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Booster 2023-24
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Posts posted by BDGiant93

  1. On 6/21/2021 at 11:01 PM, Trojanmp52 said:

    i know this is off topic but i was just had a thought when check this out, what do you think  if the MIC and HCC did some like the Big Ten and ACC does in basketball, say week two one team from the MIC is paired with one form HCC.  

    I think that would be great. Would take some effort in the scheduling dept. Everyone thinks that the conferences are some monolith, but you're dealing with individual schools and scheduling contracts. 

  2. 2 hours ago, temptation said:


    In fact, I will go on the record as stating Westfield wins a football state championship before Warren or Ben Davis wins their next one.


    Jake Gilbert=Ben Davis graduate.

    I don't think this is an outlandish statement. Coach Gilbert has built a heck of a program.

  3. 23 hours ago, temptation said:

    But you have to admit that being at the bottom of each class doesn’t tell the whole story.

    There are schools In 6A in the same class with schools 2-2.5x their enrollment.

    So, do we now split 6A into 16? So you have 16 teams competing for a title? The line has to be drawn somewhere. So, if we split 6A in half, Center Grove would be in the smaller class of the two. Carmel is 2+x the enrollment of Center Grove.

  4. 16 hours ago, DT said:

    We hope you like our new GID Skybox feature , which includes interviews and Q&As with some of the biggest names in Indiana High School Football.  

    It was great to hear of the progress at Noblesville from Coach Dave Sharpe.  That is a program to watch closely.  The HCC is a little down from what we have seen over the past 5 years, so the timing may be just right for the Millers to make a quick move up in tye conference standings.  I foer one love to watch Sharpe's offense when it is running at full capacity.  But Im a bit of a throwback.  We know the HCC loves to air it out.  It should be fun to see either way.

    It was great to hear from Lance Scheib, who is always a breath of fresh air.  Coach loves the game, and you can see it in his comments as he oversees  the broad landscape from 1A to 6A.


    Craig Buzea tells us about his new gig at Crown Point and his return home to Indiana.

    John Rodenberg gives us the inside scoop on current events with his Roncalli Royals as RHS looks to defend it 4A stste title.

    Southern Indiana Football Guru and writer Dan "Rudy" Engler joins us for a Q&A on a broad array of topics.  Interesting guy indeed.  

    Check back soon 

    Tim Phillips

    The Gridiron Digest

    Hoosier High School Football




    They gave you a microphone? Oh geez. I may have to rethink my contribution this year.

    I'm joking DT. Good luck with this.

  5. On 6/20/2021 at 10:11 AM, temptation said:

    One of my favorite childhood pastimes in the summer as I geared up for college football was purchasing every preview magazine known to man and reading them cover to cover as the season approached.

    With the expansion of the transfer portal making preseason projections difficult and as an adult, I don’t have as much time on my hands as I used to, lol.

    That being said, one of my new favorite ways to fill that void is to look at futures bets that are revealed in Vegas every June.

    To pass time and the remaining summer months, I figured I would do something similar on here and get others’ take.

    I don’t have a favorite school so I’ll just post some central Indiana ones as I look through schedules.  Feel free to comment with your projections or post your areas schools for others to comment upon.

    Also feel free your favorite school and give an honest over under number in terms of wins (regular season and postseason combined).

    The MIC:

    Ben Davis:  O/U 6.5

    Carmel:  O/U 10.5

    Center Grove:  O/U 12.5

    Lawrence Central:  O/U 3.5

    Lawrence North:  O/U 4.5

    North Central:  O/U 4.5

    Pike:  O/U 2.5

    Warren Central:  O/U 9.5



    I think this is a very honest assessment.

  6. On 6/19/2021 at 12:03 AM, Justasportsfan said:

    If you're a big enough program to be deemed the highest then yes..the first game you play would be for a sectional title..not every school..just the biggest..give em a few bye weeks..unfair advantage..yes..risk of injury during practice..yes..the pro could be the "mega" programs would probably travel well n the gate would make back the money of them not playing the first 2 weeks..I do not want to dilute titles...when communities experience those runs they can be gamechangers n..state champs no..maybe a sectional title(1) in their record book..I know hardware isn't the only motive yet it sure helps to see ur possible future high school do damage come tourney time..

    There will always be someone at the bottom of each class. It just works out that way. I've worked at Ben Davis and Franklin Central and live in Decatur. I've seen all sides.

  7. On 5/14/2021 at 10:28 AM, Justasportsfan said:

    The wind to this sail would be money. Narrowing the gaps in population by expanding classes could possibly create more chances for those who would never get over the hump. Get bigger, faster, and stronger will always reign supreme. I'm playing devils advocate here yet I could see in the next decade or so us expanding to 8 classes.. that 3a program that is struggling to get kids out could benefit from hardware being added to their case. Heck a community playing for a spot in the sectional title could provide the jolt they need. As far as the actual math game..not sure on what parameters would be..just for starters..

    <400 kids 1a

    <800 kids 2a

    <1200 kids 3a

    <1600 kids 4a

    <2000 kids 5a

    <2500 kids 6a

    <3000 kids 7a

    >3000 kids 8a

    I haven't checked how many schools would fall into each bracket. Create more bye weeks and a few schools would automatically play for sectional titles. An example of carmel playing its first playoff game for a sectional seems to be ok with me..travel for programs could be an issue yet they'd be traveling for something worthwhile. No I don't want every kid getting ring. Yes I am worried about dwindling numbers moving forward.

    Even though you say it in the second to last sentence, this still strikes me as why don't we just make enough trophies for every school and let them all be State Champions.

  8. Dick Dullaghan ran the I formation almost his whole career until he got James Banks. Same with Kirschner. He and staff switched up their offense to more of a passing/running attack with Kyle Castner and all those wideouts he had in the program. Switched it again when Reese Taylor was QB. 

    I think you have to adjust. Don Shula certainly did after he got #13. Great example is Eric Moore. Look at what CG is running now with Tayven Jackson.

  9. 1 minute ago, temptation said:

    I think the Eron Gordon ruling broke the IHSAA.

    All I know is Jayden Brewer had pretty much the best reason I've ever heard to transfer. His mom could no longer transport him due to the increased workload with the pandemic, and the IHSAA gave him limited eligibility for basketball. So the kid has to sit half his senior year because the IHSAA (and Avon) held up that transfer...yet I hear about other transfers. I'm not going to dig into people's business, but it just makes you wonder why some transfers go through slick as a whistle and others don't.

    • Like 1
  10. On 6/14/2021 at 10:53 AM, temptation said:

    Agree on most accounts but even you have to admit that two next level players from Brownsburg transferring TO Center Grove is pretty damning and a poor reflection upon Brownsburg regardless.

    I'm really interested how this happens. How does the IHSAA just allow it? I mean, if they move there...I guess it's ok. But how can this not be for athletic reasons at some level? 

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, temptation said:

    Athletics is just one part.  For the sake and purpose of this forum I was focusing on that aspect but the trends cannot be ignored.

    Charter schools popping up everywhere, private and parochial schools dominating across the board both in the classroom and on the playing field, even in sports that used to be immune from the effects of SES.

    Maybe I should’ve been more specific...

    Public schools in Marion county are dying a slow death.

    I can't say that I precisely agree with you, but this does clarify your point. Thank you.

  12. 21 hours ago, temptation said:

    I’ll give you CC further proving my point though.

    ZERO public schools won state titles in Marion County in 2020-21.  Point still stands.

    If you’d have told me that would be the case as recently as TEN years ago, I’d have called you crazy.

    Aggressive Covid lockdowns also played a role.  But I’m sure you’ll come back in here and spout some nonsense about “culture.”

    Public education is dying a slow death.

    Ok, I'll play. How do you figure athletic success or lack of it translates into "Public education is dying a slow death."??

  13. 2 minutes ago, DT said:

    I like that way of thinking.  When I made a decision to move to either Avon or Center Grove (White River Township) in 2004, it was CGHS that closed the deal for me.  Avon was going through growing pains at that time, and frankly, they probably still are as they approach 3000 student threshold.  Just too big.  

    Carmel, BD and WC and NC are built to handle mega school enrollments.  The others not so much

    In this climate of politics, it's going to be very difficult to add on to school buildings. Requires the referendum, and, while many of those pass, it's a different situation when you're adding on to a school building. Will be interesting to see what happens.

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