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Everything posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. I'll try to struggle alone without your help then. But I am disappointed because I was counting on you.
  2. First you bitch because I’m going to use Medicare, now you’re bitching because my vote will end Medicare, which is it Scooter? You’re putting me into quite a conundrum. I'm going to adopt a new mantra to live by: WWDED? I may even get one of those little silicone bracelets made up. We could sell them to raise money for your crowd funding venture to save the world.
  3. I must have did some decent sowing, because my life is pretty good right now. Keep em coming Scooter.
  4. Once again Nostradamus how do you know? If I were to believe any of the drivel you post I would expect to fall over dead any minute. How much have I paid into FICA? How much have my employers paid in on my behalf? To be honest, most of the crap you post doesn’t warrant addressing. I merely do it for entertainment value, mine as well as others. This might come as a surprise to you, but you would probably be shocked to know the amount of humorous text that are sent laughing at the crap you post. Keep em coming Scooter, some of this stuff is gold.
  5. Funny stuff DE. Do you think I’m in a wheel chair because of a hip replacement? Riding a scooter around WalMart sampling all the free food because of a back injury? I don’t think I’d have any problem keeping up with you. I can assure you one thing, I’ve contributed more than you ever will, and I’ll damn sure end up receiving less.
  6. Well since myself and my employer(s) have been contributing since I was 14-15 years old....yea I’m fine with it. It must be exhausting moving that goal line around all day.
  7. Since I’ll most likely be on Medicare....thanks for the heads up Nostradamus.
  8. I'm calling BS, I don't care if you took a weekend class on insurance at a Holiday Inn or not. We had employees in a heck of a lot worse shape than me that were able to get on our group plan prior to ACA. Cancer survivors, heart issues, overweight, etc. I just met with my financial guy last week, doing some end of working life stuff. I got some pretty attractive rates on life insurance packages. It's obviously not as bleak as you would have us believe. I may be fat, got some hardware in my body, and old. But I'm still good looking, have my hair, and chicks still dig me.
  9. While I will admit to taking flag protocol pretty seriously and sometimes been referred to as the Flag Nazi, I'm not the one waving the flag all over the place. I really don't care what my fellow citizens think of me or my allegiance to anything.
  10. No. The have them once in a while at my polling place, I decline. I don't need a ribbon for participating. You make a bad decision one night in the drunken stupor after a triple dog dare from your idiot friends, and you're labeled for life!
  11. What makes you think I have ever worn an "I voted" sticker, on my forehead or anywhere else?
  12. I have searched the IHSAA website and looked at the fall bulletin. Is there anything from the office pertaining to jamborees?
  13. I'm saying the party attracts less than mentally stable people. And they are among the party leaders. I would say I tend to have libertarian views on things. Until they get rid of the bat$hit crazy wing of the party, they'll never be a viable party for the masses. The party needs to focus their energy toward local races and build from the ground up. At this stage of the game, running for national offices is thrown money, manpower (personpower for the woke among us), and energy down a bottomless pit.
  14. Every time I think I can get on board with the Libertarians, some fat guy will start pole dancing.
  15. https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/18/politics/democrats-squad-reaction/index.html
  16. Who sits around and thinks about such things? https://sf.curbed.com/2019/7/17/20698146/berkeley-manhole-changes-name-maintenancehole-gender-neutral?fbclid=IwAR2UUoA_GQADYhMuiCLEKiFR7RYqcIBtGisR6ARDDOHmahIIxotEP2Vpn1I
  17. We worked on the security office at Morgan Foods a few years back. I would have to check in at a temp trailer to get my visitor pass to be on-site. I was somewhat shocked at the number of truck drivers I encountered who: A: Spoke little or no English B: I know people who've gone thru the CDL class and have heard stories about how difficult it is, there is NO WAY most of those guys passed the same test. 😄 It literally scared me to think I'm on the same road as these people and they're driving a massive 80K pound vehicle. People in general aside from being distracted are inconsiderate as hell on the road. Put your phone down, pay attention to what's going on around you. And for the love of god, if you're not passing GET OUT OF THE LEFT LANE!
  18. Local police here ran a similar scam with one riding school a school bus. Initially the idea was to go after bus stop violators, it of course spread to seat belts, texting, etc.
  19. I don't really remember Big Wheels being a thing until the 72-73. I really felt like I missed out, because they seemed really cool. By 72 I was 7 YO and felt like I was too big for them. By 7-8 YO, I could pull the 21" Lawn Boy around the neighborhood mowing grass and making cash! That little 1 gallon gas can would hang from one side of my handle bars and I'd pull the mower with that hand, it seemed to even everything out.
  20. I guess time will tell won't it. FYI, in my opinion, the Clinton's are irrelevant in 2020, it's time for EVERYONE to move on, and FWIW, the dude it Teflon, nothing is going to stick to him, so don't waste your time.
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