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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2021 in all areas

  1. The 1960 Berne French Township High School Bears in their first year of football. Fun picture!
    3 points
  2. Speaking specifically on football.....It was either the spring of 2016 or 2017 (I can't remember) Coach Mike Johnson came down and did a mini clinic for our region. He had moved on to Logansport but he used clips from his athletes at Pioneer. It was excellent. He was very nice, and he answered every question with no hesitance to who might be listening. It was evident that the athletic culture at Pioneer was BOOMING. Fast forward to the fall of '17 we met Pioneer in the semi state game....One of the best teams we put on the field in our time at MC got handled. We had a definite size advantage and even took an early lead before the dam broke. To this day our staff frequently talks about HOW FREAKING HARD that team played, and still use it as a measuring stick. The WHOLE team played so dang hard and fast all night...it was overwhelming. And to top it all off, they were genuinely good kids. Kind between plays, sportsmanlike and tough between the whistles. SO, whats the point?.......Culture keeps you relevant even in years you may not be as talented. Athlete development is part of culture. Years and years of excellence and doing things the right way all ties back to culture. Add a cycle of a great athletic classes and you get what they have. Pioneer has 25 straight winning football seasons....and as long as they fight to maintain that culture, I don't think they'll really ever have a bad year.
    3 points
  3. The best capsule summary I’ve seen on the difference between a football team, and a football program. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. —- Aristotle
    2 points
  4. Actually, it's probably more the house that John Schuemann built. Rohrman's legacy is tied much more to the arts at Jeff with the Rohrman PAC. You can also make an argument for Schuemann's ties to the arts too as, while he's known at Jeff for the stadium, among other things, part of the driving force in the stadium expansion was creating a place large enough for the marching band to be able to host large-scale competitions.
    1 point
  5. Honestly, Dante, you ask the most unusual questions. I assume that by “corporations,” you’re talking about large business enterprises, and not simply why the legal entity, the corporation, a fictional “person,” was created. The answer is simple. The corporate form provides a convenient way to raise capital. The better you are at raising capital, the more business you can do. Sole proprietorships have inherent limitations in size and efficiency. If the corporation as an entity, or something like it, were not available, there’d be no IBM, Apple, Microsoft, GM, etc.
    1 point
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