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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Exactly. And why doesn't this seem to work for 99% of the government school football programs. Should Frankfort, a "4A" school, join a primarily 5A/6A conference so they can "slum down" to 4A for the tournament? Sounds like a recipe for success to me, if p/p's can do it why can't the government school programs?
  2. Time for the Bears to tank in order to enter the Trevor Lawrence sweepstakes?
  3. And here we go with the "well p/p school X has a moribund football program, why should they get bumped up to class Y?" argument. Items like the success factor and a multiplier are just Band-Aids over a flawed classification system where enrollment is still the primary factor. It needs to be removed from the equation entirely, and the IHSAA needs to go to a true system of promotion/relegation where labels like '1A', '2A', '6A', etc. have nothing to do with enrollment but are instead a measurable success or lack thereof of a school's football program.
  4. Notre Dame president now slamming students for exposing his failure: https://deadspin.com/notre-dame-president-now-slamming-students-for-exposing-1845619706
  5. The Absurdity of Lockdown 2.0 https://mises.org/wire/absurdity-lockdown-20
  6. R.I.P. Alex Trebek https://news.avclub.com/r-i-p-alex-trebek-1833211841 Truly and American/Canadian icon. He will truly be missed. Now comes the question of who will replace the late Mr. Trebek on Jeopardy! My pick is Ken Jennings.
  7. I really doubt that if you support the socialist polices of the left. Like POTUS-Elect Biden's plan to spend 11 trillion dollars in various socialist endeavors.
  8. Yep, only to be replaced by your cult.
  9. Show me where that goal is enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
  10. Yes, if you love a crushing national debt, the fallout from will be born by our children and grandchildren.
  11. Trump Says Mail-in Votes Are Suspicious Because They Overwhelmingly Favor Joe Biden. He's Wrong. https://reason.com/2020/11/05/trump-says-mail-in-votes-are-suspicious-because-they-overwhelmingly-favor-joe-biden-hes-wrong/ In the months since, various experts have warned about the so-called "blue shift" that could occur after the election, as Trump's supporters headed to the polls in force on Election Day and Biden's mail-in vote calvary was counted in the days after. It's also worth noting that Pennsylvania could have averted some of this mess by changing its law to allow mail-in ballots to be counted prior to the election. Republicans in the state legislature refused to do so. If they had, many of the votes now being tallied for Biden—votes that have nearly erased what was once a 700,000 vote lead for Trump in the state—may have been counted earlier. Counting those votes earlier wouldn't have changed the outcome, of course, but it would have potentially avoided the appearance of a late comeback from Biden—and it is that appearance to which Trump is now objecting and using as the basis for his unsubstantiated claims of fraud. In every way, what's happening now is the entirely predictable result of decisions that Trump and his allies made earlier in the year. If he and they do not like what they are seeing, it should be obvious where the blame rests. Yes it should.
  12. Then again, you must live a very, very sheltered life. Or you are lying. Hmm, I would think a successful democratic and capitalist state would have a degree of healthy skepticism, fear, etc. between the governors and the governed. Not blind adulation and boot licking like you appear to subscribe to.
  13. The Trump vote is rising among Blacks and Hispanics, despite the conventional wisdom: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/trump-vote-rising-among-blacks-hispanics-despite-conventional-wisdom-ncna124578 Ahh, I guess those minority individuals that voted for Mr. Trump just aren't "woke" enough.
  14. I lived in Greene county briefly in the late 1980's when their were 7 high schools. WRV didn't exist and instead you had Central (Switz City), L&M, and Worthington. Those were the days: https://vault.si.com/vault/1985/02/18/back-home-in-indiana
  15. The Disinformationists: https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/11/the-disinformationists/
  16. Nice to have yet another mind reader her on the GID forum. Hmm, or maybe gambling, regardless of the odds, is morally repugnant to him.
  17. So you telling us here on the GID that you have never ever violated a federal, state, or local statute of any kind? Why?
  18. Why is betting so important to you, StatGuy? Sounds like you may have a gambling problem............. And for the record I voted for the Libertarian Party candidate for POTUS. Both sides of the uni-party are simply spending the U.S. into oblivion with no end in sight.
  19. Here we go part 2: Trump campaign to 'immediately' request recount in Wisconsin, citing 'reports of irregularities' https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/team-trump-immediately-request-recount-wisconsin
  20. Here we go: Trump campaign says it has filed a lawsuit in Michigan https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/04/trump-sues-to-stop-michigan-ballot-count-demanding-access-to-tally-sites.html
  21. On Election Night, the Real Winner Was Drugs https://reason.com/2020/11/04/on-election-night-the-real-winner-was-drugs/ This is heartening news for those of use who believe in personal freedom and responsibility; that government has no business telling an adult what they can or cannot put into their bodies. And Indiana is being left in the dust.
  22. Presidency hinges on tight races in battleground states. https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-joe-biden-election-day-966a3decc2c3262946c03baf2dd14e8f Sorry, but Mr. Trump is full of crap on this one. Sounds like nothing more than a knee-jerk reaction, born of fear, from the POTUS.
  23. Just heard the world paper tearing champion has died.... RIP.
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