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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Fkfootball

  1. 19 hours ago, Impartial_Observer said:

    Dude I’ve offered to buy the first round multiple times. 

    We’ll do it man. We’ll talk football sometime.

    13 hours ago, Frozen Tundra said:

    You’re too civil. I was hoping Rip Rogers had taught you a few holds to use on @Fkfootball. 😂 I jest.

    Well I didn’t have any intention of being in an altercation with I.O. 😆. Just wanna talk football. The man does know some things, and I’m always willing to listen and learn.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Impartial_Observer said:

    Who I am is the worst kept secret on this board! Brian Personett. 

    I’m not calling you out. I’m just saying you give me a hard time on this board. Let us know the next time your attending a football game that is related to Floyd Central. I’d be happy to speak in person. I know coach Hess has soo mentioned meeting you as well. It’s all civil. I was able to iron out issues with the Floyd Central coaches by doing this.

  3. 2 hours ago, Impartial_Observer said:

    Geez dude, you just can’t help yourself can you? I had a nice conversation with JC’s AD earlier in the season at a JV game. He told me of several injuries they were fighting at the time. Injuries happen in sports, how many kids was JC playing without? Sometimes you just get beat. At which time you congratulate the winners and move on to next week and get back to work. First it was the multiple coaching staffs at FC, then it was the players,  now it’s injuries. If you are this famous person that everyone knows and respects in Floyd Knobs, giving pep talks to the team, I would hope you’d just support the school and quit making excuses and degrading every other school. 

    Speaking facts isn’t making excuses. If you want to talk to me, then meet me. I’ll meet you directly. A lot of people want to know who you are anyways. 

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Sergio said:

    The "Attempted Field Goal" was blocked, recovered by the offense, progress was stopped, not running being drove backwards, not 1 inch of forward progress, time expired, play is dead, then JC rushed the field. Led Seymour till the end of the game. when you look at them on tape, its not a typical JC team. The kids and community are buying in.Dont know how committed the school is for football. And, I "AM NOT" saying things are turned around there. They are not far from 4 and 4 instead of 2 and 6. Crews that have worked there will tell you its not business as usual.

    Good win for JC. A healthy Floyd Central team wins that game pretty easily.

    • Haha 1
  5. On 10/10/2022 at 8:01 PM, Uncle Bubba said:

    The 12 men on field penalty..what I was told coach Bragg was arguing. I don’t have access to film so I can’t be sure. You are probably correct if you watched film. 

    The PI I’m referring to was on the last drive by JC with about a minute to go or less. Pass over the middle. Two FC safeties hit receiver as he attempted to catch ball.  ball was knocked out of his hands. Looked like a bang bang play. Again I don’t have access to film so I don’t have a play number. 

    I didn’t make mention of the injuries last week before my pick….because I didn’t know they were out until game time. 

    I agree this site has been a good site for years. Use to get on here and just read comments. But then decided to start commenting. Probably should go back to that! 

    I’ll admit I was probably wrong on the 12 men on field deal. Friday night I was a little hyped up because that FC team has lost 3 really close games.  
    Seymour on last second TD

    BNL last second FG

    JC last second FG

    FK stated the lack of effort from the boys and I just don’t see it that way. They are In every game and competing. Just some real tough losses for the team. 

    I really try not to blame someone or others. Especially the kids, coaches and now strength coaches are being brought into it. Just don’t understand that. Football is a game that has inherent injuries. Unfortunately the injury bug has bit this FC team this year. A lot of talent on that team when everyone is healthy. 

    Good Luck to everyone this weekend and in sectionals. 

    I’ve spoken with the coaches and the players. I’m a well known person in the community. I won’t disclose what any of them have told me. But I’ll tell you what I told them. I told coach Bragg, that I do support him as Head Coach, but I want to see this program get to a good level. He understands that. And I was told things behind the scenes, which again, was between me and him. I like coach Bragg. Really good guy. I know that he’s working hard, and that’s what I want. What I talked to their players about was accountability and pride. Being leaders. I know our community better then anyone in this thread. Better then most. And I know that our players have to have some of the responsibility for the results. It’s not entirely on the coaches or the players. They all need to get on the same page and make it work. I had to learn the lesson of instead of just whining and complaining on a message board, to actually try to do something to help and that’s what I’m doing. I’m available to anyone in that program for anything. If coach Bragg needs me to give a pep talk, do advance scouting, or anything helpful, he’s got my help.

    • Haha 1
    • Kill me now 1
  6. 12 hours ago, FC Transplant said:

    The punt was blocked and caught by the kicker. JC team started to rush onto the field before the play was dead. The kicker still had possession of the ball and was running. I’m not sure it would have mattered as they didn’t impede him.
    Doesn’t really matter. Game should have never been that close. 

    Nope. Floyd Central should be undefeated in the HHC. They’ve had some major injuries and Bernardi was really a impactful injury. I had the chance to speak to many of their players the other night, some of them captains. A lot of them are lineman. I gave them a pretty good pep talk. I expect them to come out and handle New Albany pretty well. Hopefully it works out.

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Frozen Tundra said:

    I’m not saying the drawing is rigged but here’s what I know.

    Columbus East was in a five team 5A sectional from 2015-2018. The first two years they were in sectional 14 with New Palestine, Whiteland, Franklin, and Martinsville. The last two years they were in sectional 15 with BNL, Seymour, Floyd Central, and New Albany. In a five team sectional, you have a 40% chance of playing in the first round and a 60% chance of getting a bye. The chance of not getting a bye in a four year period is 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.4 which equals  0.0256. In other words, you have a 2.56% chance of never getting a bye over a four year period. Well that’s exactly what happened with East.

    If the drawing was rigged, you’d look at that and think it was rigged against East. However, having been around Gaddis and hearing about him from many of his former players, it would’ve been rigged for East. Once football season began, Gaddis had a routine and the last thing he wanted was for him and his players to have their routine disrupted. Throw a bye week in between the regular season and the postseason and you have a disruption in the routine. Gaddis did not want his players to lose focus or come out flat so the weekly and daily routine was very strict.

    Again, I’m not saying the drawing is, or was, rigged but, knowing what I know about Gaddis’ philosophy, it’s definitely quite the coincidence how it all turned out.

    I get what you’re saying. And I never believed it untill New Albany Basketball got 6 byes in a row. Nobody is that lucky. 

  8. Floyd Central must travel to Evansville North and if they win they’ll most likely travel to Castle, as New Albany won’t likely win that game. Tough draw. Although I’m not suprised since I doubt they actually “draw” these things. Case in point. New Albany Basketball having a bye 6 years in a row.

  9. 1 hour ago, boilerfan87 said:

    I'll take the blame for this one since I put it out there as my possible upset pick. 😆

    But really though, they are high school kids. Sometimes, you just never know what you're going to get. That's why they play the games, because anything can happen.

    I don’t think that’s it. People will be quick to blame coach Bragg. In the past, I probably would have too. But Floyd Central never has all their best players healthy. Never. 06 is right, they need to look at their S&C program or something? Something needs to change. That team would be undefeated in the HHC with just a little more health. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, Uncle Bubba said:

    The 2 OLB had some type injuries from last Friday. Only the starting MLB was in tonight. One of the OLB was the TB as well. The other one played one of TE positions. 

    Bad loss, but, unfortunately this team has had some injuries to key players. But, have to play with what the players you have available. Next man up! 

    I just don’t like questioning kids who put multiple hours in every week to play on Friday nights. Yes this generation may not be like yours. But they still work! 

    I don’t know man. But the program is struggling. They have more talent then Seymour, BNL, and JC but that’s my opinion. A lot of guys have been hurt though. But we seem to have this issue every season. 

  11. 15 minutes ago, Uncle Bubba said:

    Easy to block a FG with 12 men on the field. 
    Easy to score late on a phantom PI call. 

    Floyd got home schooled. 

    Floyd Central hasn’t blocked well all season. Whether they aren’t being coach well enough, or not putting forth enough effort, I have no idea? But that’s their problem. All of their OL need to seek out camps after the season. 

  12. Just now, Frozen Tundra said:

    Jennings County gives up a huge pass down to their 13 with 7 seconds left. After an incomplete pass in the endzone, Floyd Central goes for a 30 yard field goal with 3 seconds left but the kick is blocked and time expires.

    Jennings County 24

    Floyd Central 21


    It’s not coaching. I can tell you that. This is one of the softest rosters I’ve seen at FC. They really just don’t want it.

  13. 3 hours ago, Hoosiers1218 said:

    I’m talking about the unbelievable explosive speed like Klingsmith, Carl, etc some of those guys who played many years ago

    Well they have two, very fast, very good RBs in Bernardi and Popp. Unfortunately they’re both out for the season. FC would’ve cruised to a HHC Title with a healthy Bernardi. The guy had like 100 yds against Males defense which even Wenkers Wright didn’t do. He was primed for an All-State season. Hopefully he’ll make it back next year.


    On a side note. I’ve watched some of FCs youth teams the past week. Man they’ve got some studs coming up. Someone also told me their Middle School teams haven’t lost a game. Several blowout wins.

  14. 20 hours ago, Hoosiers1218 said:

    Coach Glesing is now head coach at Shelbyville I believe and I’ve watched FC play JC a couple times when they have come to town since my playing days and I have to say I remember when FC used to produce some unbelievable speed like that Klingsmith kid it appears they have kind of dropped off in the speediness. 


    Not really. Wenkers Wright ran a 4.4 and he’s been starting games for Illinois State. They have some guys that run 4.6 and 4.7 40s. They’re not an explosive team but they have some good speed for a HS team.

  15. 1 hour ago, Hoosiers1218 said:

    Is it possible the problem with Floyd, New Albany, and Jeff is a lot of talent goes over the river? I mean New Albany had Rondale Moore at one point…

    That’s part of it. Floyd Central kids are hard to motivate. They have every advantage in life.  It’s what drove Coach Glesing away. That and the fans didn’t treat him as well as he deserved. Jeffersonville has some discipline issues. Do I think coach Bragg and these other coaches could do some things different? Sure. But I did speak to coach Bragg and he is the Head Coach and it’s his program to run. There’s more going on behind the scenes of HS football then what I had realized before. So I’m no longer gonna trash HS football coaches because if I think I can help then I need to throw my hat in the ring.

  16. 3 hours ago, Frozen Tundra said:

    I don’t want to make a blanket statement and say every HHC football team’s players aren’t putting in the effort. Just look at the schools from a historical perspective. Six of them have little to no history of success in football. The seventh team has a ton of historical success but has gone through unsuccessful periods themselves. 

    We need to remember the HHC is not a football conference. I don’t know if I’m reaching here but I think there’s a possibility that the geographic area the HHC footprint lies can somewhat explain why this isn’t a football-loving area. The schools sit near or in between Bloomington and Louisville. Think about that for a moment. What’s the significance there? Historically, it isn’t football.

    Jeffersonville, New Albany, and Floyd Central are 3 of the biggest schools south of Indianapolis. I’ve felt for years that all 3 of them should be Regional contenders.

  17. 6 hours ago, Uncle Bubba said:

    So…you introduce yourself to coach JB last week and you say you will tone it down on here about blaming coaching.

    And now you you start blaming the effort of the players? 


    Maybe run more of the playbook instead of the same 5-6 plays. 

    #CE #9 #HMS #NAPA

    It doesn’t matter that I met coach last week. That loss wasn’t on coaching. BNLs players were jumping around on the sideline, fired up the whole game. I didn’t see that on Floyd Centrals sideline. I tip my hat to BNL because they played to win. FC had multiple chances to win that game.

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