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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Gipper

  1. My kids’ schools are closed until May 1 now...
  2. I had a nice upbringing as I was privileged. But you know what? I feel no sense of entitlement, I bust my butt for everything. It actually makes me work harder.
  3. One thing, for every “bad” football team, there will be a “good” one... competitive balance, Einstein.
  4. Just like Bud Fox in Wall Street, I’m staking my own claim...
  5. As a consumer, I consume. The overwhelming variety is a very groovy thing...
  6. Right you are! Back in my day, however, Sister Ratchet instilled a deep seated fear in all of us!
  7. Not surprised. As for the Catholic schools, nuns do take a vow of poverty.
  8. Personally, I like public schools. Say what you want to say, but they do a pretty good job, other than pay teachers properly😄
  9. I wonder how long we have until shelter-in-place...
  10. Spot on. I have long commutes to my office and don’t have the time, but frankly I prefer all of the advantages public schools provide.
  11. The sectionals and regionals give us great matchups which is why we need to trust how the IHSAA divies things up...
  12. Good luck, Robert as I see you are playing chess with a pigeon today...
  13. Got it. Playing QB at the next level is extremely difficult no matter if you went to Bama, USC, Notre Dame, or even IU. Northwestern is a great school and Mr. Ramsey will get a phenomenal education. we’d hire a NU grad, especially Kellogg, in a heartbeat...
  14. Who knows? Maybe Ramsey can tear it up in CFL or XFL...
  15. Yep. Just read it on the internet so it must be true.
  16. Teachers do a very important job and should be compensated well for it.
  17. Football has always been hands on and physical. I don’t think South Newton, Elwood, Shelbyville, and every other you’ve put on your “list” are clamoring for flag football... Football is also about team building, chemistry, and camaraderie in addition to execution.
  18. Possibly. He’s from California, which is why I think he might end up with the Chargers or Rayduhs (sure, they’re in Las Vegas now, but close enough).
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