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  1. What bias? Stephan A. Smith is a fantastic sports commentator, always giving even praise or criticism to both sides while being careful to not favor one team or the other. What the ....... ? Sorry, I was having some kind of crazy dream. ESPN is the local network for the Knicks. They did everything except admit their bias.
  2. So as part of the latest expansion of the soon to be 3,000 student HS Avon has added a state of the art training and weight lifting facility. Folks around here think it will be a game changer for the football program. Thoughts?
  3. Coaching stability has to play some part in this. Both are on their 3rd coach in the last few years. It certainly sounds like the new man at IU means business. Not sure about either coaches philosophy.
  4. Of course I meant Tayven. Sorry for the mistake. I'm surprised he's staying. How ironic if Cherry commits and beats out his former HS classmate for the job.
  5. Seems to me I read that they have offered Cherry? And speaking of CG, what's going on with Trayce Jackson-Davis?
  6. In hindsight, I would have paid $20 to this game alone! Instant classic!
  7. Please elaborate. How are the uprights @ UIndy different from HS uprights?
  8. Best game of the night….. Mooresville with a walk off 33 yard FG to beat Brebeuf 40-39.
  9. The Pat Mcafee show is almost worth a subscription fee. That show is outstanding.
  10. Early on I was going to Avon's football games to enjoy the band. Then it happened. Went to the band show and a football game broke out. They looked like a deserving team against Franklin Central...... losing in the last seconds. Followed it up with a one score loss to Fishers. Ended the season with 2 wins. Avon's history against Pike in the playoffs is very good. I believe Pike has but one win out of 6 in the last 15 years. O's will win this one and host the sectional championship!
  11. It's not on the decline. As a '71 graduate, going to state in BBL was electric. The whole town was buzzing. Now, they've taken on the Ricky Bobby approach....... "If you ain't 1st you're last". There's no decline. Just a few leaner years on the talent side (and maybe coaching too?) It's happened before and it will happen again.
  12. MVP..... Bobby Ray Carson, who sabotaged the Arlington field electrical system. Otherwise it would have been a mudfest!
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