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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. I'll wait with baited breath, but none of them have the panache and pedigree of Indianapolis Cathedral, the football IMG of the Midwest.
  2. Isn't CG the current heavy favorite to win the next 6A state title, according to high school football cognoscenti? And when you say "CG influenced" what exactly are you insinuating? Center Grove: the public school IMG of the Midwest.
  3. Part of what makes Cathedral the football IMG of the Midwest. Embrace it.
  4. Indiana Said the Government Should Be Able To Take Everything You Own if You Commit a Drug Crime. The State Supreme Court Wasn't Having It. https://reason.com/2021/06/10/indiana-said-the-government-should-be-able-to-take-everything-you-own-if-you-commit-a-drug-crime-the-state-supreme-court-wasnt-having-it/ Justice has been served for Mr. Timbs. Too bad the overzealous prosecutors and members of law enforcement won't be disciplined for their overrreach.
  5. Cathedral: The football IMG of the Midwest. Embrace it FB16, embrace it.
  6. Public vs. P/P. Not even close. As usual, you don't know what you are talking about. Cathedral: The football IMG of the Midwest. You should embrace that moniker and the hard work it took to achieve it.
  7. So your answer is "No". Thank you. Cathedral: The football IMG of the Midwest.
  8. So those schools also have close to 40 D-1 offers for their football players?
  9. https://theconversation.com/the-infantilization-of-western-culture-99556 It's parents letting their 24-year old child without a job live in their basement and play video games all day. It's the mindset that every single activity a child does has to be scheduled, monitored, and controlled. That is just two examples.
  10. 3 Young Minnesotans Sue the State for Their Right To Bear Arms https://reason.com/2021/06/09/3-young-minnesotans-sue-the-state-for-their-right-to-bear-arms/ I surely hope this lawsuit is successful and the law in Minnesota is changed.
  11. Biden Won't Close the 'Tax Gap,' but He Will Snoop on Your Bank Records https://reason.com/2021/06/09/biden-wont-close-the-tax-gap-but-he-will-snoop-on-your-bank-records/ At some point, the reality of Washington governance, and the coverage thereof, requires a reassessment of the idea that invasive new financial-snooping schemes sold with facially unattainable revenue promises are in fact "well-intentioned." The Biden administration, like the Obama administration under which he served, wants to scare Americans into "voluntary" compliance and penalty payments using a massive surveillance apparatus that turns all third-party financial players into narcs. To adapt a popular phrase about the previous administration, the obedience is the point. Good little slaves, that is what the federal government wants.
  12. Perfect example of the negatives of urban sprawl. The only time kids see each other is for tightly organized athletic events run by adults. Sad.
  13. Aren't there young children you should be yelling at about their blocking and tackling tecnique? That kind of link should be labeled as blasphemy on this high school children's football site.
  14. Who said anything about video games? Better off playing sandlot/pickup football at this age.
  15. It is June 7th. Let kids be kids for once. Better off playing sandlot football.
  16. Sounds like an unnecessary expense for a game played by children. I like the cell phone, PVC pipe, and duct tape approach.
  17. *ahem* https://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/11/nyregion/11tassone.html https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Education/2015/1013/Corruption-in-Chicago-Public-Schools-Former-chief-admits-to-fraud https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2016/05/07/corruption-schemes-ran-deep-dps/83932126/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlanta_Public_Schools_cheating_scandal https://www.rocketcitynow.com/article/news/local/former-athens-city-schools-superintendent-conspiracy-fraud-charges/525-3e8a66f1-d303-484e-8164-35767f58285a https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdtx/pr/school-board-leader-sentenced-corruption-scheme Baseless?
  18. Lumber Is Crazy Expensive Right Now. Biden Is About To Make It Worse. https://reason.com/2021/06/02/lumber-is-crazy-expensive-right-now-biden-is-about-to-make-it-worse/ If the Biden administration goes ahead with the plan to hike tariffs, it will be the latest bit of industrial protectionism emanating from Washington that will be paid for by Americans. While the domestic timber and lumber industries are thrilled at the prospect of artificially inflated prices for imports from Canada—the largest foreign supplier, by far, of wood into the United States—the higher tariffs will almost certainly translate into higher prices for consumers and wood-using industries. "If the administration's decision to double tariffs is allowed to go into effect, it will further exacerbate the nation's housing affordability crisis, put even more upward pressure on the price of lumber, and force millions of U.S. home buyers and lumber consumers to foot the bill for this ill-conceived protectionist action," said Chuck Fowke, chairman of the National Association of Home Builders, in a statement. The current price surge for lumber—like similar increases for many other goods—has been triggered by a shortage of supply as pandemic-closed sawmills have been slow to reopen even while demand for lumber has steadily climbed, driven by robust demand for new housing. Import taxes aren't to blame for this mess, but they certainly aren't helping. Even the Trump administration, which counter-productively hiked tariffs on everything from steel and aluminum to washing machines and other consumer goods, realized that much. Trump approved a lumber tariff hike in 2017, but his administration cut those duties in late 2020 amid concerns about the rising price of lumber. High and rising lumber prices aren't just a problem for home-builders and others who need to buy large supplies of wood. Some manufacturers are concerned that tariffs are helping to drive inflation across the entire economy by artificially jacking up prices for many commodities, The Wall Street Journal reported last week. With prices skyrocketing, the best thing the federal government could do is sweep aside impediments to supply chains. Instead, the administration is erecting new barriers which will protect domestic industries. Unfortunately, as Scott Lincicome, a Cato Institute senior fellow for trade issues, points out, the law guiding the U.S. anti-dumping tariff process explicitly forbids consideration of how new duties might impact consumers. That, in a nutshell, is the problem with just about all tariffs. If you ignore how higher taxes on goods might harm individuals and businesses, you're not really seriously considering the consequences—you're just doing what the beneficiaries of that policy want. Policy making cannot be disconnected from economic reality, no matter how much politicians might want it to be. Denying the reality of how tariffs work doesn't always look as buffoonish as the Trump administration often made it. Sometimes it just appears to be rote bureaucratic activity. But the result is the same, and Americans are going to keep paying the price until the Biden administration learns that.
  19. Individuality is bad. Must sacrifice for the collective.
  20. So you are saying theft and corruption never occurs in traditional government schools? https://assets.ctfassets.net/lwlwwghvkufv/7N1Kt117gW66megQG8cOmI/0fc83900a208087dd973a6880a7a1ed7/shameofschools_copy.pdf https://www.heritage.org/education/commentary/bad-education-why-shocking-public-school-corruption-remains-hidden
  21. Allow Mr. Cueto to wear the standard Giants uniform, not the Gay Pride version. Simple.
  22. True. One of the tragedies of the 1947 act was that it created the modern CIA. We all know it is now the spooks, along with the M-I-C, that really fun the federal government.
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