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Posts posted by Lysander


    4 minutes ago, DT said:

    I was in favor of qualification for many years, but changed my position when I came to the undeniable conclusion that outcomes would not change.  There are only a handful of schools in each class that have a real chance at hoisting the championship trophy.  Changing from the all in to the qualification will not affect that outcome in any way.  So why change?

    Again,  your fundamental point previously was that the decision makers just don’t really care enough about football.  Now you appear to be saying the same about yourself.

    Your argument about “Outcome” makes no sense.

    Our personal “outcome” in life ends in a shallow grave 100% of the time.  Using your logic, there is no reason to try to improve the journey to our inevitable “outcome”.

    Rather we just get to the “Outcome” now.....since the journey seems irrelevant.


  2. 1 minute ago, Coach Nowlin said:


    Fans have zero input on this 

    Coaches and Admins were polled a few years ago

    overwhelmingly came back keep all in 

    Overwhelmingly came back seeding top 2 

    Coaches helped adapt the current Mercy rule as Mr. Cox stated, no mercy rule no seeding.  

    Maybe seeding comes down the pike sooner rather than later, HOWEVER, all in is GOING NO WHERE folks.   

    I am “all in” for the all-in.  

    We just need to seed.

    As to “fans”, I meant the word to cover administrators,  etc. 

    The problem is that these people aren’t “fans” of the game - my point.

    Otherwise they would act.

    • Like 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, DT said:

    I think you have to take state athletic culture into account.

    Indiana is NOT a football state.  Texas, Florida, Ohio, PA, Louisiana are football states.  Basketball culture is embedded in the DNA of our state.  That is a good thing, something to be embraced, as the Texans and Ohioans and Floridians embrace their football culture.  

    Why should a basketball first state treat football the same way a football first state treats football?

    Indiana layers its treasured and beloved basketball formula on top of the football tournament - and it works perfectly.

    When contraction whittles football down to the targeted 280 schools, perhaps then a new format will need to be addressed.  Until then, the current model is perfect for the state, a basketball first state.  


    So, in summary, you agree with me - the current system is wrong and if we truly were football fans we would fix it.

  4. In 50% of our 6 classes (Classes 1A-6A), there is a game being played the first round that might well have been a game that should have been played in LOS on Thanksgiving weekend per Sagarin (and I’m tired of hearing all of the bonehead b!tching about Sagarin....as if some polled Sportswriter or Coach in Angola knows ANYTHING about the relative strength of a team in Evansville or vice versa.....give me a break).

    6A: Sagarin #1 Avon v. Sagarin #2  Brownsburg

    3A: Sagarin #1 Chatard v. Sagarin #3 Brebeuf

    2A: Sagarin #1 Lewis Cass v. Sagarin No. 2 Pioneer

    Rather than football fans being able to enjoy the ability to see these games live, they will as likely as not be watching some 2-7 teams pound away at each other.....with one of them actually living to play another day.  While 50% of those 6 teams cited above Seniors will be turning in their gear having played their last game ever.  

    Teams and kids that have spent years honing their skills to play at the highest levels in their class denied the chance to play in a high profile and electric  Sectional, Regional, Semi-State or even State Championship game.  

    But we would rather let ping pong balls decide....because “it’s the only fair way”.  

    Its flatly wrong and we all know it.

    And don’t give me this crap about “Football Gods”, “Sh!t Happens”, etc., etc.

    This situation exists because WE allow it to.....not some fictional Football God.  We are just too damn lazy and indifferent to do anything about it.

    If we really are honest to God fans of the game why do we tolerate this?



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  5. 1 minute ago, Patriot 74 said:

    Heritage Hills has not played 2A Forest Park (4-3) or 2A South Spencer (1-6) which Gibson has.  By the end of the season HH's SOS will be dismal because of it's conference.  Which in truth is no interpretation of the team, or how good they are.  Exactly why I hate this rating system.  

    The system has HH #5 overall in a really tough Class 3A.  Not bad despite an SOS that is lower than No’s 1,2 and 3.  Currently they are ahead of Guerin whose schedule strength is 30th.  

    All that SOS tells you is what it’s supposed to - “How tough are the team’s schedules in comparison?”  SOS is just added info.

    It doesn’t mean that the team with a weaker schedule isn’t a better team.


  6. 18 minutes ago, HanShotFirst said:

    Holy smokes is Sectional 28 loaded!

    Sectional 28 per Sagarin Class Rankings:

    #1 Chatard 

    #2 West Lafayette

    #3 Brebeuf

    #4 Guerin

    Weird how every single 3A Parochial South of Mishawaka AND the defending State Champs managed to all find themselves in the same Sectional.


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  7. 1 hour ago, Screagle said:

    Is the SOS of 264 correct?  

    That is what Sagarin indicates.  That seems a bit off to me when compared to a Heritage Hills whose schedule rank is 122.  I would think their schedule rankings would at least be comparable.  Even so, it’s not like I drilled very deep to figure out why.

  8. 44 minutes ago, oldtimeqb said:

    Coach Roessler's teams get better as the season wears on.

    Seems to be the case (as both Cathedral and West Lafayette learned a couple of years back) but the Brebeuf/Culver game every year baffles me as to how close it ends up (or even when Culver won) when Brebeuf should be a huge favorite.  Last week’s Brebeuf/Terre Haute score made me scratch my head a bit also.

  9. 9 hours ago, FastpacedO said:

    Actually North Central was starting to turn things up while Coach Streiff was there. His first season they went 3-8 and 2nd season 5-7. He then went 6-4 and 7-4. They were gradually getting better. When he left stepped away as Head Coach after 2006 for family reasons NC went 9-4 first year under Coach Haste. Coach Streiff did not Coach in 2007, but did become the Head Coach in 2008 at Cathedral after Coach O'Hara retired.


    Actually Streif was coaching in 2007 - St. Matthew’s 4th Grade CYO team.

    • Like 2
  10. 48 minutes ago, POTLUCK said:

    I will continue to make this argument about recruiting until something is done. The only reason open-enrollment exists is so the IHSAA can turn a blind eye to the recruiting that does go on, just like everything else they do not want to deal with. I have witnessed first hand middle school kids being talked to by private schools, and I can assure you it was not about their great academics. I know coaches at the 6A level who have varsity coaches that go to the middle school games to prevent stuff like that from happening. 


    I will say the same thing I always say as to this.  Indianapolis Archdiocesan schools can’t even talk with their own CYO kids on an individual basis as regards sports let alone kids from public schools.  These are the rules for the Archdiocese schools (and Brebeuf has signed onto that agreement as well).

    That said, if you can evidence in some fashion that a private/parochial is doing the things you are accusing them of - then more power to you.  

    I am all for nailing hides to the wall in the case of violators.  My guess is, though, that if there are hides at all to be nailed, a fair amount of those will be public schools.

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  11. 1 hour ago, FastpacedO said:

    Arlington looked to be in great condition from what I could tell watching the Cathedral vs Chatard game played there a few games back.

    @Lysander and @PHJIrish would be better to elaborate. 

    I could only tell from the sidelines (no kids on the field these days) but the field appeared to be in excellent condition.  

    Just for the record, my kids practiced on the “old” Chatard field - any field not featuring dirt, rocks (some glass mixed in for good measure) and volumes of goose-poop is a good field.

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