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Everything posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. My guess is they've seen one since I have! This ONLY happens in the movies. I assure you, NO ONE wins a knife fight, hint...hint.. carry a gun.
  2. Word around the campfire is details are being hammered out.
  3. It's been a couple of months for me. I've been really busy.
  4. Are they recycling or reusing? Since the article focused mainly on the consumer level, that's what my comments were aimed at. Industrial applications can and obviously do have some benefits.
  5. When it comes to recycling, anything other than metals are pretty much a waste of time/money. Aluminum cans are the gold standard in recycling. Some plastics hold a little value, paper is/has/will always be a complete waste of time/money/energy. Composting paper wastes makes a lot more sense.
  6. https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/climate-change-scare-tool-to-destroy-capitalism/
  7. This is no waiting period in Indiana. You must pass a NICS background check. They typically take about 15 minutes after you fill out the form 4473. You do not have to have any kind of permit to purchase. You must have an Indiana License to Carry Handgun, LTCH to carry a handgun. You may transport a handgun without a permit, so long as it's not accessible to the driver, it's unloaded, and the ammo is stored separately. To purchase any long gun, you must pass a NICS background check. There is no license required to carry a long gun. There any number of groups that organize such carry events, which I can't for the life of me figure out why in the anyone would do such a thing. You must be 21 years old to purchase a handgun and 18 years old to purchase a long gun.
  8. So, doesn't that kind of go hand in hand with what the former Greenpeace guy was saying?
  9. I know lumber companies get a black eye, but they're slitting their own throats when they don't replant and maintain healthy forests. I have no idea what's driving hell holes like Hati to decimate their forests. If you look at the countries where stuff like this happens, they typically aren't faring real well. But in the US for some time, we've had pretty stringent regulation on importing lumber. I don't deal in lumber much anymore, but I believe imports in the US have to be FSC Certified to be imported. EU and Australia also have similar regulations with regards to importing exotic imports. The US is in pretty good shape as for as lumber as a resource. The big players typically replant two for everyone they cut down. Granted this isn't a 90-120 crop, but it is a renewable resource. It should be noted, that typically softwood forests are clear cut, while hardwood forests are selective cut. This is proper forest management. The new Aruaco particle board plant in Grayling, MI is about to come online. You can read about some of their sustainability at their website. This plant at full capacity will be able to produce approximately 600 rail cars a day of particle board. https://www.arauco.cl/na/este_es_arauco/grayling-project/
  10. We shall agree to disagree. FYI is called a straw purchase, not to be confused with a strawman argument.
  11. Maybe, maybe not. I have allowed other people to fire my guns when we're together shooting. I'm not sure I'd be so generous as to "loan" someone a firearm. This whole thing sounds a little hokey to me, I need to borrow your gun because I'm teaching a friend of mine how to shoot, and neither of us have guns? My main point being, this law is self policing, and since criminals are not really in the business of following the law.... I thought the whole purpose of this was to address straw purchases? Presumable after making your straw purchase, you will have a NICS check when the new purchaser purchases the gun from you, right? As far as personal sales, when FB used to have gun sale pages, there were any number of criminal types lurking. Honestly I found it somewhat alarming thinking people would sell to these people. You didn't have to be an FBI agent to figure out who they were.
  12. C'mon man..... Don't write anything down, don't sign anything, don't take any pics/vids and deny, deny, deny.
  13. It is already illegal for a convicted felon to possess a firearm. I haven't done any research, but I'm pretty sure murder is illegal in Utah as well. Here's a thought, lets actually prosecute those individuals who make straw purchases, these are laws that are already on the books, where those found guilty walk more times than not. https://www.omaha.com/news/crime/woman-who-bought-gun-used-in-kerrie-orozco-slaying-sentenced/article_dcd60ace-8716-5651-9125-cb297998694e.html https://thefederalistpapers.org/us/chicago-crime-rate-soars-as-four-time-straw-purchaser-gets-probation http://archive.jsonline.com/news/crime/milwaukee-man-to-be-sentenced-on-gun-fraud-charge-b99560011z1-322283481.html/ A large portion of guns used for violence are stolen or bought on the black market. I doubt these people are going to be bothered with universal background checks. https://www.thetrace.org/2018/10/stolen-guns-are-fueling-violence-in-chicago/
  14. Not impressed! https://woffordterriers.com/roster.aspx?rp_id=2568
  15. Well, if you buy from an FFL, they lose their license if they transfer ownership without a NICS check. Contrary to popular belief, you can't just order guns online and have them shipped to your door, they have to go to an FFL, who takes possession of them, and performs a NICS check before transferring ownership to you. Also contrary to popular belief, you can't just drive over from Illinois and buy a bunch of guns and take them back to Chicago to kill people. Illinois residents can not purchase firearms from an Indiana FFL. What this bill addresses is the so called gun show loop hole. You see my sweet Wilson Combat Beretta FS92G and you say wow IO, I have to have that gun. And we agree to a price, you hand me cash, and I hand you the gun. This bill would require us to go to an FFL and you would have to have a NICS check before taking ownership of the gun. My point being, if this were to become law, not being interested having a felony charge on my record, I would follow the law, and you're going to have to pay an extra 25-50 bucks for whatever the FFL charges for the NICS check, i.e., more hoops for law abiding citizens to jump thru to remain law abiding citizens. In retrospect, name one shooting that this bill would have prevented? It doesn't stop Sandy Hook, it doesn't stop Pulse Nightclub, it doesn't stop Parkland, it doesn't stop Sutherland Springs, it doesn't stop Aurora, CO or IL.... It's feel good legislation, at least we did "something". I feel better, don't you?
  16. Apparently I was given some erroneous information. I checked the amendments that were offered and found an article stating the same thing I "thought". Apparently I was looking at the wrong info on the house website. As I originally stated, the bill is basically symbolic at this point there's no chance of it happening now. Not to say it won't happen in the future. ****I have attempted to edit my original post to correct the error, but I don't have an edit option.**** W82, not this amendment per se, the entire bill makes life more difficult for law abiding citizens. Per FOPA, there can not be a national firearms registry, which this bill clearly states it does not create. How is it possible to enforce this feel good legislation without a national registry?
  17. I just find it odd, we’re willing to let a group of law breakers off the hook, in order to make life more difficult for law abiders.
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