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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Gipper

  1. Lest I never forget, the play-action pass...
  2. Although the three yards and a cloud of dust is a swell approach, it should not be the only scheme as that would make the offense one-dimensional. With that, an OC worth it’s salt will also use the fly, go, and wheel routes, trips to the right or left, the Hail Mary (which is the greatest football play there is) as well as other long bombs, and spread offense. The game, much like life, is ever changing and evolving. Keep up or turn on ESPN Classic.
  3. Potentially, this could hurt all football, not just high school. If the colleges don’t have meaningful practices my mid-June, I don’t think they’ll be game ready the traditional season start. The NFL won’t be their normal polished selves either.
  4. I wish you guys luck! I always look out for my fellow MWC members...
  5. Staying on point, as I have said before: It can sometimes be necessary (2-minutes offense, etc). And from what I’ve learned: play to your strengths....
  6. OK, so they can be a little pointless and silly, much like many of the comments on the forum. If I weren’t me (which would suck), here’s how I’d respond: Have a great day, everyone, we’re all in this together...
  7. I agree with that. Just a little stir crazy...
  8. Although the big schools get a lot or most of the press, our smaller brethren have done some pretty good things as well. Bud Wright’s teams at Sheridan have been wonderful throughout his illustrious tenure. And although it’s basketball, Milan Indians should not be ignored. Have a great day, everyone and here’s my humble request: be nice! If you don’t like a certain post (maybe this one, but that’s neither here nor there), move on. A lot of things have transgresses into a pretty shallow game of one upmanship which is not needed.
  9. Not even football related for the most part. Just a bunch of whiny old geezers...
  10. Sadly no, Carmel and Penn have had a degree of success, but I don’t know if some of their best could keep up with the traditional national powers.
  11. Never is. I guess some people get so caught up in themselves no one else matters...
  12. It’s a reflection on you I guess. I will always take the high road as I will never jump into the sewer with rats like you.
  13. All I have to say that I did have productive things to say, but apparently he thinks his thoughts matter above everyone else’s and can’t take a joke. Did I go too far with a few of my posts? Possibly, but no one is in then position to play God of who can be here and who cannot. I thought this was a public forum...
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