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Posts posted by southend

  1. 8 minutes ago, temptation said:

    My question is since there is no requirement to play in your conference title game to go to the playoff, why not just let IU/NU play in Indy and reschedule UM/OSU for the same day?


    Maybe one solution to look at. 

  2. This is a money game and all the  BIGschools take a big loss with Ohio st. out of the 4team play off. And the BIGTEN is the biggest money conference.
    Why did you think penn st. Nebraska, Rutgers, Maryland clammered to get in when invited? It was because millions were put into their athletic bank. 

  3. 28 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    I wish it were that simple.  Unfortunately when there are big time Benjamins involved along with a "national brand" like the OSU Buckeyes rules can and will be changed.  Once can hope the other Big 10 AD's will man up, but now it's "party" over the "individual" with a spot in the 4-team playoff on the line.


    Money talks, keeping the poisonous nuts from the big playoff show will cost the big ten conference millions!

    You all know why the conference even started the season, after trashing it. They looked up and saw the financial hit that they would take. 
    This is capitalism’s at its best. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, temptation said:

    Maybe these are just "safe picks" as I looked a bit at what other teams were returning in terms of offensive productions and gave these three the nod for their ability to "reload" easier than others...

    This is true for reloading. Seems like the are always in the SAC title mix.  It’s when they have to contend in the bigger area and state arena, last few years, is where they have faulted. But, they my break through with a big talent boost next year. Hope it happens. 

  5. 15 minutes ago, temptation said:

    I'll take a shot in the dark here...

    6A:  Center Grove over Westfield

    5A:  Cathedral over Dwenger

    4A:  Roncalli over Lowell

    3A:  Concordia over Gibson Southern

    2A:  Luers over Heritage Christian

    1A:  Lafayette Central Catholic over Lutheran


    So The Fort is on the up swing?

    Saints ,Cadets, Knights all at the Big House next year?


  6. But also , you have to know the Shelf was bare , of recruits , when Brohm took the job.  He had some left over Talent to work with but Nobody had the Boilers on their short list to play for. Previous coach couldn’t attract flies. So a big gap in recruits is rearing it’s ugly head. 
    Time will give us a better overview. I’m still not on the dump coach bandwagon. 

  7. 5 hours ago, Footballking16 said:

    Brohm is in over his head I’m afraid (although I’m not mad about it). Looks completely lost on the sidelines, play calling is inept, and defense and special teams are new levels of embarrassment every week. 

    Brohm is going to get at least two more years regardless of what happens because Purdue can ill-afford to buyout his contract that he basically swindled the athletic department with. Very good chance Purdue finishes last place the next two years in the B10.

    Are you sure about this? I’m not buying it. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Irishman said:

    I was referring to just this game. Not sure where you get that I was critical of them this season? Tell me where I was wrong. Every big play that Wisconsin had was due to blitz calls that opened up lanes for the qb on multiple plays where he escaped the pocket. Stunting up front at times allowed zone plays to bounce outside. So yeah, there is room for improvement, meaning there are things to be critical of. 

    Okay, my bad. 
    This year’s defense is the best Indiana has had in at least 30 years. Sure , you are not going to call a perfect game, but the coaches are putting a plan in every game that has stifled all opponents so far this season. Even this game, 2 field goals. What ever they are doing defense wise, they don’t need to change anything. Just adjust to your next opponent.  

  9. 7 hours ago, Irishman said:

    Tuttle's accuracy was impressive. He does need to run much less, or at least get down before contact. I thought it was bad call when the targeting was overturned though. I listened to the former official in the booth. Bottom line is a blow to the head is a blow to the head. Defense had me worried. I thought they blitzed too many too often. It created run lanes for huge gains; including the qb escaping the pocket. But, they made critical plays when needed. It was a good win on the road. 

    Anyone seeing just how likely it is getting to be that IU and ND match up in a bowl game? Assuming that Clemson beats ND in the rematch. 

    You cannot question Indiana’s defensive schemes this year and keep a straight face. Come on here. 

  10. 6 hours ago, DT said:


    IU offensive line ranked 124 out of 127 NCAA football lines

    Could they be that bad?

    Read the details.

    And you want them to do something they can’t do right now. 250 yards running every game. It’s a pipe dream with the players they have this year. 
    They the coaches are going to their strengths, which is a dynamic receiving crew ,a pretty good QB, although this is yet to be seen now with the injury,and a very stout defensive secondary. 

  11. 10 hours ago, psaboy said:

    How does reducing the highest class to 24 bring balance?? Don't think there will ever be balance in 6A even with 24 teams. Center Grove, Carmel, Warren Central & Ben Davis have won 18 of the last 20 high class championships. If you want to bring balance have a 7A class with those 4 and then 6A would have a lot of balance with the 28 teams

    This sounds interesting. 4 team class?

  12. 5 hours ago, scarab527 said:

    I mean, Valpo is white-collar, and they’re one of the best programs in the region. Andrean has many white-collar families as well. White collar demographics don’t seem to hurt Carmel or Westfield either. “Softness” isn’t exclusive to either white collar or blue collar people.  


    1 hour ago, Bobref said:

    Literally for decades Penn was the beast of the North. Granger is the quintessential white collar community. Somehow, those white collar kids found enough toughness for all those state championships.

    LOL. .....Ok the”toughness” theory is shot down. 
    What about DTs comment on “GRIT” This hold any water? 

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