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Posts posted by BTF

  1. 41 minutes ago, NLCTigerFan07 said:

    I meant it more as an expression than actually predicting only 14 points for Carroll. But if the Tigers chew up the clock, that will limit how many points can be scored in this game.

    21-21. Carroll's defense is their weakness. Overtime the way this thing is going. Unless one team can get a turnover.


    1 hour ago, psaboy said:

    Yes, it is. I don't see the Snider/Homestead game listed, does anyone know where to watch?

    Youtube it............Homestead Live

  2. I will be in utter shock if Carroll only scores 14. I'm going to say 35 minimum.  The lowest they scored all year was 21 and that was against Dwenger...........which I keep touting as one of the best defenses in the state. I don't have a lot of confidence in the Charger defense though, so if Warsaw wins, it will have to be a shootout. I'm thinking 42-21.........something like that. Or my original prediction of 48-28. 

  3. 23 minutes ago, Prospect said:

    Bart ball can definitely win Warsaw this game. This was from Blitz so I am sure it is quite accurate. "Becker is responsible for 94.6 percent of Carroll’s total yardage for the season – 2,828 yards out of a total of 2,989." If Warsaw can stop Becker both on the ground and through the air and come out as the more physical team they stand a chance. Carroll will be the best team that Warsaw has played and they will need to play perfect to keep this one close in my opinion.

    Becker also has the luxury of throwing to some of the best receivers in the SAC. They separate themselves. 

  4. 15 minutes ago, NLCTigerFan07 said:

    I have to agree here. I have not seen anything posted by any Warsaw supporters thumping their chest saying they will beat anyone from Fort Wayne. If you can find it though, I'd be interested to see it.

    Since the NLC thread is pretty dead these days (it's usually me and 3-4 others at most) figured I'd pop over here to make a post about the Warsaw vs. Carroll game. In order for Warsaw to win the game, it will honestly come down to two things. Can the Tigers execute perfectly on offense (no turnovers and no/few penalties) and can they get multiple INTs on defense. If they can do these things (which they have done plenty of times this year), they will surprise you all and win this game. Best way to limit Becker and the high scoring Chargers offense? Keep them off the field. Only way this turns into a blow out is if the Tigers have multiple 3-and-outs and turnovers on offense. Otherwise, I see this one being close in the 4th quarter.

    Even though the game is at Warsaw, will it still be broadcast on Summit City Sports?

    I didn't see the said post, just going by heresay.

    You're are more than welcome on this thread. Warsaw is engaging with three teams from the SAC for Sectional 3 supremecy. And I'm not counting them out by any stretch. I do, however, feel that they are the underdog of the three based on regular season performance. Good luck to them. Warsaw is a great community. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, statmurp_10 said:

    I believe I had stated, it would take a months worth of SUNDAYS, as a catch phrase, but maybe you're too young to have heard or even understood this choice of words. Since this plan is your idea, maybe you should work out all of the logistics, and then run it past the schools you've included, unless you're not really that serious, and the posting was only conjecture in a passing fantasy. Who knows for sure? The ball is on your 'grid'.

    You might be surprised at who reads these forums. The media reads them. Head coaches read them. Administrators read them. They may not post, but they read them.

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  6. 43 minutes ago, Knightmare said:

    So it's going to take a month of logistics to figure this out? Yet, just this year we have seen teams pick up games in a couple days notice?  I am not following that logic. 

    If ADs are serious about doing what's best for the kids, they will get this done.  Jeff Becker and Duce Taylor are two of the best QBs in the State, but they don't get the statewide attention they deserve because they only play locally.

    Good post. But unfortunately FWCS's main focus is "simplicity." They could open lots of doors for the kids, fans, and athletic budget if they would just open their minds to a new idea. Will it take a little more work? Sure. But the ultimate reward would be worth it. 

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  7. 7 minutes ago, psaboy said:

    I'm hoping the team coming out of sectional 3, be it Homestead or Carroll, or one of others can make it too the title game. It has been awhile for that. Interesting that Carroll has higher probability chance to win sectional & regional than Homestead per Sagarin. 

    Carroll's offense is as good as any when it is clicking on all cylinders. I just don't see their defense carrying them into regionals. 

  8. 1 hour ago, FWfootball10 said:

    2008, 2009, and 2017 in 3 straight games against Carmel snider lost those 3 by a COMBINED 7 points. They ended up losing in 2018 by 14 to Carmel. 

    A good snider team can compete with Indy teams and has before. Homestead and Carroll have rarely fared well against them. I know Westfield is good but I don’t think they are like a Greyhound team that can physically grind you throughout the whole game with massive lines and depth and I don’t think some people on here understand that. The winner of this 6A sectional can and should compete against Westfield and make a game of it, possibly win. 


    I got the year mixed up, I was referring to 2017. The 2018 Carmel team was well above even the Greyhound standard. Great team. 

    Homestead got a taste of that depth last year. The Spartans looked good in the first half, but Carmel's depth was way too much for Homestead in the second. 

    I also agree that Homestead has the best chance against Westfield this year. Defense wins championships, and Homestead has a pretty good one. Carroll's defense has some issues and the offense wont be able to carry them more than two or three games. Snider will also be a player in the sectional. We'll see just how much they've improved right off the bat Friday night? Warsaw? No one is talking about them. Personally, I think they are the 4th best team in that sectional. Maybe that'll light a fire under them. 

  9. 18 hours ago, Justasportsfan said:

    I've seen Westfield play..if they meet in regionals it will be tough sledding..since the onset of 6a, the north semi state participant has not been from the area..programs thought they could beat carmel too..until they played carmel.. I will start believing once again after it actually happens..

    Snider takes Carmel to the wire every single time. They were on the verge of blowing them out of the water in 18' before self-destructing. Penn took care of business the following week. 

    Homestead outplayed Carmel for a half last year without their best player. Sure, good teams figure it out in the end and that's what Carmel did. My point is this: Sectional 4 is FAR from invincible. The favorite? Yes. Is Westfield a darn good football team? Yes. But Homestead has amped up their level of play since joining the SAC, so don't be surprised if they give the Shamrocks a run...............if they get out of Sectional 3. 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Purdue Pete said:

    Just thought the comment was a little ridiculous.

     “Dwenger's students are worth 166% of each and every public school student athletically, academically, socially and in every other way.”

    All Dwenger students?

    Each and Every public school student?

    .... and in every other way?

    🤔 probably a bit of an over generalization.

    Your not alone, many on here would agree with you. I just happen to agree with DT on this one. It's really about the amount of respect I have for Dwenger.

  11. 1 hour ago, Gridiron_Junkie said:

    You're right.  I don't know much of nothing much about the Snider Penn rivalery. Yes, Snider and Luers is no contest. Snider absolutely manhandles Luers and so Luers gets guys hurt  for the playoffs. I admit that. But it is what it is.  A Snider poster once said to me "I only care for one school on this forum, and it isn't Luers." And that's fine I get it . I feel the same way too.   I don't think it's necessary to break up another conferences and shake up the Sac by having to schedule out of conference games. Then there is the trouble of finding opponents and other problems with travel and cost and other unforseen obstacles that will be associated with that. I don't know if you recall before Homestead and Carroll those couple years before arrived twe're kind of a mess.  So, then when Elmhurst and Harding closed the Sac brought in Carroll and Homestead the two teams that everybody wanted to see. So now the Snider people want shake up things again, by going into another conference and take two of their teams and put them in the SAC then split this conference up and only schedule seven in conference games for each team and leaving the teams to find to  out of conference games for each year. I just don't see the benefits of switching everything up because a couple of the larger schools don't want to play the smaller schools it is what it is. Deal with it.

    Don't worry about it..........it'll never happen. FWCS administrators agree with you in terms of finding opponents and traveling. 

    So as a result of something one poster said, you maintain that breaking up the conference is for the sole benefit of Snider? That's not the case at all. Personally, I'm intrigued by ALL teams in the SAC. And like most fans, I root for them all come playoff time. I and many other fans miss, and would like to see again:

    Snider vs Penn

    Snider vs Cathedral

    Dwenger vs Chatard

    Dwenger vs LaSalle

    Luers vs Harley

    Luers vs Whitmer

    Coldwater (Ohio) vs anyone but Elmhurst

    Homestead vs Carmel

    Those are interesting games that you don't see all the time. Playing the same teams from Fort Wayne over and over again gets boring. Many fans would agree. Wouldn't it serve a team like South Side to be able to put New Haven or Columbia City on their schedule? My idea isn't as self-serving as you think it is. You need to look at the ENTIRE picture.

    8 minutes ago, Purdue Pete said:


    Dwenger rumbles quite nicely with schools of that enrollment...............and bigger. 

  12. 35 minutes ago, DT said:

    Where does Dwenger enrollment fall with the 1.66% Multiplier.

    Dwenger's students are worth 166% of each and every public school student athletically, academically, socially and in every other way.

    I can't say that I disagree. Dwenger is a great community. Lot's of hard working successful families.

  13. 16 minutes ago, Gridiron_Junkie said:

     Because somewhere on this forum every year there's somebody from Snider who makes a post post about bringing in one or two smaller schools from one of the conference's around the area and splitting up the SAC  into two sections. A big school  section and a small school section. It's alway suggested there is a seven games regular season within conconferences, So that there are two open weeks for non conference games games to be played.   Somehow it always has  Snider vs Penn in the mix.  I don't know why Snider people have this fascination Penn. Penn win most of the time anyhow, But you see see this same message posted somewhere every year by Snider people for the benifit of Snider. So that's why I said it.

    Clearly you don't know as much about the Penn rivalry as you think you do. It was an annual game in the playoffs for many years. A much much bigger rivalry than Snider/Luers............not even close. Snider held the upper hand in the series until Penn recently won three of the last four. So forgive the Snider contingent to want to continue a rivalry like that versus playing a 2a school like Luers. Much respect to Luers, but Snider is much larger and the victories are extremely lopsided in Snider's favor. 

  14. 4 minutes ago, Prospect said:

    Probably because they would win the small division every single year and that benefits absolutely nobody.

    Regardless of enrollment Dwenger is competing in 5A and has a great shot at making it to the 5A state finals. They are in my opinion right where they belong.

    I agree with Prospect. It just wouldn't make any sense for Dwenger to play in the small division. To be fair though, I believe in the 1.5 multiplier for P/P's. That puts Dwenger in Division l.

  15. 6 minutes ago, DT said:

    It wont happen becuase there is no beneit to Westfield in this tranasction, only higher operating costs..  They can find all the competition they want locally.  

    Not sure why they scheduled Harrison then. Playing Homestead an hour and forty five minutes away is a better proposition than playing Harrison and hour and ten minutes away. 

  16. 4 minutes ago, jakone said:

    Do what's best for the fans. Greed corrupts and destroys.

    The fans want better games and competition. So I agree with you there. 

    Finding ways to increase your athletic department's budget has nothing to do with greed. It has everything to do with being financially responsible. 

  17. 5 minutes ago, Gridiron_Junkie said:

    So now ya wanna go all the way to Indy for back and fourth games?  So why not Toledo columbus,cincy Then.  All seems silly to me.

    Extra revenue for our athletic departments in Fort Wayne seems "silly"? Better competition equates to better teams and longer runs in the tournament. More games equals more revenue. Better competition equals more revenue. The economic impact of a Homestead/Westfield matchup would be far greater than Homestead/South Side. 

    • Like 1
  18. 1 minute ago, Prospect said:

    It's about getting on the same level as the competition. Homestead, Snider and Carroll would benefit greatly playing some of the big Indy schools. 6A is and for the foreseeable future will remain the MIC vs everyone else.

    Teams like Luers and Concordia might not benefit from this as much because they are already playing biggers schools. Luers hasn't made much noise since 2012 I am sure they would be excited to play some teams outside of the conference that can make them better.

    Luers, Concordia and Dwenger could all schedule Chatard and Cathedral, Fort Wayne vs Indy P/P battles would sell tickets and make the Fort Wayne schools better. 

    Great post...........every word of it. 

    Center Grove and the rest of the HCC slowly rose to the level of the nearby MIC. It didn't happen overnight, but it eventually happened. The same could happen for Snider, Homestead, and Carroll if they can schedule an Indy team or two. Even Penn or Elkhart would benefit them more than one of the "Division ll" teams. Throw Merrillville and Valpo into the mix. There are all sorts of possibilities. I'm sure Coldwater (Ohio), Hartley (Columbus), and Whitmer (Toledo) would all be more than happy to come back to the Fort. 

    You hit the nail on the head regarding ticket sales. 

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