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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Muda69

    IU 2020

    Agreed. "Three Things Can Happen When You Pass and Two of Them Are Bad." - Darrell Royal
  2. I did. The popular vote effectively transfers to the electoral college voters for those winner take all states. I suggest you listen to this recent SOHO Forum/Reason debate on this topic. Very interesting: https://reason.com/podcast/2020/11/20/the-electoral-college-keep-or-replace-a-soho-forum-debate/
  3. Are not 48 states currently "winner take all" where whoever wins the popular vote in that state gets all the electors votes?
  4. In 4A Frankfort's "up year" they defeated 2 1A, 1 2A, and 2 3A schools. In other words, schools that have pretty much the same talent pool of athletes as they do. As just goes to help show the complete deficiency in the IHSAA's stubborn insistence on sticking with an enrollment based classification system.
  5. Not yet. But watch out if the movers and shakers of that school decide to.
  6. Yes. Yes, I did vote third party. And I don't view my vote as some sort of horse race, like you and other uni-party supporters do.
  7. Please explain. I thought you basically said both Indiana and Nevada are irrelevant when it comes to choosing a POTUS.
  8. So your vote and my vote for POTUS are essentially useless?
  9. No, not really. While Mr. Cuban has some interesting ideas, but you get money of our politics by reducing the size, scope, and power of the government, not through more campaign finance legislation or tweeting people to donate to food banks instead of campaigns. And his opinion of private charity is just wrong.
  10. I guess this is ok if you want California, Texas, Florida, and New York to decide every presidential election, and completely marginalize most of the "flyover states" in favor of the "coastal elites".
  11. What came first, campaign financing by special interest groups or legislation passed to enrich the special interest and/or deny their competitors? The problem is simply that government, especially the federal government, has too much power over the lives of American citizens. Return the federal government to what is explicitly defined/enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
  12. I'm happier every day that I didn't vote for either uni-Party candidate. At least I can stand secure in my principles for smaller government and personal liberty. A choice between a deranged incumbent in Mr. Trump and 11-Trillion Mr. Biden wasn't really a choice. Not if you really have scruples.
  13. Oh well. You win some you lose some. Looks like <insert deity here> isn't on those p/p's side tonight. I just wish I was as smart and successful as you are, foxbat.
  14. I do know. Still, sixteen days in this age of technology seems a bit extreme to me.
  15. Yep. A little more info here: https://deadspin.com/penn-state-coach-james-franklin-cant-mask-what-is-going-1845725468
  16. Hmm. One would think with the fancy technology Nevada has, as evidenced by that website, that such verification could be largely automated, with only anomalies being flagged for human intervention.
  17. Fancy Schmancy. Again, why did it take 16 days for your vote for Joe Biden to officially get counted?
  18. I don't recall every pitching anything about Pioneer on this forum. Easy, whenever at least one p/p doesn't win a class 1A through 5A state title it's a anomaly. So we had two years of anomalies in 2017 and 2018.
  19. WHY did it take 16 days after the election for YOUR ballot to get counted. And how exactly do you know this? Does the state of Nevada send every voter an email or text message saying "Congratulations! Your ballot has officially been counted by your local election officials."?
  20. Yeah, Nevada sounds like one screwed up state. With all the money counting going on in Las Vegas accurately counting ballots in a timely matter should be child's play.
  21. So when the p/p's most likely win 100% of the 1A - 5A state titles in a little over a week that is just an "anomaly storyline". Got it. And nice Hotzing on the Knights chances. If anything it will be South Adams schedule who catches up with them. After all haven't we all heard it time and time again that nothing prepares a team better for the tournament than a Hoosier Conference regular season schedule?
  22. Then I'll put LCC or Covenant Christian as the likely 1A State Champion. And no, not an Eggshell. Definitely a whitewash when 5 p/p schools, who with them and their p/p brethren make up only about 10% of all the football playing schools in the state, win 100% of the state titles of which they are eligible.
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