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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Gipper

  1. He just doesn’t get it. I’ve spelled out many times how contraction is a bad idea, but he just won’t listen. It’s not part of his narrative apparently.
  2. Although I hope Bobinski is glued to this thread, as he should be, I hope he receives this very sounds advice in a dream...
  3. Basketball, for the most part, will reign supreme in this land of ours.
  4. Read about that. I don't know who has the better system.
  5. Their recruiting class looks amazing, I can't wait to see it live!
  6. Two late surprises: Geo Howard and DaMarcus Mitchell! Just stay healthy, men...
  7. The Pack beat Minnesota earlier in the season, so apparently something works, they just need to revert to that game plan.
  8. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were a little upset with me. You have that right, then again most of my commentary is on the Packers, Purdue football, and that little school on the southern end of their county that apparently is a candidate for contraction. I float no conspiracy theories as I think it's an utter waste of time because I come to these forums to learn things as opposed to all of this bunk that is bandied about. Sure, I post things there a little goofy at times, which is something I will never apologize for or go anywhere else.
  9. With that, there's no hard and fast generally accepted performance period. We're dealing with 18-22 kids not robots!
  10. If you think about it, Purdue has always been an offense first team, especially QB (not know as the "Cradle of Quarterbacks" for nothing). Therefore, it makes perfect sense that Purdue is doing all they can to retain this guy. Fudge all the numbers you want, but this is the right dude.
  11. Adjustments need to be made and they will. But, again I believe Brohm know what he's doing.
  12. Why do you even care? I trust Brohm implicitly.
  13. He was a warrior, sorry to see him go. But new QBs, Alaimo, AOC, and Preferi need to be developed.
  14. Very disappointed in the Packers. They were up 21-3 and should have salted the game away, yet the opposite happens. Can't have any more breakdowns like this...
  15. Absolutely not. 3 years is a very short time, given the mess he inherited. This was a great hire, despite an IU fan stirring the pot.
  16. Very true. College football on the east coast just can't piss in the tall weeds with the big dogs. Well, an exception can be made for Penn State, and that's about it.
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