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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Gipper

  1. Until this virus thing is managed, we’ve all been contracted... ...or is it voted off the island?
  2. I know I should just had left it alone, I just couldn’t... Life goes on...
  3. We need more Renaissance Men like Robert. Hell, it’s a good day when my socks match.
  4. Welcome to the Spin Zone. Your words and thoughts will be twisted and manipulated... Not by me though, I’m a nice guy.
  5. This is really getting out of control! I know it’s a pandemic and the best course of action is to isolate, I just hope this isn’t our new normal. We’ve gone about a month with no sports, but how long is this going to continue?
  6. As Papa Gipper once said, “Everybody’s gotta be someplace...”
  7. I agree. The modified form of socialism being offered is crazy. My thoughts remain the same about how football can also be a cultural thing.
  8. I know this will come totally out of left field, but I don’t agree with this crazy notion either. Why? Because I am alum of a 1A school (guess which one😉) and I can tell you a few things: Football brings people together. Beyond the players who are learning strategy, and team building skills, it allows fans to get together and mingle. It’s also allows small businesses to get their name out. Ancillary services. Band, cheer squads, and athletic trainers all have the opportunity to hone their craft before taking it to the next level. Supporter of other sports. Football as well as basketball are the primary breadwinners in the IHS double A. Therefore the money they take in through gate receipts, etc. will help fund the smaller sports such as wresting which ultimately FB players do participate in.
  9. With that, the negative comments will be geared to achieve indignation. Although it’s best to take the high road, our natural instinct is to respond with another negative comment, thus triggering a battle. There really is no room for that, aren’t we all on the same side? It has evolved into us against us...
  10. LC—Lake Central, Lawrence Central, or Lafayette Central? OK, I made the last one up...
  11. I never thought you were doing things you shouldn’t. Nothing wrong with individual conditioning.
  12. Kentland was a major part of the consolidation into South Newton you know—talk about cyclical!!! I rest my case.
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