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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Gipper

  1. South Newton has a pool, of which to say I was a four year letter winner for the Swimmin' Rebels. I never even thought of applying for the Mississinewa job, probably because I've never coached a down of organized tackle football and I'm just tearing the world of corporate finance up. But now that I know they're may be some grid iron-natatorium correlation, I may give it a shot...
  2. Teams do suck at times, that’s a given. But I don’t think these so called “sucky teams” will be stuck in first gear forever. Why punish a program for a few bad years?
  3. That being said, and yes I’m cognizant I’m replying to myself, this is not fantasy football...
  4. In defense of said poster (which I can't believe I'm doing) who I think you're referring to, it's just a miscommunication. I'm pretty sure I've seen him say he looks at records and determines who lives, and this case, who dies. The supposed "Contraction List" is his mind only and sure as hell not at the IHSAA.
  5. Congrats to Mr. Tanona! Luckily, the Vols aren't in the West division...
  6. I know this will come as a complete land utter shock to you all, but I’m a Purdue fan. I see nothing wrong with what Coach Allen is doing. Classifying the walk-one as “preferred” does not increased the number of scholarships, but rather gives the walk-ons impetus to try harder. Who knows? Maybe they’ll see the field..
  7. Touché. I’m just fighting fire with fire, but I shouldn’t have stooped that low as it’s not in my character.
  8. Three class football? Some people’s heads would explode...
  9. Remote (adjective)—situated far from the center of population; distant Try again, schmuck.
  10. Here's my observation: Addition by Subtraction will not make the game better...
  11. If that makes him feel better. It's not up to us who plays and who doesn't. Buy your popcorn, sit down, and shut up...
  12. Exactly. I know it's tough for the Hautians, but what else are they gonna do? I think the next biggest schools in the area are Martinsville, Mooresville, Plainfield, South Vermillion, and West Vigo.
  13. People are kind of missing the forest for the trees here: conferences need to be about geography first and foremost. Intriguing matchups are great, but when it comes with a long bus ride, that kind of defeats the purpose.
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