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Everything posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. How the hell would I know? I've never heard of the guy or the Op/Ed until you posted it. More to the point of my original post that you quoted. I was being sarcastic, he DOESN'T speak for all conservatives. I know, semantics. According to Google, their phone number is (334) 813-5444
  2. YOU INTIMATED THAT HE SOMEHOW GOT SPECIAL TREATMENT WITH NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER. NOT READING BETWEEN BETWEEN LINES. YOUR BIAS IS PLAIN AS DAY. Slow down, use your words. I was speaking of all members of congress at the airport, not the train station. As it turns out....some do receive preferential treatment.....https://www.cheatsheet.com/culture/not-everybody-has-to-go-through-airport-security.html/ And now, as a former VP, he's exempt for life from TSA line. SEMANTICS, AND YES I HAVE WORN THEM A FEW TIMES. CRAZY JOE PROBABLY HAS MORE OCCASION TO WEAR THEM THEN I. I would argue this isn't semantics, words mean things: Own: /ōn/ adjective & pronoun 1. used with a possessive to emphasize that someone or something belongs or relates to the person mentioned. "they can't handle their own children" verb 1. have (something) as one's own; possess. "his father owns a restaurant" synonyms: be the owner of, possess, be the (proud) possessor of, have in one's possession, have to one's name, count among one's possessions, have, keep, retain, maintain, hold, be blessed with, enjoy, boast "I own this house" Wear: /wer/ verb 1. have on one's body or a part of one's body as clothing, decoration, protection, or for some other purpose. "he was wearing a dark suit" synonyms: be dressed in, be clothed in, have on, sport; More Congrats on wearing them, I'm too tight to buy the shirt with the cuffs, and would have VERY few occasions to wear. I bet you looked really cool. When I get inducted into the GID Hall of Fame, can you loan me a shirt and your cuff links, it would be epic. THE NEW NORMAL IS TO CALL THEM "ALTERNATIVE FACTS". HE APPEARS TO HAVE DONE HIS JOB AND NOT EXPLOITED IT. SHOCKING, I KNOW. I never said he didn't do his job, he's worked in government for essentially his entire adult life, that's the definition of eating at the public trough. When he campaigns he talks about all that is wrong with the country, for the last 42 years, he's been one of the dudes creating that. He's in Germany right now shoveling that crap. I've never used the term "alternative facts", I'm not sure how you perceive anything I've typed as "alternative facts". You keep bringing up my bias, R's, D's, they're two sides of the same coin. Look I get it, Biden's your guy, my only point in all of this is it really seems odd to me that he's an anomaly when it comes to career politicians and their finances. I had a local rep that did two stints short stints and fared much better financially. He was taken very good care of following the Obamacare vote based on the fact that everyone knew a Yea vote meant the end of his time as District 9 rep.
  3. Any data to back this up, or is this just based on all the football you watch?
  4. I know I’m going to ragret (sic) this! TAKING A TRAIN INSTEAD OF AIR TRAVEL SPUN AS A NEGATIVE. PRETZEL LOGIC. How did I spin anything, he took the train, I offered some possible reasons why. There’s nothing between the lines to read. THIS AVERAGE JOE HAS HIS GRANDPA'S GOLD CUFFLINKS. SHOOTING A SHOTGUN IN THE AIR SEEMS EXACTLY WHAT AN AVERAGE JOE WOULD DO. You might have missed the part where I said “wears”, which means you actually have them physically on their person, or in this case their clothes. Congrats on your inheritance, do you “wear” them? I think they look cool as hell, but since I don’t have any shirts with French cuffs, or cuff links, I’m pretty much out. I’ve never fired a firearm into the air, as Foxy pointed out those projectiles will eventually come down. I’ve never seen it done either. IF YOU'VE GOT THE MONIKER "CRAZY UNCLE JOE", YOU'VE, BY DEFINITION, NOT GOTTEN A PASS. OR MAYBE HE IS JUST STUPID I’m sorry, I got nothing. NO ONE SAID HE WAS BROKE, JUST HASN'T FED AT THE TROUGH. OR MAYBE HE IS JUST STUPID. POOR SPIN ATTEMPT. Busted, I took some creative license, he’s not broke. Hasn’t fed at the public trough? HE WAS A US SENATOR FOR 36 YEARS! FOLLOWED BY EIGHT YEARS AS VP! He has a pretty sweet pension package, I’d say he’s got his face buried in the trough.
  5. I’m sure his contact info is available since he OWNS the paper, why don’t you contact him and ask him?
  6. Congress members are typically on the hook for their travel to and from the district to work. Perhaps he's thrifty, I'm sure it's cheaper to take the train. Possibly faster, when you factor in to and from the airport, security, etc., though I'm sure these guys are fast-tracked thru the PITA's that us regular folks have to deal with. I may be in the minority here, but most of the average Joes I know, don't wear gold cuff links and fire shotguns in the air. He is a slick and polished politician, he says some incredibly stupid stuff, and somehow gets a pass on it. Hence the moniker Crazy Uncle Joe. Just seems odd to me, a guy who was in the senate for that long, took multiple stabs at the White House, and the poor guy is broke.....just like the rest of us.
  7. It's going to be fun to watch. One question, since most people who've spent their basically their entire adult life in Washington as a career politician seem to leave with a fair amount of wealth, why is Joe so poor?
  8. lol, I watch this play out daily on Jim Lucas's FB page. For a no name representative in BFE southern Indiana, Jim certainly garners a LOT of attention, and even bot attacks.
  9. Hold it men, he's not bluffing Listen men, he's just crazy enough to do it!
  10. I heard a comment from an FBI agent on this issue. He said it's something that happens on TV, but never happens in reality.
  11. I'm sorry, I don't know names, in no particular order, all impressed me as freshmen last season: Soph at Lawrenceburg Soph at Bloomington North Soph at Gibson Southern
  12. It’s really interesting to me how each game kind of has it’s own identity. Some games I’m able to see a lot of line play, some games I get to see the initial block of the LT, and only see the QB and what’s right in front of him, it’s certainly a different view every game.
  13. Doesn’t mean the cool kids still won’t make fun;)
  14. I'm not going to lie, after reading thru some of this, I get a chuckle every time I hear "the attackers shouted "this is MAGA country". Who does/would do that?
  15. It really depends on how the play unfolds for the R. With a RH QB, a lot of times I never see the RT.
  16. After two episodes of basically obscure references (for the TWD Geeks....@DannEllenwood) and back story, it looks like something will finally possibly happen next week. Perhaps it's just me, but TWD this year seems to be taking a cue from Lost, stretching a three season show into a five season show.
  17. I haven't paid much attention to it, other than some news snippets I've heard on the radio, I have no idea what happened, but it keeps getting weirder and weirder.
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