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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Yep. Bears need to effectively tank this season and try to get in on the Trevor Lawrence sweepstakes. And last night's game was so moribund that I actually switched over and starting watching the excellent 30-for-30 on the '85 Bears. Much more entertaining..............
  2. Much like the Democrat side of the uni-party thought Ms. Clinton was gonna win in 2016. The whining about that loss went on for at least a year, just like this loss of Mr. Trump's will. Again, uni-party.
  3. If you are using chrome there are a number of plugins/extensions that allow you to view multiple tabs at once. Here is just one: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tab-resize-split-screen-l/bkpenclhmiealbebdopglffmfdiilejc?hl=en-US
  4. Biden Has a Plan for a New National 'Supply Commander' https://reason.com/2020/11/13/biden-has-a-plan-for-a-new-national-supply-commander/ Yep, baby steps towards government socialization. Start with the logistics surrounding medical supplies, using the pandemic as a reason. Then spread to the logistics of other goods, like food. Once the entire national supply chain is effectively run by the federal government then move on to socialize the actual production of goods. Insidious.
  5. Here is a "4A" school with a 73.7% "Economically Disadvantaged" rating: https://inview.doe.in.gov/schools/1011700997/population I personally liked the term "Free or Reduced Lunches/Textbooks" instead of the politically corrected "Economically Disadvantaged" label.
  6. I don't get it. I am not a Boomer. And I have probably "been on the internet" longer than you have been alive, sonny.
  7. So please PHJIRish, tell all about how "serious" a fan you are. Maybe I can aspire to live up to your seriousness about a game played by children.
  8. Now you are starting to see the picture. Enrollment should be irrelevant when it comes to football classifications, for both p/p and government schools.
  9. Hmm, under current open enrollment legislation can't they decide not to allow out-of-district transfers? Sounds like a way to grow or limit enrollment to me. Also a government school corporation could decide to build another high school if current and future enrollment growth supports it.
  10. No, it's not. But I understand that statement coming from a p/p zealot like yourself. The current system allows most p/p's to have their cake and eat it too, so who wouldn't want to protect that system?
  11. If HBO decides to make it's new documentary "The Cost of Winning" into a season-by-season effort, I believe Cathedral would be a good program to highlight.
  12. Then the enrollment of the two schools playing shouldn't matter at all, should it?
  13. There you go, leaning on the crutch of enrollment when you feel it's to your argumentative advantage. Again, fair classifications should be about program, not enrollment.
  14. Kamala Harris Proposes Housing Plan Where Everybody Gets Free 10'x10' Room And Three Meals A Day https://babylonbee.com/news/kamala-harris-excited-to-share-her-plans-for-affordable-housing?utm_content=buffer6810d&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer&fbclid=IwAR1ktyQjbvdngSWVNhU7VwdgcSSdvZM22bLe1PKUsNjsYgANfz6v5h-CVS4 The American Dream.
  15. Chicago Bears coach Matt Nagy is handing over play-calling duties to offensive coordinator Bill Lazor: ‘We need to do what’s best for us’ https://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/bears/ct-chicago-bears-matt-nagy-play-calling-20201113-2s5d7wexizb63anvvmi4wkyyxa-story.html About time!
  16. Heh heh. Congrats on 32 years of marital bliss. And my spouse's favorite line is "I may not be right, but I'm never wrong."
  17. I'm assuming this shutdown comes with another 3-4 TRILLION dollar federal bailout bill. Just what we need.
  18. Joe Biden's COVID-19 Death Forecast Looks Less Plausible Every Day https://reason.com/2020/11/12/joe-bidens-covid-19-death-forecast-looks-less-plausible-every-day/ Of course Biden is going to scaremonger. It helps keep the populace docile and under control.
  19. Insanity is "enjoying" a next 4 years where 11-Trillion Joe drives the country further and further into debt with his socialist schemes. Leaving a completely impoverished nation for his children and grandchildren to struggle through.
  20. For those of you that have extolled the virtues of 8-man football here on the GID: Is this kind of crud really what we want for Indiana High School football?
  21. https://reason.com/2020/11/12/department-of-energy-rolls-back-obamas-dishwasher-restrictions/ Agreed. And the timing of this is good news because we are in the market for a new dishwasher. Our old dishwasher was an Obama-era piece of crap that definitely did not get dishes clean with one cycle.
  22. https://reason.com/2020/11/11/how-elite-colleges-rip-off-taxpayers/ Yes, yes he does. And America can't afford it.
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