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Posts posted by southend

  1. You may be right . I have a little bit of a different take on the situation. This program ,basketball,was in similar shape as the football program was before Wilson took over. Crean literally could not coach players, 5 years in, it was obvious when we ended up with two, 2! now, top five picks in the NBA draft. And didn’t get past the sweet sixteen. That’s when he had his walking papers but was given a 2nd chance. And AD Glass lost respect.So recruiting was his savior first 5 years, then his Achilles. He alienated all indiana HS coaches and lost all the all stars to various other schools.    The situation ,little Ryan Miller took over ,was in shambles to say the least. 
    And A situation no reasonably established coach wanted any part of after, Sampson and Crean eras. 
    So the time frame is at least 5 years for Arch, in my mind. To accumulate and form a team here. The defense is getting respect from other coaches around the league . Also the one and done thing makes it a little harder on a unproven coach. He continues to sign top Indiana kids, keeping them away from OSU, Michigan, Michigan State, Louisville, Etc. which is crucial to the success of the program.  All schools know Indiana boys can ball. Indiana is not to far off on talent but I think next year will be a big bump in production for the program.  The confidence is just not there yet ,as you can see the way they finish games this year. Let’s give it another few years here. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Irishman said:

    This season seems so similar to previous years. I think Jackson Davis has made a big improvement in his game. My only concern for him is that it seems a couple times EVERY game, he has to yell "Get me the F*****G BALL!!!!. When they get the ball into him, it sets up the outside game much better than just passing around the perimeter and having guys standing around. There are times they do elevate the compete level. I like the young guys on the bench; they play hard, especially on defense when they get in. Archie has sat the starters a few times to try to motivate them. They still struggle with consistency. 


    Funny side note. I saw on ESPN they have 40-1 odds of winning the championship. You know who else has the same odds? UK.....when was the last time IU and KY had the same odds to win a title? lol  

    1973 maybe ?  A guess , but along time from 1987 to the 2000 team. KY has been kicking butt. 

    • Like 1
  3. It was nice to see 3 Indiana D1 schools land in the top 25 in the AP poll. Although I think Ball state was under ranked by 5-10 spots. Conversely Indiana was over ranked by several spots. Not so sure about ND. though. 

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Footballking16 said:

    Opting out is what cowards do. Not particularly happy with the result (or the offensive play calling) but you don’t sit that game out. Ever.


  5. On 12/21/2020 at 11:20 AM, southend said:

    If IU wins , they won’t climb in any of the polls. If they lose, drop out of the top 20. 
    this isn’t like losing to Auburn or Florida or LSU. 
    Indiana should pass on this menial bowl invite

    We drop significantly 

    On 12/23/2020 at 8:52 AM, DanteEstonia said:

    Just be happy IU made it to a bowl!


  6. On 12/21/2020 at 9:33 AM, Footballking16 said:

    Haven't won a bowl game in 30 years. IU isn't going to get any respect until they start winning bowl games. Tampa is arguably IU's biggest recruiting hotbed and with 20 some players on IU's roster from the Tampa area this is a no-brainer. 

    Boy IU is really in the driver’s seat now , recruiting wise 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Irishman said:

    Ok 3.....I could not fully respond to that because I could not see what you quoted me saying. The top 3 has been mentioned before though, and the gap between them and the rest. 

    Agreed, A&M Oklahoma ND have a lot of ground to make up , to be mentioned. 

    Clemson doesn’t have as good of defense as Indiana 

  8. 2 hours ago, Irishman said: Bama was never threatened in this game, so ND has some catching up to do. As I said before,This is more about the gap between both Bama and Clemson and the rest of the field. 

    Have you been watching the sugar bowl?

  9. 1 hour ago, Bobref said:

    It is a mistake to think of the bowls — other than the playoff games — as anything other than entertainment with a financial goal. What you’ve “earned” during the season by your play is not as important as whether you can deliver TV ratings and tourist dollars for the host city.

    Well the people on here say the bowls are used as recruiting tools. You don’t think so? The 

  10. 2 hours ago, DT said:

    Iu still needs to earn the repect of the BT before it can earn it nationally.  One year in a Covid impacted season is not a large enough body work.  We need to see more .  

    Don’t like. See Irishman. 

  11. Fred Glass said it right, The good ol boy AD's in the big ten want no part of the Indiana's rise in football. They've feasted on all of Indianas highs school talent forever, and don't want it to change anytime soon. 

    I'm kind of changing my mind about Glass, thought he screwed Wilson at the time but these comments have got me liking him a little more. lol

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  12. I’m still pissed off , don’t pretend Indiana didn’t get dissed for the conference championship game. Then when the National committee was trying to determine where Indiana should go for a bowl, they deferred to the Big Ten butt hole AD’s decision to replace little sister with Big Brother Ohio! How can National give them any count, if their own Conference AD’s don’t  .

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