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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Stop Saying Lockdown Is 'Not That Hard' https://reason.com/2020/12/10/stop-saying-lockdown-is-not-that-hard/
  2. Thanks, will give it a listen. Mr. Case was the best coach ever in Indiana High School basketball, period.
  3. https://reason.com/2020/12/08/proposed-banking-rule-change-would-upend-oppressive-operation-chokepoint-tactics/ Yes, people need to realize that government is rarely, if ever, your friend.
  4. So is Purdue's Zach Edey basically too big for today's basketball game?: https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/columnists/gregg-doyel/2020/12/08/purdue-basketball-blows-20-point-lead-miami-matt-painter-zach-edey/6492120002/ (Note: Article is behind a paywall.) I'm generally not a Purdue fan but it's sad if what Mr. Doyel is saying about young Mr. Edey is true.
  5. I wish it were that simple. Unfortunately when there are big time Benjamins involved along with a "national brand" like the OSU Buckeyes rules can and will be changed. Once can hope the other Big 10 AD's will man up, but now it's "party" over the "individual" with a spot in the 4-team playoff on the line.
  6. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/college/indiana/2020/12/08/ohio-state-vs-michigan-canceled-what-does-mean-indiana-football-big-ten-title-game/6494058002/ I would like to be a fly on the wall for tomorrow morning's meeting. See how much the OSU AD throw's his weight around.
  7. Biden's Choice To Head Health and Human Services Is a Lawsuit-Happy Government Nanny: https://reason.com/2020/12/07/bidens-choice-to-head-health-and-human-services-is-a-lawsuit-happy-government-nanny/ Sounds like one of those "damn fine human beings" Stat Guy loves so much.
  8. I believe the Warren Central AD (once they get one since I believe Mr. West was also the AD) should set his sights on a young up-and-comer for the job. Young Mr. Colby at Kokomo would be a perfect choice. He could bring along his father, hall of fame caliber coach Brett Colby, as an assistant.
  9. No. Right. https://www.elitedaily.com/sports/soccer-players-most-fit-athletes/1151286
  10. Less than half of registered voters say major media not making serious effort to probe voter fraud https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/polling/voters-mixed-if-mainstream-media-has-put-serious-effort-voter-fraud You can bet had this been reversed and Trump was leading Biden that the MSM would be screaming election fraud from the rooftops.
  11. How is a good person like yourself going to pay for those things? I wouldn't exactly call equate a lefty radical who wants government to have control of more and more of their lives and the lives of their neighbors a "damn good human being".
  12. Find with me as long as the new Terre Haute High School adopts the classic mascot "The Black Cats" of Terre Haute Gerstmeyer.
  13. I don't understand your question. Soccer players generally are the superior athlete when compared to football players.
  14. Sounds to me that since you are your mother's only living relative you should file a lawsuit against the Pulaski County Memorial Hospital, requesting immediate visitation rights. Then you can sue Mr. Trump.
  15. Correct. How many starting soccer players have the physique of a running back or linebacker? I'm guessing zero. Which is why most starting soccer players you see that are also on the football squad are in a kicking position.
  16. https://reason.com/2020/12/07/drugs-declare-victory-in-war-on-drugs/ This is good news for those of us who truly value individual freedom, whether you personally approve of drug use or not. No government should have any say on what an adult individual chooses to put into their body.
  17. No, it is not. Sorry, place kickers and punters really don't count. How many starting running backs and linebackers also played on the Harrison soccer team??
  18. At this point in time I'll take it.
  19. Wrong. I know exactly who Mr. Clouse is. So I still don't understand why you appear to support Harrison soccer yet advocate for those Raider soccer athletes to play tackle football instead.
  20. Ahh, so you hate Harrison soccer specifically yet have no scruples about gleaning knowledge from said school's soccer coach.
  21. Because the thesis was brought up that socio-economic status is a primary driver of athletic success at the high school level. And with Harrison high school being located in West Lafayette one could make the obvious connection that a significant percentage of those resides within the Harrison government schools geographic area are employed by Purdue University and are therefore government employees. Not if Mr. Biden, who I assume you voted for, gets his way. Nice to know you support an American economy pretty much propped up government entitlement spending. That is a pyramid scheme that is doomed to fail. And what will that future mean for our children and grandchildren? Nice way to put it. You are definitely smarter than I am foxbat. And sure, here are your numbers: This: 61.7% versus 26.7%
  22. Nice attempt at dodging, foxbat. You listed a number of things, including your precious employer, that government should have no business funding. And since you too lazy to defend your employer I found this on https://datalab.usaspending.gov/colleges-and-universities/#section-institutions Why do you hate soccer and wish for Harrison's historically successful soccer program to go into decline?
  23. Have to get those OMG! Athletes playing soccer to strap on a football helmet.
  24. And please tell us how much of Purdue's operating revenue comes from fees/tuition/etc. paid from federal, aka taxpayer funded, student loans?
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