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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. I've offered multiple times. I offered to buy the first round. You were here!
  2. Look DE, I get you don't like me and want to challenge anything I post. But I'm pretty sure we've already covered this ground. You bitch because Medicare may or may not have to shell out some cash for my healthcare at some point in the future. And in the next breath whine and cry because my vote will cause the end of Medicare. You can't have it both ways. And since you are pro having a nanny state, I can only assume your beef with me receiving Medicare is the fact that it's me, and not someone else. Which will make it even sweeter if/when I ever make it to Medicare to know that you're hopefully paying for it. And since we're sharing our feelings to answer your question in the Meme thread, to expand on my question, I think you are an entitled whiny little beotch who should have had his ass beat more instead of hiding behind his mommy's skirt.
  3. 11 years ago, I seem to remember the mantra of shovel ready infrastructure jobs......that apparently weren't so shovel ready. https://www.countable.us/articles/21984-obama-signed-787-billion-stimulus-law-10-years-ago-date It seems to me that there are basically two schools of thought here: 1. Government is the answer to all my woes. 2. Government needs to get out of my way so I can do it myself.
  4. One of my main bones of contention with the implementation of a 40 second clock. But as we've implemented it, I think the pluses way outweigh the minuses. I always contended if I had a QB that would work with me, I could burn about a minute a play. What I have found with the 40 second clock, in blowout games it seems like the clock operator isn't quite as efficient as he was earlier in the game. I have no idea why that is, it just seems to be the case.
  5. Don't hurt yourself, you have a new craft to learn this fall!
  6. I believe per by-laws, all schools are required to take two moratorium weeks. Week 1 of the IHSAA calendar is mandatory for all schools, whatever week July 4 falls in. The other week is at the individual school's discretion. Unless it's changed. I have not paid much attention since my retirement. I know Seymour still takes "fair week" as their 2nd moratorium week, with a fairly large agri-business/4H contingent in the student body.
  7. Best thing in the world when we all got glasses. Before Dad got the belt out, we would slide the glasses down our nose a little. After a couple of whacks, we'd shake our heads, glasses would fall off, and mom would yell at dad to stop because we'd break our glasses. Funny story, our middle brother would always do stuff, then lie.....Finally my oldest brother or I would just say we did it, take our ass busting and move on. Oldest brother and I finally called dad out about it a few years back. We're like you knew he was lying, why'd you beat our asses. Dad's response was perfect, he said "I never bothered you guys after you went back to your rooms and Tony was getting his did I?"
  8. No he was for the guy who barely beat "none of the above".
  9. All out of season activities are voluntary by rule. I did not say in practice, I said by rule. OK first of all VB is the scourge of women's sports. This crap is the reason my kid dropped VB. Her passion was Softball, she liked to play Basketball. Her HS BB coach worked with her. She was a good enough athlete she could help the BB team and missed most of the summer stuff. Even at schools the size of Seymour, sports HAVE to share athletes, some coaches get that and some never will. See my post above, "the placed on kids in the summer by coaches are stupid!"
  10. I hope he's got a forklift to keep moving that goal post, I'm sure they're heavy.
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