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Posts posted by BTF

  1. 11 hours ago, DT said:

    Or, the conference may have peaked and you may be seeing further decline out of the FW city schools as a group.  I think this is entirely possible given what we have seen out of the other large northern Indiana cities  (Hammond/Gary/South Bend)  All have experienced significant contraction.  FW has yet to be impoacted, with the exception of Elmhurst.

    As the burbs continue to grow and the inner city erodes over time, more FW city schools will likley be shuddered.  Hammond made the drastic decision to cut from 4 high schools to two.  Could FW eventually drop from 6 public high schools to 4?  


    The only school I see suffering from mass exodus to the burbs is Snider. What was once a white collar community has turned, by and large, blue collar in a hurry. Socioeconomic factors plays a big part as does the decline in enrollment from 2200 to 1800. Overall, it's still a good community with fantastic support for the football program. The coaching staff has done an excellent job despite the challenges facing them. Look for Snider to continue to be a player in the upcoming years. They had a young team this year that struggled against teams with good quarterbacks.

    I can't imagine Fort Wayne dropping another public school. They already dropped Elmhurst and Harding. Although Harding wasn't FWCS, 95% of their student body were from inside Fort Wayne city limits. 

  2. 1 hour ago, psaboy said:

    I will add, the only team in the SAC that has been respectable against the Indy Mega Schools are the Mighty Panthers of Snider. Not so much in past 5-7 years or so, but looking overall. Things change and I understand that, but Snider should be back in 6A after the next two years. 

    2014     Snider 32, Westfield 24

    2015     Snider 64, New Pal 61

    2016     Westfield 23, Snider 17 (nice come from behind win for the Shamrocks)

    2017     Carmel 22, Snider 21 (nice come from behind win for the Greyhounds)

    2018     Carmel 20, Snider 6

    Five games in the past seven years.............all pretty respectable. 


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  3. 2 minutes ago, vicvinegar said:

    There was contact. Personally, it looks like he grabs his arm. I'm fine with someone arguing that it was hand fighting and should have been a no call, but to call it a phantom call is incorrect. 

    I would have to re-watch it before getting into an all out debate. In watching the replay, I felt like I had a pretty good look................if there was contact, a love tap was all it was. Again, not the only reason Dwenger lost, but it certainly didn't help. 

    Stax..............unfortunately I cannot find a video recording of the game. I'd like to re-watch that play too. Anyway, kudos to Zionsville for taking out Fort Wayne's best team. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, temptation said:

    Have I mentioned Dwenger got screwed?  

    A travesty.

    Although the two hour bus ride sucked for sure, I'm more disturbed by the phantom pass interference call that led to the game tying score. Not that that was the ONLY reason Dwenger lost, but damn. Not sure what the ref actually was looking at there. 

    At the end of the day, this isn't sour grapes about an SAC team losing for me. It's more about which school has a morsel of a chance to beat Cathedral. I felt like Dwenger had a defense that could have kept them in the game. Either way, Cathedral would be a two touchdown favorite against any other team in the 5a field this year. Some would even say three. 

  5. 17 minutes ago, DT said:

    From an outsiders POV, it seemed like a lackluster regular season for the SAC this year and a pretty solid post season.  I am a big fan of the conference championship, and many schools overlook this prize due to the all in nature of the tournament.  It seemed like there were few "big games" during the regular season, or less than usual.  Just the fact that the flagship (Snider) is somewhat down is going to psychologically reduce the competitive profile of the conference, at least temporarily.

    I was also very disturbed by the comments coming from Dwenger regarding declining participation and potential apathetic attitudes towards football.  That is a real concern.  Look at what has happened to Noll in The Region and to St Joe in South Bend.  Dwenger is not immune from these same forces seeping in to destroy its football culture.

    I was wondering the other day how the SAC could take the next step forward and improve its competitive profile.  The solution I came up with was to add Warsaw and East Noble or Leo and ship off the smallest or consistently most underperforming  city schools off to the NE8.  This would be similar to the NIC or The Region going thru natural contraction due to closings and consolidations.  Therer just isnt enough talent in The Fort to support all those public schools.  

    I actually enjoyed watching Homestead, Dwenger, Carroll, North Side, and Concordia do battle with one another. Some very good games.

    Agree. It doesn't help that Snider is the only 6A team that is competitive with the Indy big boys. Homestead lays an egg every single time. I'm not sure if or when they will ever turn the corner. I feel like Homestead plays high level 5A football.

    Take the comment from the Dwenger poster with a grain of salt. Dwenger is the Notre Dame of high school football (although Cathedral may take that personally). Jason Garrett has that Saints on pretty solid ground. 

    Although your idea of adding Leo, East Noble, and Warsaw isn't bad, I'm not sure who you would eliminate other than South Side. Wayne will be on or above Leo's or EN's level in a couple of years in my opinion. And adding those teams doesn't do much to make Snider, Homestead, and Carroll better. I think the ONLY answer to Fort Wayne being competitive on a 6a level is to split the conference in two divisions to allow for non-conference games. Those three should have at least one game every year against one team from the MIC/HCC and one game against a Region/SB school. The island conference does everything for the 2a-5a schools, but absolutely NOTHING for the 6a programs. 


  6. On 11/16/2020 at 6:13 PM, temptation said:

    No one will take the 6A schools in the SAC seriously until they take down the HCC/MIC in November..

    It won't happen next year. Snider will be much improved next year, but move down to 5a. A date with Cathedral in November 2021 may be looming. No one will take Homestead or Carroll serious until they compete competitively in 6a against teams outside of Northeast Indiana. 

    I'll also argue that every time Snider plays Carmel or Westfield, it's always a good game. 

  7. On 11/16/2020 at 3:23 PM, DT said:


    Not a good ending on the year for The SAC.  Perhaps a bitter taste after Dwenger and Homestead went down, the former in an ugly loss to Westfield.  Not as many individual stars in the conference this year, and the bottom tier is not showing much improvement.  The SAC has held its own as one of the states best pound for pound for decades, but the league took a step backwards this year.  

    While your opinion is always respected, I think you missed the mark on the SAC this year DT. With regard to how the season ended, let's take a look at each game. Bishop Luers took care of business against Tipton much easier than most thought they would. I don't think anyone around the state (if they really follow football) was expecting Homestead to do much against Westfield. Dwenger lost a game they probably win 9 times out of ten by two touchdowns. And Concordia, the SAC's 5th best team, took one of Indy's best down to the wire. Really, the only disappointment here was the Dwenger game. I don't think you can judge the entire conference based on that one game.

    Both Homestead and Carroll had above average teams this year. Dwenger was typical Dwenger. Luers is flexing its muscle against schools of similar size (you could argue P/P advantages here). Concordia gave one of the best teams in the state a run for their money. Wayne is trending up with the addition of Sherwood Haydock at the helm. North Side had one of their best teams in decades. Northrop was typical Northrop. South Side showed life playing it's first non-conference game. Snider was down considerably. 

    Overall, I feel like the league was up this year from top to bottom. Not by much though. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, southend said:

    Look, you group of lapdogs here need to pull yourselves away from the camp fire, go down to the lake and throw some cold water on your faces. Then look at the 5 years, including this season, record against the rest of the state post season. 
    My gosh. This was my home town for 35 years, but this is a cycle. Whether the cycle continues down or it may go back up, who knows, but I’m sure not sold on the SAC being a state force.  

    Dating back to 2016 the SAC has a record of 50-26 against non-SAC opponents in the postseason. Please elaborate on the "cycle" you speak of with facts. 

    In an earlier post, you said................"Tipton , better regular season competition." Tipton (9-2 against better competition) loses to Luers (6-6 against weaker competition) by a score of 36-17. Does that add up? Does it make any sense whatsoever? 

    I'd like to see some of your comments backed up with facts, that's all. 


  9. 2 minutes ago, psaboy said:

    They put up good fight, think the depth of Chatard will win out. Luers looking good, Homestead looks like they will go down, Dwenger should get W. so 2 of 4 for SAC possible?


    Spoke too soon. Concordia's D steps up, now has the ball.

    Going to be a long night for the Spartan's, they won't keep up with Westfield score for score.

    Dwenger's really outplayed Zionsville. Still only a one score game though.

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