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Posts posted by southend

  1. 29 minutes ago, temptation said:

    Data (which I’m too lazy to look up at this point in time) supports this statement.  Why else would NFL teams battle for the coveted byes annually?


    Were threads created about those six schools?  Are they playing this weekend?

    Would you feel better if I retroactively created threads about those teams?



    I absolutely thinking the extra rest Benefits the smaller schools that have several men playing both sides of the ball. Definitely.

  2. 3 hours ago, Bobref said:

    Doesn't someone have to be the visiting team at the semistate?

    Sure, and your point? By winning regional, they had earned the right to be chosen for the chance to host a home semi state game. Taking that away from a team or school by playing at a neutral site, takes away community pride and accomplishment. Once in a life time for some communities. 50-50 chance for each winner but they earned it.

  3. 19 hours ago, Prospect said:

    I have learned he has no rhyme or reason behind anything he posts. I've asked him multiple times to explain his logic and it just gets ignored.

    Look, you group of lapdogs here need to pull yourselves away from the camp fire, go down to the lake and throw some cold water on your faces. Then look at the 5 years, including this season, record against the rest of the state post season. 
    My gosh. This was my home town for 35 years, but this is a cycle. Whether the cycle continues down or it may go back up, who knows, but I’m sure not sold on the SAC being a state force.  

  4. 1 minute ago, Bonecrusher said:

    Scared to make a prediction, could be that close IMHO.  I'll be a "homer" and pick the Cadets by 7 points or less.

    I think the strength of regular season ,competition difference ,will shine through.  Game won’t be in doubt.  Even if the cadets score first. Which Might happen.  I don’t think it will be a shutout.  But Catholics over the Lutherans. 

  5. 35 minutes ago, BTF said:

    My logic is that 1.5 is too weak, and 2.0 is too strong. Let's meet in the middle at 1.75. I don't see Dwenger playing at the 6a level. Would it make 6a North more interesting? Absolutely. Will Dwenger ever be crowned as state champions? I'm 95% certain the answer is "no."  Snider hasn't won the big class in almost three decades. If the Panthers can't beat schools three times their enrollment, then neither can the Saints. Those two programs have been on equal footing for years with a slight edge going to Snider. 

    If I were a dictator..................and I sincerely wish I was; I would throw out the idea of a multiplier even though I've been an advocate of it for years. My position has changed since I have no desire to see New Palestine win 4a every single year............unless we continue using the point system for the publics. 

    Realignment every four years instead of two using the current point system x 2. 

    Using Sagarin, I would place the the top sixteen programs during that four year period into 6a. 

    Divide the remaining five classes according to enrollments and points. 

    If we are being honest with ourselves, the 6a class is an even bigger problem than the dominance of the p/p's. Cut it in half............from 32 to 16..............problem solved. 


    Very interesting 

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