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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Gipper

  1. Exactly--8 more teams with a shot. 6A shouldn't be just a HCC-MIC Challenge/Shootout/Cotillion.
  2. Beacons, just like Guardians, won't really instill fear in any opponents. But Valpo is a private school and they can do what they want, I just wonder if this move will have any effect on alumni donations.
  3. Don't stop him, he's on a roll.... (I personally like Lobos)
  4. It's what it's all about--playing for the love of the game. Very few scholarship offers, let alone Division 1, just fun times of Friday nights. Plus, the lowerclassmen get to serve as tackling dummies for the varsity--I still have scars!!!
  5. Best of luck to him! One of my client's daughter goes to SDSU--they're absolutely rabid about sports there.
  6. SB or b bust!!! Although I'll freely admit Gutenkust isn't the best GM there is, football is a business.
  7. Another reason why I like you so well!!!
  8. As a Cubs fan, you have no idea how much this pains me...
  9. Giannis is the king of pro sports in Wisconsin, AR-12 is acting like a court jester.
  10. same here--always liked RC. Some people want Jordy Nelson back, though. Not sure about that one...
  11. I would be cool with that. Sure, potential expansion can be fun, but: Notre dame will not come, Kansas is hideously bad in football. Iowa State doesn't bring in any new TV markets (nor does Cincinnati, but there's no way in hell OSU lets that happen), I like Pitt, but are they an AAU member? They seem pretty happy in the ACC and the same can be said for Syracuse and Boston College. While I'm on the ACC, although I'd love UNC, UVA and Georgia Tech, there are far too many others to consider such as Duke, NC State, and Virginia Tech. CU-Boulder and the Southern California Pac-12 schools would make for some great road trips, they're just too far away.
  12. I love Tulane and would have went there if I would have had the chance. Papa & Mama Gipper vetoed it.
  13. Although I whipped that dead horse, AAU membership is a big thing. I have also heard that the SEC ahs been in talking with Michigan and Ohio State about joining. Then again, I also read a report wanting the ACC and SEC to merge. I can't say I like either scenario.
  14. AAU membership. It's a big thing the B1G rightfully wants...
  15. Glad to learn Rodgers is all but back. Unnecessary distraction, though.
  16. I agree! Although he is quite talented, still an aging diva... and JL comes from another great football factory: Utah State!!!!
  17. Heading up there next weekend, might have to bum rush his house to find out the deal (if he's there)...
  18. Thank you for sharing this. Although I'm a big AR-12 fan, I do have to wonder what the market for Aging Diva is.
  19. Absolutely! Turf fields, massive stadiums, corporate sponsorships, etc. are nice, but legends like Red Grange and Jim Thorpe didn't have them.
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