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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Yes. Interesting. FTA: That's a pretty broad brush. Also I thought the word "ecclesiastical" had to do with Christian priests, pastors, etc. Mr. Payne-Elliott was not ordained, IIRC.
  2. Knock yourself out. At least I choose to stay and contribute to the community instead of fleeing after a short while.
  3. Compromise, friend. You need to learn about politics................
  4. Whining? I don't think so, friend. I recall probably a third or more of the names on this past season's roster being of Hispanic origin. Great! 90+% of the names on the soccer team's roster were of Hispanic origin. Basketball looks to be about 20-25%.
  5. Nancy Pelosi Calls for Articles of Impeachment, Citing Need To Curb Trump's Overreach, Abuse of Power: https://reason.com/2019/12/05/nancy-pelosi-calls-for-articles-of-impeachment-citing-need-to-curb-trumps-overreach-abuse-of-power/ Mr. Gillespie is right. Uni-party to the max.
  6. Quite the hyperbolic statement coming from you, Robert. Where will this population go? Many of them have lived in Frankfort for decades, I have been told that the relatively recent influx of immigrants came to Frankfort because they already had family here. Would Milan and Maumee townships in Allen county welcome this population with open arms should they all decide to leave Frankfort/Clinton county?
  7. At House Impeachment Hearing, Legal Scholars Disagree on the Meaning of 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors': https://reason.com/2019/12/04/at-house-impeachment-hearing-legal-scholars-disagree-on-the-meaning-of-high-crimes-and-misdemeanors/#comments Well the "why" concerning the record for fastest impeachment is obviously the 2020 elections.
  8. Here we go: https://apnews.com/6ea344e9bf24d8a8b64c20a305c14305
  9. Bingo. The cost for this "park" is obscene, especially since it is only about 2 acres in size.
  10. Primarily #1. Many p/p fanatics like to play the martyr and proclaim how much they have financially 'sacrificed' to send their child(ren) to p/p school, all the while also being forced by the state to pay for traditional government schools. That said, the caliber of a student at a p/p is generally higher. It's the old "I'm paying a lot of money for you to attend this school, so you better excel and also do X, Y, & Z!!!!!" While to many parents government schools are really nothing more that a "free" babysitting service.
  11. So the main purpose of a government school is to be a defacto jobs program for the general populace? As I have stated before Frankfort High School is basically a 4A sized school with a 2A-small 3A athletic talent base. A various socioeconomic factors have to play into that. If you want to call the "veiled racist comments" the so be it. I personally have no issues with the Hispanic population in Frankfort. If I did I wouldn't have moved there 20+ years ago. Most are hard working, honest individuals just trying to provide for their family. Used to live next to a run-down "slum lord" apartment property. Always had a cordial relationship with most of the Hispancie residents. The frankly "white trash" types were the ones who caused all the trouble. Many questions about the juvenile shooting. #1 being why wasn't the firearm property secured? #2 Were these three juveniles currently enrolled at the local government school and if so, why were they not attending it at 10am in the morning as prescribed by law?
  12. I wonder if the Frankfort 13-year who got shot in the fact by a peer on Tuesday played football? Channeling anger into a game built around violence acts. Interesting. I'm sure DT doesn't need or want your pity. Take it somewhere else.
  13. Not a bad idea. A lot of dying rust belt towns in the Midwest. Personally Frankfort's Mayor McCheese is spending the town into oblivion, latest example being Prairie Creek Part, aka "McBarnes's Folly" that was supposed to cost "only" 4.5 million dollars, then ballooned to "only" 7.5 million dollars. Also it was supposed to be completed by mid-July 2019 yet if you drive by the work site, as I do several times a week, it isn't even close to being completed.
  14. Southport boys basketball team reinstated for boys basketball tournament by IHSAA, but head coach suspended: https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/high-school/2019/12/04/indiana-high-school-basketball-southport-reinstated-boys-basketball-tournament-ihsaa/2606745001/
  15. Methinks young Austin Colby took the Kokomo job a little too fast................
  16. I will not be surprised if Ms. Clinton swoops in around the time of the Democratic convention, what with Mr. Bloomberg now entering the race with supposedly a plan to force a brokered convention: https://newrepublic.com/article/155789/theres-one-way-patrick-bloomberg-campaigns-make-sense
  17. https://mises.org/wire/how-avoid-civil-war-decentralization-nullification-secession And by 2019, the need for separation was becoming more urgent. Last week Codevilla continued in this line of thinking: It is notable that Codevilla's strategy is not marked by grandiose gestures of independence or a yearning to re-create the glorious military victories of the days of yore. Such were the mistakes of the Confederates in the mid-nineteenth century. Interestingly, Codevilla's more sensible approach shares quite a bit in common with the strategies recommended by Hans-Hermann Hoppe in his essay "What Must Be Done." The idea is to assert local control and refuse cooperation with federal policymakers. But with restraint. Hoppe writes: Some will be unable to break out of the mindset that the United States must forever be governed by a singular national policy. They will insist any attempt at decentralization of this sort must necessarily result in violence. Writing at The American Conservative, Michael Vlahos, for example, appears unconvinced that violence can be avoided. But even he concedes the violence is unlikely to take the form of mass bloodshed as seen in the 1860s: Many devotees of perpetual federal supremacy, of course, won't admit even this. Any attempt at decentralization, nullification, or secession is said to be invalid because "that was decided by the Civil War." There is no doubt, of course, that the Civil War settled the matter for a generation or two. But to claim any war "settled things" forever, is clearly nonsense. It is true, however, that if the idea of a legally, culturally, and politically unified United States wins the day, Americans may be looking toward a future of ever greater political repression marked by increasingly common episodes of bloodshed. This is simply the logical outcome of any system where it is assumed the ruling party has a right and a duty to force the ways of the one group upon another. That is the endgame of a unified America. Agreed. Another civil war is slowly brewing.
  18. My apologies, Einstein. Doesn't invalidate one bit the data presented.
  19. That is quite an understatement, especially for a supposedly "4A" size program and the competence usually associated with such a designation.
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