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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Gipper

  1. This just in, spirts fans: many, if not all, schools in Lake County will be closed for the next few weeks.
  2. I’ve been to Costa Rica before, San Jose and Jaco. This time I’ll be in the Guanacaste province. I love to hike, so I go to places like Palo Verde and Rincon de la Vieja National Parks. Great beer, too—Bohemia and Imperial: salud!
  3. I’m supposed to go to Costa Rica next month, I wonder if that will happen.
  4. Lol—just a drop in the bucket...
  5. Well, at least 5000 Chinese have died, so no one knows for sure.
  6. I’m not much of a conspiracy theorist, but isn’t this kind of what our enemies want (as yes I’m including China) want? Look at it: financial markets are in the toilet, life as we know is being canceled or curtailed left and right, even travel is being affected (I have received emails from Speedway and various hotel chains). I know this is just Pneumonia 2.0, but it looks like they’re winning.
  7. Mrs.. Gipper send me out with marching orders to buy TP and hand sanitizer...
  8. Although I hate to think this, but what the general consensus on the upcoming season? Will it be played? A lot of other leagues are shutting down: worse yet. would we all be contracted? Have a great day and stay safe, G
  9. I totally agree! I’m in favor of community outreach: see the folks at a nursing home, maybe a day care center. Just get to know the people...
  10. Eight is a good number of members. Probably the best as it allows a round-robin league schedule in addition to two out of conference games.
  11. Total nonsense. I’ll summarize: Tom Allen has created a new way to make walk ons feel welcome...
  12. Great observation. City kids should play city kids. This is not sone fantasy football league.
  13. It's a great venue. I also like the Rail Yard, it's where the Gary/South Shore RailCats play minor league baseball. Since neutral site games are the rage, why not include this jewel? Great sightlines….
  14. Another reason why this idea is next-level stupid: Travel time. The distances from the Larry’s is a lot less to the city schools as opposed to the remote outposts (😉) of Avon, Westfield, etc. it is also on the student-athlete’s best interest to study which can really hampered by a bus ride on I-465 on a Tuesday night.
  15. That's great you guys do that down there. If only we could get folks at Lowell, CP, Penn, and the Ft. Wayne schools to do something similar.... Well, not just those 4 schools, but I'm sure you catch my drift.
  16. Slippery slope, no doubt, I’m just more interested in X’s and O’s... Gipper out.
  17. It would be great to have a few more teams from the Fort at LOS.
  18. Sticking to my guns here: athletics are very cyclical. Lafayette Jeff could do a few things in the tournament, the DAC schools won’t stay down forever, and who knows? Maybe a Ft. Wayne school might do something.
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