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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. So money + convenience trumps safety at our government schools. Got it.
  2. Suburban Mom Handcuffed, Jailed for Making 8-Year-Old Son Walk Half a Mile Home: https://reason.com/2022/11/16/suburban-mom-jailed-handcuffed-cps-son-walk-home/?comments=true#comments This story is very sad, and infuriating. It is basically the government stating that parents don't really have the right to raise their children as they see fit, it is government that only allows them to do so.
  3. Uggh, the grossest of the gross. And for Kokomo that is saying something. Go Wildkats.
  4. I'm writing a book on reverse psychology. Please don't buy it.
  5. A clipboard? At 15? You sure it wasn't a bong?
  6. Puberty Blockers And Medical Lies: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/puberty-blockers-and-medical-lies/ We in the West have been running this grotesque experiment on desperate young people and their families. The medical authorities and political leaders who kowtow to them have abdicated their responsibility to go carefully with these irreversible interventions. True, they claimed that these things were reversible, which has been at best debatable -- at best. What happened is that trans activists captured the institutions. Children whose bodies have been permanently wrecked, and their families, are the collateral damage. Imagine the pain of parents who consented to puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for their psychologically suffering child, based on medical advice, and who now have to bear the cross of knowing that they did not protect their child from these ghouls. These past three years, with the Covid issue but not just that one, have wrecked the authority of institutions. Do you trust doctors, in general? I do not. I did prior to Covid, trans, and Black Lives Matter. But we have seen very, very clearly how quickly medicine can be and has been captured by radical ideologues. My children are older now, but if they were still small, I would never, ever, ever allow my kids to be alone with a physician. Ever. Similarly with the matter of teachers in elementary school, middle school, and high school. They (teachers) have aligned themselves with the radicals, against parents. Not all teachers, and not all doctors, do this -- but how are parents to know if their children's doctor(s) and teachers are trustworthy? I don't understand why there has been no backlash against all this. They really are coming after our kids. This is not conspiracy theory. We were harshly instructed that we couldn't talk about facts that could challenge the Narrative -- on Covid, on trans, on race -- and still can't do it until and unless institutions like The New York Times decide we can discuss these things. We have to stop living like this. We have to. Look at the damage to the lives of flesh-and-blood people from the elites deciding that we cannot discuss these things, because exercising free speech to debate these matters is "dangerous" or even an exercise in bigotry. Don't you see what's happening? It's all about control. The American Psychological Association has a detailed set of guidelines for writing about psychology and medicine. One of them says: Pronoun usage requires specificity and care on the author’s part. Do not refer to the pronouns that transgender and gender-nonconforming people use as “preferred pronouns” because this implies a choice about one’s gender. I thought "preferred pronouns" was a neutral way of talking about the pronouns an individual wishes others to use. It was yesterday. No more. See how this works? “You will not be able to predict what will be held against you tomorrow. You have no idea what completely normal thing you do today, or say today, will be used against you to destroy you. This is what people in the Soviet Union saw. We know how this works.” .....
  7. Not out of the question if you knew anything about the city of Kokomo. Go Wildkats.
  8. https://reason.com/2022/11/15/the-military-ufo-complex/ Of course it is all about the money. I've seen that listing for that Secret of Skinwalker Ranch show on Netflix but have never watched it. May have to give it a try now. :)
  9. This failure of the "Red Wave" could cause Mr. Trump to eschew the GOP completely and create his own MAGA party.
  10. Links please. What exactly is your definition of a "small-l" libertarian? The libertarian opposition to government funded primary & secondary education is well established.
  11. Not if they have been raised correctly. Because it is extra, not the core mission of a government school. All of those activities could exist, and thrive, under a private club model. Sounds like you, Rodney. I've been a libertarian (not a member of the Libertarian political party, btw) for 30+ years. Try again.
  12. Yes, if they had been sufficiently trained in the use of such equipment. https://www.freerangekids.com/ Yes, I have a problem with all government high school extracurricular activities. IMO they should not exist as an extension of the government school .
  13. Please, elaborate. Can the children be there without an adult being present?
  14. ? How so? With your recent posts you sound pretty much like the individual in Mr. Leary's song.
  15. https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/11/entertainment/gallagher-comic-dead/index.html Truly an American Comedy Icon. He will be missed.
  16. Looks like Peter fell down playing football again.
  17. Hmm. I once witnessed a soccer player get an ankle shattered due to a hard sliding foul perpetrated by an opponent. No physical contact my ass...................
  18. I don't believe so. Here is the highest I could find: https://www.nfhs.org/RecordBook/Record-book-result.aspx?CategoryId=1928
  19. Old Mar-A-Lago Man Yells At Cloud: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/old-mar-a-lago-man-yells-at-cloud/
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