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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Let's get this started right: Joe Biden's Disastrous Record of Using 'Bold Federal Action' To Solve America's Problems: https://reason.com/video/2020/11/11/joe-bidens-disastrous-record-of-using-bold-federal-action-to-solve-americas-problems/ Sorry, this American doesn't want Mr. Biden, or any politician for that matter, telling me what is for my own good.
  2. Yeah, too many federal jobs at stake. Have to give those federal LEO's something to do........................
  3. Please elaborate. I may be many thing but a supporter of socialism isn't one of them. Just go and read my various posts on the OOB forum. Depends on how you personally define "quality".
  4. Gov. Andrew Cuomo's New COVID-19 Restrictions on Private Home Gatherings Violate Personal Liberty https://reason.com/2020/11/11/governor-andrew-cuomo-covid-restrictions-private-home/ The state of New York is now basically a Police State. Welcome to America.
  5. Yes. Eliminating an extracurricular activity is always an option, and it is something that a community should have the ability to do if so warranted. As for "move up or shut down if you don't like our rules" membership in the IHSAA is voluntary.
  6. I figured this is the best place to put this. Back to virtually another lockdown: https://www.indystar.com/story/news/health/2020/11/11/coronavirus-indiana-holcomb-announces-restrictions-amid-surge/6251537002/
  7. And such a lawsuit raised on those grounds would have failed, probably with multiplier programs already in place in other states as a precedent. Then there is the fact that the IHSAA is not a government organization and membership in the association is voluntary.
  8. I don't recall the vast majority of successful P/P's programs being that way due to "deep pockets and resource advantages". If fact most of the p/p zealots on this forum have crowed about how those programs have had perennial success despite not having the "deep pockets and resource advantages" of their government school counterparts.
  9. And it's not just a government school system decision but a decision by the community as well. Dollar to donuts that most if not all of these perennially successful school programs have a top notch youth program in their community as well.
  10. I wish the likes of a Bill Cowher could be coaxed out of the talking-head booth and back onto the sidelines. But maybe the game has passed him by......................
  11. I did not vote for Mr. Trump, so there is nothing for me to "get over". But his uni-party counterpart Mr. Biden is really no better. Any objective individual who cares about personal freedom, responsibility and limited government can see that. 11-Trillion Joe.
  12. Wow, you suckers really don't comprehend much when you read these threads, do you? For the record I don't agree with DT that a 2.0 multiplier is the way to go, and have not for several years. If the IHSA doggedly decides to stick to an enrollment-based classification system then IMHO an automatic one class bump up for all P/P's is the fairest way to go. None of this multiplier stuff that would allow the p/p's to manipulate their 9-12 enrollment in order to maintain the football hegemony they already enjoy. As as I have stated on this thread an numerous others IMO a true system of relegation/promotion with enrollment a complete, 100% non-factor is the way to go. If that view along with me upvoting DT makes me a "lapdog" and "weak minded follower" then so be it. I've taken the dogpiling by you trolls before, and I'll take it again.
  13. Nice to know that you believe individuals who freely support each other are "lapdogs". You must be quite the rugged individualist, butthurt over a downvote and all. Who are your lapdogs Lysander?
  14. No, just you. Sore about getting a downvote. Hence your response.
  15. I have already voiced my opinion in this thread of what is best for competitive balance in Indiana high school football. Sorry that isn't enough "spine" for you. And I will stand up for somebody I consider a friend, and do it with downvotes if necessary. Interesting to see you get butt hurt about it.
  16. My wife won’t let me get a tattoo of a grizzly on each bicep. She is infringing on my right to bear arms.
  17. Here’s What Donald Trump Should Do Before Inauguration Day https://mises.org/wire/heres-what-donald-trump-should-do-inauguration-day Step two: pardon generously. One of the best and most libertarian powers a president has is the ability to grant pardons. This is an essential check on the power of the federal bureaucracy and the federal courts. Trump should employ this power broadly: Step 3: fire the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. Although it is rarely acknowledged in discussions of law or policy, members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors are no more protected from being fired than are members of the president’s cabinet. That is, Trump doesn’t need permission from Congress to fire the entire board. For years, the Fed has pursued a radical policy of money supply inflation by relentlessly expanding its portfolio. The purpose of all this has been to both prop up favored industries and pursue higher inflation targets. Rockwell quotes Ron Paul, who notes: These policies will prove to be disastrous for American families and the economy overall. And the members of the Fed board are all poised to enjoy a free pass. By firing the entire Board, Trump would of course not prevent similar bureaucrats from taking over the same reins. But there’s also no reason to help the Fed project a false image of “public service” and stability. Firing the entire board would force the Board’s members into the spotlight where they would have to publicly justify their cushy jobs, while perhaps letting the mask slip on the Fed’s longstanding ruse surrounding its alleged “apolitical” policymaking. Step four: bring the troops home. Rockwell writes: For decades, the national garrison state has coasted on the fact US troops have been stationed all across the globe. The status quo thus becomes one state of global intervention, while withdrawing the troops is portrayed as some sort of radical departure from established policy. Trump could reverse this situation by withdrawing enormous numbers of troops from global deployments right now. The Pentagon would of course drag its feet. But the Pentagon likes to claim it can deploy troops across the globe on a moment's notice. Why is it the process is impossible in reverse? An aggressive drive toward demobilization would create a new status quo, and put the onus on the Pentagon and its allies who would then have to justify countless new deployments across Asia, Europe, and Africa. As the Obama administration's failed attempt at a large-scale Syria invasion showed us, the public's appetite for new deployments may not be as large as the interventionists hope. But the debate must be forced onto the public stage by bringing the troops home now. Step five: the president must reject calls for “unity”: Coming from politicians, calls for unity are almost never anything other than a ploy designed to consolidate power for the regime. The Biden administration's latest remonstrances for unity are no different. Moreover, as the election has shown, the United States is indeed not unified at all. Voting returns suggest perhaps half the country views the incoming administration with a mixture of fear and suspicion. Slapping a thin patina of "unity" on top of a deeply divided electorate won't solve the nation's problems. Indeed, if Trump is on the way out, his final months should be characterized by a rejection of "unity" in which the outgoing adminsitration paves the way for the new administration to seamlessly begin implementing an entirely new round of freedom-destroying policies. If anything, now is the time for maximize disunity in Washington with radical steps the Trump has been too cautious to attempt before. And as one of the comments to this commentary states Mr. Trump should pardon Edward Snowden and Julian Assange.
  18. Vaccine Music To Libertarian Ears: https://www.cato.org/blog/vaccine-music-libertarian-ears There’s a libertarian regulatory lesson here: as we saw with the Food and Drug Administration and COVID-19 diagnostic testing, bureaucracy can hold up important innovation, bringing enormous costs during a pandemic that right now is severely constraining commercial activity and our liberties. And with government funds come the threat of both political pressure and control that put further sand in the gears.
  19. https://www.jconline.com/story/news/2020/11/09/lafayette-census-taker-says-she-told-enter-false-information-rush-close-2020-count/6219129002/ So if this happens in little 'ole Lafayette, Indiana it must be happening across the country. Yet another government institution that betrays the public's trust. And of course the MSM has to portray it as Mr. Trump's fault.
  20. So when is the MSM the sole decider of who wins a presidential election? Wouldn't this year be on 12/14 when the Electoral College electors vote in their state?
  21. The Bears are currently 5-4 and on a 3 game losing streak. They tank their remaining 7 games to go 5-11 and that may put them in shouting distance of the #1 pick with a lucrative trade thrown in. Say Mr. Mack?
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