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Posts posted by Lysander

  1. 21 minutes ago, Footballking16 said:

    My post wasn’t meant to disparage Chatard, it was meant to defend this notion that Cathedral was lucky to beat Chatard if it weren’t for Chatard’s turnovers as stated by Dmizers. You could also very easily make that case that Cathedral wins going away had they executed in the red zone.

    I still stand by what I posted earlier in September; it was a very hard fought game between the two north side Catholics.

    The red zone stands are part of what football games are all about....kind of defining.   Chatard DOES that.....they did it to West Lafayette in the red zone Friday night.   How getting stuffed in the red zone several times makes a case for a “possible” resounding victory is a bit of a stretch.

    You could also make the case if Chatard doesn’t completely give up the unpressured pitch-toss turnover first play of the half AND the onside kick after the score caused by the turnover it’s a completely different game with 14 immediate points off the board for Cathedral.  That turnover was critical....leading to 2 quick scores in a game that had been going Chatard’s way.

    It’s all “ifs and buts”....God knows I don’t want to get into what I saw to be all the multiple, multiple phantom offsides calls that continually stalled Chatard drives (even though the WHMB TV 40 announcers certainly had no problem commenting on not being able to see them).  

    That’s the problem of recasting the game.....by either side.  We can all do it.  The result is we take nothing away from the game.....and, frankly, diminish it.

    That said, I’m done here....got no dog in this hunt and don’t want to be a distraction.  

    • Like 1
  2. Just a quick close out.  Kyle Adams is the real deal.  I’ve certainly not seen every QB in Indiana HS football this year but I have seen more than a few...and its hard for me to imagine there are many better ones.  I was shocked to find out he actually passed for over 300 yards since it seemed he had the ball so few times.  Karlaftis showed up prominently on offense but didn’t seem to be as dominating a presence on defense as expected.  Fairly certain that had to do with Chatard’s game plan of just pounding it up the middle rather than work the edges where Karlaftis prowled.  

    Honestly feel like the Chatard staff should send Tom Dilley and company a “thank you” for showing them a winning game plan.  It seemed as if Chatard took Guerin’s game plan and never waivered.  430 yards rushing with maintaining possession 75% of the game time.  Only 6 passes all night by Chatard (which normally throws about 50% of the time). 

    As exceptional as Taylor and his backfield compatriots are (and he is exceptional) this game emphasized a long standing point of pride about Chatard.  It is a school for lineman.  Lots of great players have come through Chatard over the years but there have been a lot more linemen playing on Saturdays and a few on Sundays.   Chatard is long known for the linemen it produces (especially O lineman) and this game was, frankly, a showcase for them.  

    Congrats to West Lafayette on a great season....that said, I still think it’s ridiculous that these teams all got loaded into the same Sectional.  I really feel like WL, Guerin and Brebeuf should all still be practicing.

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Footballking16 said:

    You weren’t at the game. Cathedral botched a couple of red zone trips inside the 10 including a couple missed FGs. They scored 3 points on 3 red zone trips in the first half. 2/3 Chatard’s TO’s came late after Cathedral had the decided lead. Stop reading box scores, they only show numbers.


    Your a good dude (strongly disagree with Temptation on this) but your quote in “Top 15 Regardless of Class (Mid-Season)” on September 24 was:

    ”Pains me to do it but I think you guys have a great team and were probably the better team in defeat a few weeks ago.  Outside a blown coverage on 3rd and 22 that resulted in an 88 yard TD pass then another long run to seal the game (2 plays accounted for more than half of Cathedral’s output for the game), you guys dominated the LOS despite being outweighed 40-50 lbs a man.  Was the only time this year I’ve seen Cathedral struggle to move the ball and that’s with playing X and Elder on the road where the Irish moved the ball at will.”

    Those were your words then....arguably, they might not be mutually exclusive from your most recent comments BUT they certainly have a different tone and would seem a recasting of the game.

    I left that game thinking the same as your comments on September 23.  Now, some (hopefully not you....hopefully) are trying to TOTALLY recast that game.  Still, a loss is a loss.  I’m accepting of that, but I am not cool with how that game actually played out being rewritten by some lunatic Troll.

    I am not saying that Calpreps/MaxPreps and Sagarin are the be all and end all but they are probably better than the Cathedral Troll you seem to be lining up beside.

    Right now (11/10/19), CALPREPS has the top 10 ALL CLASSES in Indiana as the following:

    1. Cathedral (#73 Nationally)

    2. Chatard (#103 Nationally)

    3. Avon (#126 Nationally)

    4. New Palestine (#159 Nationally)

    5. Carmel (#167 Nationally)

    Cathedral’s biggest win against a nationally ranked team this years wasn’t Trinity (#153 Nationally) or Center Grove (#316 Nationally).

    It was against #103 Chatard.  It was a close hard fought game.  

    There is one thing it ABSOLUTELY wasn’t - a dominating win by Cathedral.  

    Just the opposite.

    If New Pal wins then my guess is CalPreps is in for a big shake up and no doubt New Pal will vault to No. 1 in Indiana.

    Right now, SAGARIN has the Top 10 ALL CLASSES in Indiana as the following :

    1. Avon 102.92

    2. Brownsburg 100.84

    3. Carmel 100.48

    4. Bishop Chatard 98.17 (No. 4 Predictor as well)

    5. Warren Central 97.45

    6. New Palestine 96.41

    7. Indianapolis Cathedral 96.38

    8. Center Grove 96.05

    9. Ben Davis 95.71

    10. HSE  94.62

    All these teams are within a hair of one another.  Anybody wins on any given day.

    It’s tiresome for me (and really EVERYBODY) to hear Cathedral chest thumping.....not that the rest of us are unused to it.  Again, not necessarily accusing you of it but it seems to feel that you are going that way.  If one of the few reasonable folks from Cathedral is good with a troll in your midst, then the idiots will take over on this thread.  

    Not that I care that much....it’s your guys thread. 

    Still, some advice, if people are going to talk about this upcoming game realistically then it would be best if history is not rewritten regarding prior games.

    • Thanks 2
  4. 1 hour ago, DaveMosbey said:

    I have mixed emotions about going to Lawrenceburg,  Always love playing new teams and seeing new stadiums but going to Lawrenceburg brings back bad memories from my childhood. My dad was a construction worker on a job and staying in Lburg when he was murdered by a fired co-worker and as a 10yo I spent two weeks there waiting for the end.

    Anyway back to the game it looks like they have a really nice turf stadium and even read where they call it The Jungle.



    Terribly, terribly sorry to hear about this.  An awful tragedy.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 36 minutes ago, FastpacedO said:

    I watched this game and it lived up to what I thought it would. Both teams wanted to run the ball and both defenses were playing solid. I expected a low scoring affair I was thinking a 14-7 or 21-14 type of game it ended up 17-14. I gave the nod to Mooresville because they were at home. I thought both teams fought hard. Mooresville made just enough plays in the passing game, hit a big FG, and had a great INT at the end to win the game. Both coaches should be proud of their teams they fought hard!

    I watched the first half after I returned home before I nodded off.  I had more than just a passing interest in this game so will likely catch the rest of it today.. EC was a team I played many games against in my youth so, I am always interested in EIAC games.  Add that one of my best friends is close to Gillin and Denton of Mooresville and I have spent some fun times with Bob.

    Although the polls had EC as the favorite, I noticed last night that the Sags had this as a draw given Mooresville was at home.

    I think the Mooresville/EM game is a toss-up next week.

    Hard to believe there is a good chance of a Roncalli v. Mooresville or EM Semistate in a couple of weeks having seen Roncalli up close just 9 weeks ago.  

    It’s not beyond possibility that Roncalli ends up playing in LOS.....which is amazing (a potential 2005 NorthWood rewrite in the making?).

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, XStar said:

    I don't consider driving a car an athletic activity.  Would driving a 400 mile race at speeds reaching 200+ mph be physically taxing?  Sure.  Giving birth is physically taxing too.  I don't consider it an athletic activity.  

    Basketball, Football, Soccer, Tennis, Gymnastics, Weightlifting, Running, Swimming, Skating/Hockey.

    I always remember the TV  based “Superstars” competition they used to have on ABC in the 70s where various athletes from different sports would compete in varying events.  It had some of the most well-known sports stars of the day but was usually won by someone you never heard of (Kyle Rote, Jr., etc.).  

    The first year it was won by Bob Seagram (a pole vaulter) and the  late Peter Revson (a racer) finished either 2nd or 3rd.  

    • Like 1
  7. 15 minutes ago, Knightmare said:

    Chatard has struggled with teams in the playoffs who can spread them out.  Both Danville teams and Evansville Memorial were able to air it out all over the place, as well as win the line of scrimmage defensively.  

    I am not saying the result you project is incorrect.  It may well turn out that way but I am not sure the quote above is  an accurate description of last year (couldn’t cite you the Danville game the year prior, though).  Historically, what you state has quite often been the case, though, with regard to throwing the ball around.....but Chatard, even those years, typically had offsetting line play and big pressure off the edges.  That said, Memorial scored 14 points on offense with somewhere just under 200 yards passing.  I think their total yardage was less than 250 yards.. .Memorial scored 28 points on defense.  

    I could be wrong but I think it was one of the best (if not the best) defensive performance against Memorial all year last year which gets lost in the context of the overall result.

    I don’t much care to compare teams year to year or historically because of the tendency to hype the most recent (or current) team versus prior years but I actually do think that Chatard’s D is as good as last year....most likely better.

    Not saying I disagree with what you predict (in fact I fear it) but I do think it needs to be pointed out that last year’s result at Memorial was not because of Chatard’s defense but rather in spite of a good defensive effort.

  8. Well....this is the game everybody anticipated when the Sectional was first announced.  

    As a Chatard fan, I am hoping to see the Trojans get a certain playoff monkey off their back that jumped on during the 2016 post season.  In 2016, they lost a Sectional that, they frankly, probably shouldn’t have.  

    In 2017 and 18, they lost big to two very good teams.  The Defense played well (actually it played great in 2018’s blowout loss) in both of those games but, unfortunately, teams have to be hitting on all cylinders....offense, defense and special teams this time of year.  If not, it can go bad in a big way....and it has the last two years.

    I’m hoping for a game worthy of the two teams and the expectations that have been pumped up all year long regarding this Sectional.  

    I really do think that West Lafayette is the team to beat until someone finally does it.  Regardless, whether I’m right or wrong I hope to see a great game where both teams show the best they have to give.




  9. 5 hours ago, Titan32 said:

    Wet...ice and cold.  Temperature changes at the exact worse times.  God likes p&ps more.

    Honest to God, I was there pregame for about 30 minutes.  I was walking up to the ticket booth with the money in hand, toes still not thawed out from 2008 Enlow, no kids playing anymore......and I kept thinking “Why in the Hell are you doing this when the game is live in your own toasty warm home just 10 minutes away?”

    At that point, I did an about face, walked to my car, called Papa John’s and picked up a pizza that I ate in my kitchen while watching the game.

    Felt a little guilty but when I bail out on anything involving cold weather (which I often do these days) I blame it on the injuries acquired on the Enlow Polar Expedition of ‘08.

    • Haha 4
  10. 2008 Enlow was the coldest I have ever been......EVER......anytime....anywhere.  I, quite seriously, just have not been able to tolerate cold weather as much ever since.

    I did enjoy making buddies and hanging out with a couple of guys from Reitz and Mater Dei who where attending.  They gave me some extra hand and foot warmers as well.

    2009 was, in fact, at Tech on a Saturday.  Nice weather but same result as Enlow.  I know lots of folks love Tech but I just have never felt the love for it personally.  2009 didn’t help me like it any better, either.

    • Like 2
  11. 12 minutes ago, BTF said:

    The winner in 5A could make a claim as the best team in the entire state. The top 5 teams in 5A, in my opinion, could give the top 5 in 6A a run for their money. There is no comparison in 6 through 32.................5A would get manhandled. 

    Agree with Temptation on this.  You’ve got 2 teams in 5A as good as anyone in the State.  I think Valpo might well be there, also.  Jury is out on Dwenger.  Need to see them play more non-SAC teams.  Big drop-off after that.

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