincoln, Jasper did. Jasper was not getting in without another team. I would be willing to bet that Jasper made the phone call to Lincoln initially not the SIAC.
    1 point
  3. Mater Dei has 881 less students then Reitz and it doesn't seem to bother them any.
    1 point
  4. This has devolved into another discussion about Cathedral which is not what Slice60 was getting at. The basic question is why is the revised rule being applied to basketball and not to football? The only reason I can think of is that the revision to the rule had been proposed prior to the reclassification for basketball so IHSAA took that into account when setting up the basketball classifications. If the change in the rule for classification isn't going to be applied to football next season then maybe the change for participation quarters (54-3.1) shouldn't apply next year either.... (I am in no way advocating for that. Just making a point) Hopefully the IHSAA has recognized that this is an issue, and is discussing this now and they will either issue a revised football classification list, or they will explain why the rule change will not be applied. I'm not sure if there are any other teams that this applies to, but I think the IHSAA needs to be consistent here. Either both Cathedral football and Marquette boys basketball play up, or they both go back down.
    1 point
  5. I hope they leave week 9 intact. Check out the matchups: Mater Dei - Reitz at the Bowl Central - North Memorial - Castle Harrison - Bosse Jasper - Lincoln That would be a great slate of games with conference titles/shares on the line.
    1 point
  6. And another one today ... showing up in my news feed since I'm in Ireland. https://www.rte.ie/news/world/2019/0524/1051500-everest-nepal/ Apparently there's another Irishman, not GID's @Irishman, who had fallen earlier after reaching the summit last week and they just called off the search for him today. Certainly not an activity for the faint-of-heart or the risk-averse.
    0 points
  7. I personally dont think the SIAC got that much better with the addition of Jasper and Vinn. It just got eaiser on the Athletic Directors in reguards to scheduling. SIAC would have still been one of the best conferances south of Indy without the addition. Speaking from a selffish aspect I sure would have loved seeing the kid from GS playing in the SIAC his last two years of high school if he is as good as the say he is.
    -1 points
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