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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Stop this mentality, break the two party system!:
  2. Yeah, I agree about the possibility of the amendment. The issue as I see it with a mandatory retirement age is that it would probably nudge Presidents to nominate younger and younger individuals to the court. Is this what we want? How much judiciary experience should a potential justice have?
  3. Meanwhile, tyranny in California looks a lot like this:
  4. From our friends in Gitma Nation East: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8888639/Government-stop-large-families-meeting-Christmas-bloc-cross-tier-gatherings.html Police State indeed.
  5. So would I. I recently read about a proposed change to the SCOTUS that I believe at least merits thought and discussion: A constitutional amendment that: a) Set the number of seats on the SCOTUS to nine. b) Sets a term limit of 18 years for Supreme Court Justices.
  6. ? Please tell me about these points at Eastern Pulaski schools. lol, hardly a hissy fit. Mostly chuckling at your attempts to write a coherent sentence.
  7. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/americans-cant-get-enough-guns/ The 2nd Amendment is a wonderful thing.
  8. Time for Ryan Pace to take the keys away from Matt Nagy https://deadspin.com/time-for-ryan-pace-to-take-the-keys-away-from-matt-nagy-1845506368 Bingo. A friend and I were discussing this exact same topic earlier today. The Bears OC Bill Lazor must have the easiest OC job in the league, he doesn't actually have to call any plays or make any in-game decisions. Time to give him a shot, whatever Mr. Nagy is doing isn't working.
  9. How does a train eat? It goes chew, chew.
  10. Easy. Let's say when Mr. Biden is elected him and the Democrats decide to add six new seats to the SCOTUS in order to combat this supposed "conservative bias" with the existing justices. Mr. Biden then fills those new seats with more 'liberal leaning' appointments. All is well and good, right? Now what is to prevent the Republican from doing the exact same thing when their party comes back into power? And now we go from a 15-seat SCOTUS to a 21-seat SCOTUS. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. And any confidence and faith in our judicial governmental system goes right down the toilet.
  11. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2020/10/27/indiana-governor-race-takeaways-second-debate/3756516001/ Sorry Mr. Holcomb, your reasoning against marijuana decriminalization is a copout, plain and simple. Apparently you are still getting your state marching orders from Mr. Pence.
  12. So you capitalize "Hook" as "hook" and "Frazier" as "frazier". Got it. Must be that Pulaski county education. Liberal democrats like StatGuy and Dante don't really care about objective truth. For them it's all about virtue signaling and the "feels".
  13. A typical short sighted response from a member of the uni-party. Anybody with a modicum of common sense knows where court packing will lead.
  14. Would a child get threatened with arrest for missing the first 90 minutes of a physical school day?
  15. Speaking of the legend and the green tie: https://clintoncentralbulldogs.com/2020/10/27/ccs-gilbert-named-region-4-coltsnfl-coach-of-the-week-honorable-mention/ Always professionally dressed on the sideline, like every football coach, especially the head coach, should be.
  16. Bingo. The movers and shakers in the CP community probably just want to move on to basketball season.
  17. Agreed. The Trojans have already effectively played their state title game.....................
  18. Dunno, depends on if you want an area with real population growth. Some people don't. How long can Adams township hold back the urban sprawl?
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