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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Bobref

  1. I noticed that Alaska had a mandatory retirement age of 70. Interesting.
  2. Alaska’s method is similar to the way state court judges for the appellate courts are selected in Indiana (and trial judges in Lake County). A panel composed of attorneys and non-attorneys submits a small number of nominees from which the governor makes the appointment. In the US federal system, all judicial nominations are made by the President, and then confirmed by the Senate.
  3. There it is! You can take HHF out of Highland, but you can’t take the Highland out of HHF!
  4. Are you an advocate of some other method of judicial selection, e.g., popular election?
  5. I don’t know that there is any metric for determining that. She certainly checks all the boxes for intellectual rigor and relevant experience.
  6. Do you think her confirmation vote will be unanimous? I don’t.
  7. She is very well-qualified. But she is probably somewhere to the left of where RBG was on the political spectrum. She was one of Justice Breyer’s clerks early in her career. Her’s is a Supreme Court track if I’ve ever seen one. But a lot of people will ignore qualifications in favor of the “correct” political leanings.
  8. CNN says President Biden will elevate Judge Brown from the DC Circuit to SCOTUS. Her confirmation is a foregone conclusion, even if the Senate splits strictly along party lines. It will be interesting to watch how the Republicans who cried “foul” when partisan politics reared its ugly head during Justice Barrett’s confirmation hearings handle this. Because on paper, her qualifications are very impressive: federal public defender, private practice, federal district judge, federal appellate judge. Keep in mind, though, that replacing the retiring Justice Breyer, a liberal, with another liberal, is unlikely to affect what is perceived as the 6-3 conservative majority on the Court.
  9. I will look for your support the next time a non-official tries to critique a call in a game. 😉
  10. And no one else can do that? The notion that only those who have lived an experience can express a legitimate opinion and discuss the subject intelligently is a particularly harmful kind of close-mindedness.
  11. Worked that game several times. The traveling trophy was a replica of an old beater car up on blocks. 🤣😂
  12. This sort of reminds me of an athlete who shrugs off any criticism that comes from those “who haven’t played the game.” Isn’t it also possible that your personal experience skews your perspective such that you’re unable to make an objective assessment? That sword cuts both ways.
  13. I would be willing to bet this is the first time in recorded history that Penn’s football program was mentioned in the same conversation with Lake Station and River Forest.
  14. Not a rule change, but potentially significant. This article, published today by the National Federation, reveals that “Sportsmanship” is the No. 1 Point of Emphasis in all sports this year. https://www.nfhs.org/articles/regarding-sportsmanship-it-s-time-for-wake-up-call-in-high-school-sports/ For us, this potentially translates into lower tolerance for trash talking, celebrations, taunting, and sideline violations. Can’t tell for sure, because we haven’t yet got specific instruction in how the POE is to be implemented. That probably won’t come until the clinics this June. Although, it’s possible someone might have that information a bit earlier. 😉
  15. I wouldn’t abolish the handshake line because of incidents like this one (even though there have been many - just go to YouTube and search “handshake line incidents”). I’d abolish it because, as @Muda69 says, “No action can be virtuous unless it is freely chosen.” I guess you’re advocating a career change for Coach Howard?
  16. Thankfully, there are people a lot smarter and more knowledgeable than I to make that kind of assessment.
  17. Is there anyone with an IQ above room temperature who doesn’t understand that what’s going on right now in the Ukraine is Putin testing Biden?
  18. Weak, as regards Howard, especially since the incident with the Maryland coach last season raises issues about his ability to control himself in such situations.
  19. Far preferable to the artificial compelled sportsmanship we currently have.
  20. From my view of the video, I think calling Gard the “aggressor” is a bit overstated. Can you be an aggressor without being aggressive? Because I don’t see anything aggressive about Gard trying to get Howard to pause in the line so he could explain himself, after Howard obviously expressed his displeasure. To me, he was trying to defuse the matter right there, rather than have it linger when these two met next. And to those who say he shouldn’t have put a hand on Howard, OK, I get that. But it’s weak, IMO, for a grown man to take the sort of offense Howard did. Yet another example of why the forced post-game handshake line ought to be abolished.
  21. Yeah … but think of all the people who wouldn’t. 😉😂
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