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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Gipper

  1. “This is just another hurdle for us.” —Coach Ed Orgeron, LSU Tigers
  2. What don’t you consider educators part of the free market system?
  3. Sound like you don’t value education and educators...
  4. Most government jobs pay well, education should be included.
  5. Some of my teachers had been there for well over 20 years, yet they make $35k (merely guessing) per year—not right.
  6. Why should not teachers get higher salaries? Professors at state universities make lots of money...
  7. With that logic, wouldn’t that make the entire government unconstitutional?
  8. Although I agree that certain things in our society will be curtailed, reduced, and eliminated, I doubt high school athletics will be the first target. Then again, might happen or it might not.
  9. Might happen, might not. No one knows for sure, not even you.
  10. Exactly. I’ll take the scientists and doctors over journalists any day...
  11. The media didn’t tell us to hoard toilet paper and water, but I think they knew the supply chain would be hampered. Some media I trust, others not so much...
  12. I feel the exactly the same way
  13. My office has been shut down for two weeks.
  14. No car trips, please. Anything over two hours makes me a basket case...
  15. We need to mobilize! Boycott all Chinese restaurants!!!
  16. St. Pete $150! Tri-Creek (Lowell) is our until 4/13.
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