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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Gavin Newsom's French Laundry Outing Crystallizes the Arrogance of COVID-19 Dictators https://reason.com/2020/11/19/gavin-newsoms-french-laundry-outing-crystallizes-the-arrogance-of-the-covid-19-dictators/ Yep, hypocrites to the max, all of them.
  2. Here are you most likely 1A through 5A state champions: 1A: LCC 2A: Evansville Mater Dei 3A: Chatard 4A: Roncalli 5A: Cathedral AKA a "Whitewash".
  3. Nearly 50,000 doctors and scientists, 630,000 citizens have signed global anti-lockdown proclamation https://justthenews.com/nearly-50000-doctors-and-scientists-630000-citizens-have-signed-global-anti-lockdown-proclamation
  4. The Left Politicizes COVID: Irony Abounds https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/11/the-left-politicizes-covid-irony-abounds/
  5. Yes, pretty much. And since many of them already had extended family living in Frankfort they had a place to stay when they arrived.
  6. Frankfort has a very sizeable Hispanic population living within the city limits. Many of those families have been here for decades, some say their previous generations came to the area from Mexico for seasonal agricultural work and just decided to stay. Then around 2000 a lot them had relatives in Mexico migrate (legally or illegally) to Frankfort in order to find work. It was an open secret than many of the small factories and warehouses in Frankfort and surrounding communities (Lafayette, Delphi, Lebanon, Kokomo, Logansport) would hire these workers with little or no documentation and/or fake/copied SS numbers. That seems to have died down over the last 10-15 years, but I'm sure it still goes on. That is why if you look at the latest IDOE data for FHS it shows the student population being 55% Hispanic. The school corporation as a whole stands at 52.2% student being Hispanic. In contrast all the other government schools in Clinton County (Clinton Central, Clinton Prairie, and Rossville) have White student populations over 90%.
  7. Then you were living under a rock: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/why-hillary-clinton-supporters-need-to-quit-whining-about-the-electoral-college-2016-11-30 https://www.fresnobee.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/article127830734.html https://www.rnla.org/sore_loser_abrams_inspires_hillary_clinton_to_whine_some_more https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/opinion/letters/article_e6d1ccb6-25b2-11ea-9e6d-57da304cab27.html
  8. Left-leaning hit pieces is pretty much all that Deadspin is, thought I have linked to stories from there in the past. And the cowards like DiCarlo and others don't enable comments on any of the "stories" there. Kind of says something in our current internet age.
  9. Unreasonable Rules Fueled a Black Market in Negative COVID-19 Test Results https://reason.com/2020/11/18/unreasonable-rules-fueled-a-black-market-in-negative-covid-19-test-results/ It sure isn't.
  10. Sure. Facts were not the strong suit of the Ms. Clinton supporters back in 2016 when she lost to Mr. Trump, then whined about it for years. Now it's the same thing for the supporters of Mr. Trump who lost to Mr. Biden. Uni-party.
  11. Much like the hillary bots in 2016.
  12. Yep, which is more reason for the IHSAA to dump it's primarily enrollment-based classification system entirely and more to a pure form of promtion/relegation.
  13. Interesting argument. I guess instead of a multiplier we could just give the government school a one touchdown lead at the beginning of any game they play against a p/p school. Call it a handicap.
  14. Bad advise. And the leadership of the IHSAA back in 2012 lacked a backbone. They probably still do.
  15. Ditka and Ryan seemed to work out ok for the '85 Bears.........................
  16. Then frankly IMHO the court established a flawed test. A private entity providing taxpayer-funded pensions to it's employees is just wrong, full stop.
  17. Sorry, an organization that provides taxpayer-funded pensions to it's employees can't really be a private entity. The TSSAA claim that is still a private organization after this "entwinement" with the Tennessee state government is just a smokescreen.
  18. We Need to Change Teacher Training https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/we-need-to-change-teacher-training/?utm_source=recirc-desktop&utm_medium=homepage&utm_campaign=right-rail&utm_content=corner&utm_term=second
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