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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Yep. Something like 51 starting quarterbacks since they won the super bowl in 1985. And those two Pro Bowl QB's were Jim McMahon and Mitchell Trubisky.
  2. Democrats’ Contempt for the Will of the Voters: https://spectator.org/biden-voters-contempt/ Democratic contempt for the electorate is such that the ironic talking point they deployed against Judge Barrett’s confirmation was, “Let the voters decide.” In other words, ignore the 63 million Americans who cast their ballots for Trump in 2016 — largely based on a pledge to appoint judges who would interpret the law rather than legislate from the bench. They also threaten to flout the will of voters by “packing the Court.” If they win control of Congress and the White House, they will expand the number of justices to create a permanent leftist majority on the Court. A New York Times poll shows only 27 percent of voters support this scheme. Legal scholar Jonathan Turley writes that it would wreck the Court: Or, as Orwell phrased it in 1984, “No one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means, it is an end.… The object of power is power.” If it seems farfetched that even the Democrats would govern in such a cynical fashion, consider that less than a year ago, they impeached the president pursuant to ridiculous charges — despite the consistent failure of the Democrats to convince a majority of voters that such drastic action was appropriate. Or, if you’re a real masochist, think about the two-year Mueller investigation into an implausible conspiracy theory and its embarrassing collapse. Both of these burlesques were clear abuses of power without regard to the will of the electorate. And no discussion of Democratic contempt for the voters would be complete without at least a passing reference to their repeated attempts to exploit COVID-19 to pass leftist wish lists full of provisions that have nothing to do with the pandemic, including federalizing elections by mandating mail-in voting, eliminating voter ID laws, and removing restrictions on ballot harvesting. They have also used their COVID relief bills in attempts to defund the police, funnel (more) money to Planned Parenthood, bail out Democrat-run cities and states for pre-pandemic mismanagement, move back deadlines for the census, mandate enhanced banking services for cannabis distributors, ad infinitum. It goes without saying, of course, that such skullduggery is always accompanied by absurd calumnies concerning Trump’s character. It never seems to occur to allegedly “savvy” politicians that gratuitously accusing Trump of racism, corruption, and insanity insults the intelligence of his supporters. People like Hillary Clinton don’t seem to realize that, even when they resist calling them “deplorable,” these voters understand she regards them as peasants. Joe Biden doesn’t get that telling voters they are “full of sh-t” or calling them damn liars isn’t an effective campaign strategy. Nor is telling African-Americans, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” The Democratic Party and the ruling class it represents have nothing but contempt for the electorate, and their attempts to get rid of Trump are about nothing more than disfranchising the “chumps” who voted for him. Their actions since January 2017 have made it clear that they are, like O’Brien in 1984, motivated by power for the sake of power. They don’t care about social justice, equality, saving the planet, ending systemic racism, or any of the other causes they use to manipulate the voters they despise. For them, power is not a means to an end. It is the end. That is precisely why they must be deprived of it.
  3. https://deadspin.com/monday-night-football-now-incites-open-revolt-on-teams-1845492555 I don't take much stock in the "writers" at Deadspin, but this analysis was pretty much spot on.
  4. I'd settle for something like a Colts-caliber offensive line and a competent quarterback.
  5. Meh. It's been almost 2 years since the Bears beat the Packers and Mr. Rodgers has always had the Bears number, so to speak. Unless the Bears O-line and running game get real good real fast it could be game. Otherwise a fairly routine Packers victory.
  6. Barrett confirmed as Supreme Court justice in partisan vote: https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-donald-trump-virus-outbreak-ruth-bader-ginsburg-amy-coney-barrett-82a02a618343c98b80ca2b6bf9eafe07 Issues important to Trump await Barrett on Supreme Court: https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-donald-trump-virus-outbreak-pennsylvania-amy-coney-barrett-9740501906f6aef1cd85b062e3ed788b Get the job, go straight to work. It is the American Way.
  7. It most certainly does. It is covid that is the reason behind the "virtual learning" trend, is it not?
  8. Two other government school districts with multiple high schools that I know of: Tippecanoe School Corporation: Harrison and McCutcheon MSD of Wabash County: Northfield, Southwood, White's
  9. Plus hall of famer George Gilbert and the green tie is back on the Bulldog sideline.
  10. But wouldn't more high schools provide more athletic opportunities for children? Or should the mega schools like Carmel, Ben Davis, etc. somehow field two varsity-level football squads? Surely they have the enrollment and talent depth to support such a venture.
  11. What do you get when you divide the circumference of a Jack-o-lantern by its diameter? Pumpkin Pi
  12. Yes, I have. And yes, I consider myself a follower/fan of FHS. But IMHO that doesn't make them "my" Hot Dogs.
  13. They are not "my" Hot Dogs. I have no official affiliation with the Frankfort High School athletic program.
  14. Republicans And Democrats Will Never Deliver Peace https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/republicans-and-democrats-will-never-deliver-peace/
  15. https://mises.org/wire/why-there-no-such-thing-exploitative-monopoly-free-market Yep, it is oftentimes government regulation that allows such monopolies to spring up, not the free market.
  16. Muda69

    IU 2020

    Yep. It's the old, but true, cliche: "Jimmy's and Joe's beat X's & O's". Practically every time.
  17. https://www.cato.org/blog/how-media-report-preexisting-conditions Yep. The liberal MSM at work again. Disgusting.
  18. School Threatens 12-Year-Old With Arrest for Allegedly Missing 90 Minutes of Zoom Class https://reason.com/2020/10/23/school-zoom-class-arrest-lafayette-mark-mastrov/ Government, and that it includes the public school system, will take any opening it can to insert itself into the private lives of citizens.
  19. I encourage everyone to vote early for this election if possible. I vote this past Saturday at the Clinton County courthouse and was in and out in about 15 minutes. Easy peasy. No standing in line on November 3rd.
  20. 'This Building Has Caused More Problems Than It Solved' https://reason.com/2020/10/25/this-building-has-caused-more-problems-than-it-solved/#comments An interesting interview. And Ms. DeVos is correct, the federal department of education should have never been created. It is a fundamentally unconstitutional edifice.
  21. Muda69

    IU 2020

    IU football earns highest ranking since 1993 after opening with Penn State upset https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/college/indiana/2020/10/25/indiana-football-debuts-no-17-ap-poll-no-19-coaches-poll/6033883002/
  22. The article never said it would be a particularly successful audition. If you say so. And sorry, I don't know what a 'hook' or 'frazier' is. And why do you so blindly support virtually unlimited growth and power of the federal government?
  23. I voted early yesterday afternoon. In and out of the polling place in 10 minutes.
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