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Everything posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. In an earlier post you mentioned the federal government denying people basic human rights, the right to liberty and self determination, etc. So we are in fact retroactively making today's laws apply to yesteryear. Slavery, Jim Crow laws, segregation, etc., regardless of how wrong they were, were in fact the law of the land at the time. Again, as I posted earlier how am I today, in 2019, along with every other tax payer to be held responsible for legal actions that our ancestors may or may not have committed 50-100-150 years ago? You specifically mention in your post the government "unlawfully" taking your father's house. Unlawful by what litmus test? The law at the time of the seizure or the law today? What about women who couldn't vote? What about people who were denied alcohol during prohibition? What about all the drafted military who didn't make it home? What about the Native Americans? What about the gays who were denied marriage until four years ago? Earlier in this thread I posted this below, no one has addressed any of these points: 1 How do you determine who gets reparations? 2 Who is on the hook for the bill? 3 What is the price to right this wrong? How is it determined? 4 How do reparations move this country forward? Does it end racism? Does it put enough money in the economy that entire country becomes prosperous? 5 I don't understand how a US citizen of 2019 can be fined for the legal actions of their forefathers 150 years ago.
  2. And a highly trained well equipped military. Don't let the goofy out fits and spears fool you.
  3. I won't speak for @Rsquared but some of the stuff you say is funny.
  4. Same as it is every year, be the best team on the field every Friday night.
  5. As I've already said, in their race to out liberal the other candidates and set themselves apart from the other 147 candidates, they're just setting Trump up for another four years. Biden is their best shot at winning, and he won't make it to the end. And the mainstream media will once again blindly aid the D's in electing Trump.
  6. A little rain won’t stop your T. Did you get one of the new models with WiFi? I know it sounds stupid, but WiFi is pretty handy on long cooks. Just started our outdoor cooking area and expanded deck yesterday.
  7. I understand the argument. However, AOC is now a congressman, Bernie Sanders has been in congress for nearly 30 years, Joe Biden save the last two years has been in the federal level of government for almost 45 years, the whole lot of them that are railing against corporate taxes are the ones who created the system by which these corporations don't pay taxes. It's the system they built. And now they want to bitch because corporations don't pay any taxes. They're all long on soundbites for the folks, but they're short on actions to back it up. Case in point AOC just this week with her concentration camp vid. She's a member of congress, perhaps she could point us to the legislation she's drafted to solve the problem at the border? The bottom line is R and D alike have no interest in solving any problems. Look at the posts on this forum, it's ping pong. More to your point I think we've reached a point in our society where the perception is, I'll vote for you based on the promise of what you'll give me. That's a scary proposition in my opinion.
  8. Perhaps Wolves should be reintroduced to Indiana? 😉
  9. Honestly, the flooding in Jackson County is pretty normal. The river crested yesterday at 18.2', it's been higher this year. The farm ground that's flooded is the farm ground that's flooded every year. We probably dodged a bullet in the fact the river was just above the normal summer pool before this last series of rain began, it was at 5.8' on Saturday. Normal summer pool is 3.5'-4'. The record flooding we had in 2013 began with the river already just below flood stage, which is 12'. The news clip talks about water rescues, which seem to be a growing problem. I just don't understand people. If the water is across the road, it's not safe, turn around. There is a road not far from my house that gets under water. There is a dip in the road, where if you were to drive thru, you might go from 6" of water to suddenly being in about 5' of swift moving water. There have been countless water rescues at the bottom of the hill from my house. Again, if you get pushed off the road, you go from maybe a foot of water across the road to suddenly being in about 4's of swift moving river. I've seen semi's swept off the road there. https://www.wave3.com/2019/06/19/flood-covered-roads-lead-dozens-water-rescues-june-jackson-county/ .
  10. @DanteEstonia I continually get the "kill me now" tick from you, what is it that's so offensive about my post? Is it the working for what you want or the responsibility thing?
  11. Currently the median income in the US is 59K and some change. According to the chart linked 10% of our population is living in deep poverty that is defined as less than 40% of the national median income, 23,6ish. Or roughly an $11 buck an hour job. You can probably survive in rural Indiana on that income but you're going to be in a lot of trouble in a metro area or on the coasts. My salary is above the median income, yet I still spend time doing other stuff to make additional money. I like toys, I spend money on stupid stuff at times. My point being while I don't necessarily have two or three jobs, I do stuff for pay in my spare time to earn more money. I'm responsible, I show up when I'm suppose to, I do what I'm suppose to, I don't require supervision, I am at times required to handle fairly large sums of money, and it all makes it where it's suppose to. When our kids were younger, my wife and I both worked 2nd jobs to provide for our family. In many cases our kids had, and we went without. This is the problem as I see it in today's world, people aren't willing to take responsibility for themselves and their families. It's easier to blame the system, the government, the man, whatever for your lack of success.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=OYOzUHnPJvU
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