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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by DE

  1. And tsg doesnt mention the FACTS that Murphy was threatened and harassed by the psychotic left.
  2. https://www.theepochtimes.com/sidney-powell-suit-makes-30-allegations-in-bid-to-invalidate-georgia-election-results_3595129.html?utm_source=newsnoe&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2020-11-26-5 Funny .......the party that wants to "unite", just got done calling Trump Supporters, Nazis, bigots, xenophobes, genderphobes, etc, etc, etc. Oh and the same party is threatening physical harm to people trying to do a job. Yeah, not uniting behind that farce. and rightfully so. Luckily it will not matter, as 1/20/21, President Trump will be sworn in for his 2nd term. Thankfully there are still good people left that will fight for this country.
  3. I was watching the 1994 Iron Bowl. All officials (7 man crew) were on the field of play. Why?
  4. I stand by the facts I stated that DIRECTLY are related to discussion points in this thread. Have a great Thanksgiving. Hit a nerve huh? Be well young man.
  5. Amazing that TSG and Scarab do not believe that personal responsibility needs addressing. Says all we need to know about them and so many others in this world.
  6. Bring back personal, individual responsibility. Making it the #1 priority for all people, in all aspects of life and the problem is solved. Until this issue is addressed and fulfilled, every "solution" is just an excuse. Have a great day all and a wonderful Thanksgiving.
  7. And? Watch how it plays out. You are obviously not watching what is happening in the background (real story). But as a person of your persuasion and beliefs, that is not surprising at all. Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. I know I will. Don't put your cart before the horse.
  8. Would love to chat some WWE and learn more of the background “stuff” if you would be up for it? I’d send you a DM. Thanks Rudy.
  9. I saw Pioneer’s freshman QB/DB play a few times. I think he has a very high ceiling. Sorry @Mayo77 I apologize. I misread your initial post that prompted me to respond about the Pioneer QB/DB.
  10. Napier apparently didn’t stay in his “hizzle” either.
  11. What you said. Big boy/heavy TE sets, etc. @temptation Happy Thanksgiving to you 2 gentlemen too.
  12. When I watch ISU I see a lot of similarities to UM. I do not think it is bad. But others do. Great, respectful football banter. Thanks @Gipperand @temptation
  13. There is NO WAY that Ryan Day would leave OSU for Michigan. None! NFL? Sure. Fickell? If he didn't take MSU, he is not taking UM. I can see him staying at Cincy for awhile until OSU opens up when Day goes to the NFL or him going to the NFL, alas Mike Vrabel. Mullen????? Leave the SEC East which is a relative cakewalk to the conference championship vs. Bama, LSU or Auburn. Yeah. Just not seeing that either.
  14. To go to Michigan????????????? Or the NFL? Yes, Luke Fickell is the HFB Coach at Cincinnati. Dan Mullen is the HFB Coach at Florida.
  15. You know way more about UM than i do.....you keep saying never bring in someone with baggage. Didn't they do that with Rich Rod? Or is this a new "thing" since after Rich Rod. Sorry if you already answered it. Out of the 3 you listed Campbell, Cristobal and Heupel. I have heard from some ISU fans, he is very happy there (whatever that means) and is more interested in the NFL. Is his system too much like Harbaughs? He does have STRONG ties to Ohio. Can't see Cristobal. Can see Heupel. Joe Brady would be very interesting. What are his recruiting ties? I would think a guy like Chadwell will need to go to a notch or 2 above CC before he gets a gig like UM. Maybe a UCF if Heupel got a bigger job. That type of thing.
  16. DE

    IU 2020

    I concur, UNLESS say, JUST FOR EXAMPLE PURPOSES......I am officiating a game between 2 less than capable passing teams, that think they are Air Coryell. Then that game takes FOREVER!
  17. Agreed 100%. I think it is very wise for his overall well being (after what he and his family went through of his own doing) to stay at Liberty. And my opinion means nothing here. Though he did say there is always "that itch" of P5 jobs. I used to love that phrase until one of the biggest scum bags of all time began/continued to use it.
  18. And they didn’t get to play a full conference schedule. So if the conference can give these awards, couldn’t they award the conference champ?
  19. If Coach is not coaching at UM after this season, what about a guy like Sarkisian? Kiffin? Whether some like it or not, his name will be tossed out there..... Hugh Freeze? He had a comment just this weekend. He is doing very well at Liberty.
  20. DE

    IU 2020

    I know some fb people just like iso, power, toss, etc. Which is all great. I grew up in triple option football. Loved it.
  21. DE

    IU 2020

    Muda, as another man that enjoys running the football, I really enjoy true triple option teams. How about you? I am thinking flexbone, Academy style.
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