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Everything posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. I believe Trump has held her back waiting on this. I don't believe RBG leaves of her own volition while Trump is in the WH. If the worst were to happen, I can only imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth when that confirmation process starts.
  2. I'm not so egotistical to think anyone would care what I have to say about anything. But frankly when I was coaching, it's a GREAT tool to get information to a lot of people. Rainouts, cancellations, postponements, etc., I texted the team, then posted on Twitter.
  3. I'm pretty sure the fat, old, white guy isn't Nike's demographic. New Balance already has that market sewed up.
  4. "Everyone starts out to save the world, at the end of the day if you just helped your neighborhood, you did all right" Levon Helm
  5. Bob as I see our nation become more and more woke, I also see a boom for your industry. How long before we see “hurt feelings” become a specialty field of practice to go along with corporate, tax, family, criminal, etc.?
  6. Busing was court mandated for the city of Indianapolis in 71. In 2016 it was court ordered to stop. So is busing good or bad? In 1967 IPS had it's highest number of students, 109Kish. By 1981 when court mandated busing to the townships took affect IPS enrollment had dropped to about 57K, nearly half. Today's enrollment is around 30K. Is that Dick Lugar's fault? Unigov's fault? Or is it that natural progression of folks leaving the city for the burbs, as we have become a more mobile nation with more expendable income. I can remember going downtown back in the day, it was depressing. Now it's a vibrant happening place. My wife and I frequently get a hotel and hang out for the weekend down town, it's a good time. Whether you choose to believe it or not, Lugar and Hudnut both had incredible vision and leadership for laying the foundation for what is now downtown Indy.
  7. Thank god for the leadership of Dick Lugar and Bill Hudnut back in the day. Indianapolis could certainly have gone another direction. Their vision and leadership shaped the city for years to come. Cities are one thing, look at the doughnut communities that make up the metro area. Right off the top of my head locally, Carmel R, Fishers R, Noblesville R, Greenwood R, Westfield R. And they're all thriving communities. Personally I wouldn't live in any of them, but they do seem to have a lot going on.
  8. I’m not avoiding, frankly I don’t know what it is.....I’m not following along very closely. I’m assuming they give away free needles and have banned vaping. It’s about the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of....
  9. If you want some logic, look at their weed laws. There is no logic.
  10. Not sure what this means for me, since I've never seen it to begin with. Not sure what this means for me, since I've never seen it to begin with.
  11. I get what you're saying........but please find me a Republican in Washington? Because all I can find are RINO's.
  12. As a high ranking elite member of the media perhaps you could tell us. I’ve never seen it.
  13. I agree there are some genuine folks, but they are the exception rather than the rule. And honestly I don't know how anyone who's in Washington for any length of time doesn't become corrupt.
  14. More to my point, NO one has any interest in dealing with it. Past, present, or future. 20 years from now this conversation will still be going.
  15. Bernie has it covered. Not only is he going to solve all of our problems, he's going to fix central America's problems as well.
  16. I'm not aware of any increase in background checks during the BHO administration either. Aside from the Clinton era assault weapons ban, what other assault weapons bans have there been, that crazy Uncle Joe might be talking about. I'm all about pleasing the people SF. Here's one of the guns Biden had banned. Christmases have never been safer.
  17. If we can catch a weekend debate, we should make a drinking game out of it. I ain't got @Lysander I have to get up and go to work in the morning.
  18. OK, purely for entertainment purposes I watched a little of the debate last night, and boy did it deliver. Here are a few take aways: 1. Joe Biden had one job, don't lose. He failed miserably. 2. Mayor Pete looked good, he has two glaring issues, police in South Bend and he's gay. There are people who will vote for him because he's gay, there are people who will not vote for him because he's gay. Unfortunately the people who will vote for him because he's gay don't vote, and the ones who won't vote for him do vote. 3. All Michael Bennett needs is a little mustache and he looks EXACTLY like Hitler, though a little taller. He's already got the haircut and eyebrows. 4. Marianne Williamson looked like she arrived in a time machine from the 70's. And I'm not going to lie, I had to look up her name this morning. 5. As entertaining as it was, it dawned on me at some point, someone with these bat$shit crazy ideas is going to get elected. 6. There are currently seven sitting US senators, three US representatives, two former representatives, and one former senator/VP. Last night I listened to all of them rail against the way things are, and no one seems to want to take any responsibility for the way things are. They've been involved in politics at the national level in some cases since the 70's and now they're expecting me to believe that suddenly after being elected president they're going to wave a magic wand and it's all going to be fixed. They aren't the solution, they 're the problem. 7. One more thought on Joe Biden, he pretty much single handedly was responsible for virtually every piece of legislation passes in the last 40 years, including ACA, per him last night. 8. Kamala Harris probably raised her stock last night. Since announcing she's just been a face in the crowd, I'm sure she'll see a bump. But being a face in the crowd there's no real light shining on you. I suspect once there's a light shining on her, she's going to have some issues.
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