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Everything posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. The thread is about Madison Football coach, not scheduling, not conference affiliation, not contraction, not Nevada Football woes.
  2. @DanteEstoniayou can downstroke me all you want, the bottom line the MSC is NOT adding an 11th school/10th Football playing school. Why in hell would SC leave a conference where they are one of the largest schools for a conference where they would be one of the smallest ones? Can they compete in some sports, yes, in Football they've yet to win a MSC title, they would most likely be a perennial cellar dweller just like Madison in the HHC. And before anyone starts, yes, I'm aware that JC finished second in Football 2-3 year ago. But it was an anomaly. Madison has looked at other conferences, geographically where do they fit? Travel and competition wise, the EIAC is about a wash with the HHC. They have at times played Greensburg, Batesville, SD, and Lawrenceburg and the results are pretty much the same, with possibly a slightly better winning percentage. The only other option is to join the conference with Southwestern, Switz, South Ripley, etc., and that doesn't really help there cause as there is only one football school in the group, I would guess they'd have similar issues with swimming, wrestling, etc. Silver Creek, Borden, and Henryville are not going to consolidate any time soon. So your point about West Clark Schools being larger than Seymour is moot. The bottom line is this horse has been beat to death, time and time again. Let's bury it and call it a day. You now live in Nevada, why don't you focus on saving Nevada football? Lastly this is not a slam on any schools mentioned. These are the facts as they pertain to the tired subject of conference alignments by supreme leader of the conference alignment/scheduling Nazis.
  3. I had mom, dad, and a bunch of little ones walk out in front of me last night on my way home from my sectional, I accelerated and tried to get them, but they split up, mom went ahead with some of the little ones and dad turned back with the rest of the little ones. I didn't get a single one. Not sure if I've ever mentioned how bad I HATE geese.
  4. I've been privy to some of the numbers of doing this. My opinion is you can't justify the initial cash outlay. Consider it a capital improvement, much like renovating/new construction of a facility. Once it is installed, maintenance/replacement is justifiable. From what we have seen from early adopters, the surface itself will last 10-12 years. With the cost associated with surface replacement it is cost effective if you're spending anything at all in maintenance on your grass surface.
  5. If I had a dime for every time someone spelled my name Brain, we'd all have a merry Christmas.
  6. Using your Occam's Razor analogy, isn't there a paradox? Shouldn't murders as a whole have risen in proportion to the number of guns in circulation? The gun manufacturers have never tried to hoodwink the market there are anything more than what they are. I'm pretty sure you won't find any studies that indicate how healthy it is to be on the business end of a firearm. I'll grant you we've been down this path before and it's pretty much fruitless. I have always maintained that to live in a truly free society there are inherent risks involved and I stand by that. Statistically there is still a far greater chance I'll be killed by a driver illegally driving drunk going home tonight, than I have of being shot by a kid illegally possessing a firearm.
  7. US manufacturers working to increase sales and gain market share, this is outrageous, when did this start happening? Alas we get to the crux of the matter, who gets to decide an individual's needs?
  8. Count me in for a donation to install an escalator to and from the field!
  9. At some point alternative fuel vehicles are going to grow to numbers that matter. With a fair chunk of our roads being funded by fuel taxes, there's obviously going to be an issue. And no doubt as cars become more hi-tech, roads themselves will follow a similar path and most likely become more costly. Cummins announced just this week the opening of a new facility in Columbus dedicated to electric propulsion. So there is a paradox coming, but timing is everything, and this ain't the time. My guess is Illinois facing already tight money issues, saw a chance to add everything they can.
  10. Take your pick. Prior to the last meltdown of this forum I posted stats from mass shootings and the presence of mental illness and psychiatric drug use. I'll concede the point, you guys are right, we need more gun laws, especially in light of how well our current laws are working and being vigorously prosecuted.
  11. In one of the articles linked, at least one of the shooters was using drugs, "legal and illegal" and had been in therapy. As I have stated before no one wants to look at the white elephant in the room, there is a recurring theme in "most" of these shootings and everyone refuses to see it.
  12. I still find myself today going back and watching clips on youtube of the old Carol Burnett Show. Conway was brilliant, and Harvey Korman never got his due as a comedic actor in my opinion.
  13. I believe you are correct. In fact I've heard media personnel talk about the fact his name was readily available on social media, but they were honoring the fact he was a juvenile.
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