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Everything posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. Recovering over the weekend from a long vacation, I fell asleep in the lazy boy Saturday night early, must have been 7:30ish. Woke up about 3:00am, hungry. So I headed to Waffle House about 3:30. Oddly enough a nice policeman pulled out and followed my for about the last mile and a half of my journey all the way to the parking lot. Long story short TD, while I understand what you're saying about a criminal element in the early morning hours, I didn't see anyone in the Waffle House that fit the bill, other than possibly the cook, he was a surely lookin dude. And I apologize for not contacting you about going to the Waffle House @gonzoron it was a last minute decision.
  2. I have to agree with TD here, I believe this does bring their judgement into question, there are way nicer places. I'm not going to lie here fellas, strip clubs just don't hold the appeal to me that they did when I was a few years younger. That being said showing up at a strip club with a couple of lesbians and buying one of them a lap dance......well that's a game changer.
  3. Perhaps it is a generational thing, but I find it odd an American male doesn't know who Alfred E. Neuman is.
  4. I have no idea, but if I were a betting man, I'd bet he's just a normal dude. Perhaps you're the anomaly here Muda? Personally I've been to professional training events, and have managed to not only learn a little, but have a little fun while there. I just don't see the issue.
  5. Key word in my post trained. All good questions. My main point, if I am trained and have an Indiana LTCH, why can't I defend myself with a firearm in a school or similar soft target?
  6. Peggy Lipton.......I know there are some on here who remember The Mod Squad, I had a major crush on her as a yute. https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/12/us/peggy-lipton-dies-of-cancer/index.html
  7. Are you against trained LTCH teachers being armed in school? School personnel can already have firearms on school property with authorization from the school board.
  8. Ritter uses Marian University as it's home field, it is turf. I believe they have a long term deal and barring MU making the jump to D1, I don't see them playing on a Friday night any time soon.
  9. I just looked at this entire thread a couple of things come to mind: 1) Let he among us who hasn't wondered into a White Castle at 3:00 in the morning after a night of bar hopping cast the first stone. 2) Muda, I bet you are fun to hang out with at IT conventions. 3) When you make it to the big city if you're looking for a good time, I'd call @Lysander he has intel of all the best dive bars.
  10. WTF man? "I work in profanity the way others might work in oil or...clay"
  11. I beg to differ: https://www.amazon.com/Biden-Time-Crazy-Uncle-Words-ebook/dp/B01ELPKS1U/ref=dp_kinw_strp_1
  12. I have a pretty good understanding of medical billing works. This was for a surgical procedure (amputation) which took about 2 hours. Granted the surgeon's bill was not included in this. My main point being, he was in pre-op for about two hours, with staff, associated pre-op care, IV, blood work, central line, etc., used an OR for two hours and associated staff, equipment, supplies, meds, pathology, etc., then in post op for about an hour and a half, w/staff. And the hospital was paid about 3K. I don't think their costs were covered. Granted this hospital is non-profit, at least the hospital itself. There is another entity that owns all the real estate that is for profit. My family doctor hasn't taken new Medicare/Medicaid patients in years, there must be a reason. I had a local retired dentist tell me that Medicaid (note Medicaid, not Medicare, I'm not using the two interchangeably) would pay a taxi service more to bring a patient to his office, than they would pay him to do routine dental procedures, extractions, fillings, etc. I believe there is a potentially a looming healthcare crisis in this country, everyone laughed at Trump when he stated he agreed with VOC, the VA is fine. If you want a glimpse of what a government run healthcare system looks like, I'd say that's a pretty good example, only a fraction of the scale.
  13. What is the ideal temperature of the Earth? What is the ideal level of the oceans of the Earth? What is the ideal CO2 level of the Earth?
  14. I just saw a Medicare bill from the local hospital. Charges were over 23K, Medicare deducted over 20K and paid about $2500. Leaving the patient with $528.00 out of pocket. I'm not sure how this business model survives.
  15. I think Biden has a shot at against Trump. I can easily see him playing the Jeb Bush part in this primary. Bush had a machine behind him, but I don't think he had the "want" to do it. I just don't think Mayor Pete has the national following, but in 1991 who'd ever heard of Bill Clinton? And going from a governor's mansion to the WH is one thing, but going from the mayor of a medium sized city in Indiana to the WH is a HUGE jump. I'm not sure any of the rest of them are serious candidates. I'll be honest, I wish this process were a little more compacted. This cycle literally started the day after the mid-terms. It grows tiresome, and I'm sure I'm not in the minority there. I think it will fun to watch, I just wish we didn't have to watch it for so long.
  16. In my opinion, Biden's heart isn't in this. He's 76 years old, he's been out of the game for a couple of years, he's a two time loser, he just doesn't strike me as a man who's invested in this. I think Bernie will be the guy.
  17. Sure until it’s your kid or grandkid that gets stuck. I don’t use straws anyway. I don’t care what you choose to put in your body. I don’t care if it’s needles or your Slurpee cup, dispose of your trash properly.
  18. Heard a story on the radio the other day about San Francisco giving an obscene amount of free syringes to addicts. I'm not for sure, but I would guess a place like San Francisco would be one of the early adopters of banning plastic straws. It begs the question, they ban straws, yet give away free syringes. I understand straws "can" harm wildlife, but I mean even in tiny Seymour, syringes are literally found lying around everywhere. I don't recall every hearing a story where someone was inadvertently poked with an HIV/AIDS tainted straw. I am only left to scratch my head. Quick Google search yielded this result, not necessarily the story I was referring to: https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/matier-ross/article/Those-needles-littering-the-streets-The-city-12898656.php
  19. I'm pretty sure I saw that Mastadon roaming around over at Dinger Schepman's farm one night after sitting at the bar a little too long.
  20. FYI, this is the farm right across the street from El Nopal.
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