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Posts posted by Lysander

  1. On 11/27/2019 at 9:22 PM, tango said:

    @Lysander & @ImpartialObserver We will be rolling by 11 am Saturday rain or shine. No hiccups this year IO.   Come see us if you are there.  Staking our claim to Tailgate Kings this year!! 

    Thanks for the gracious invite @tango but after 3 days on the road, I’m taking a little down time.
    Good luck to your kids today.  I’ll be watching.
    Go Tigers!

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  2. On 11/26/2019 at 1:55 PM, ENDB said:

    It's an interesting matchup now that some of the private schools have moved out of 4a and into 5a you're getting to see the best the state has to offer and programs that easily could have played for State championships the past few years but were thwarted in the past by the major Private schools. 

    Errrrr........those privates like Columbus East and New Palestine?

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  3. 52 minutes ago, hhpatriot04 said:

    And people said that I was crazy for ranking Memorial No. 1 in the 4A poll this season? I did drop them slightly after their loss. 

    Hey, I said early, early on I thought they would show up in LOS.  

    All I knew for certain was that they were supposed to have the same level defense returning.   That, along with the fact that 3A has simply been better at the uppermost end than 4A the prior 3-4 years,  made me feel pretty comfortable projecting that.

    Still, bummed out that Memorial is the first 3A team to be playing in the 4A Championship....I really wanted my team of favor to be the first.

    I simply can’t give the Tigers enough credit, though.  How the heck a 3A school has 2 Men’s Fall sports teams perennially playing at State Championship level is way, way more than remarkable.  

    “Unbelievable” is the better word.

    Best wishes to them.  

    Hoping our kids can someday come up and play again.

    A tip of the hat to the Tigers.

    • Thanks 6
  4. It’s fitting that these two schools meet at LOS now that Chatard has been moved North - lots a tradition between them....and mutual respect, I hope.  It’s been a few years now but, for some time, it was almost an annual game.....maybe more like a war.

    I think this Chatard team is a pretty special one (even for Chatard), maybe even an historically good one, and would like to see them roll just as they have done in every game so far (excepting...that..........one) but Heritage Hills, in years past, has always had an answer for Chatard no matter how good Chatard was that year. 

    I’d be surprised if they didn’t have an answer again.

    Hoping both teams play their best and when the smoke clears the Trojans come out on top.

    Seriously though, it just seems right these two particular teams finally meet at Lucas Oil....where they should have been playing all along.

    • Like 5
  5. 18 hours ago, kdets89 said:

    You know where to find the link to Harrell's site.

    DT’s been too busy to check Harrell’s the past week.  He’s been on the road trolling hospitals and checking HS kids’ birth certificates....it’s a 12 hour a day job and a thankless one........I hope.

    That said, congrats to Indy Lutheran.  I have quietly followed their travails over the years and it’s been great to finally see them get to the big show.

    • Thanks 3
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  6. 13 minutes ago, hunter63 said:

    ok I don't understand that Southridge wins state in 17 goes to semi-state 18 they have to move up to 3a, WeBo wins state in 18 goes back in 19 why don't they move up(me missing something here) just asking cause if they move up would they be in north or south 3a 

    It resets to 0 points every 2 years. This is the year you start with 0 points.  WeBo started this year with 0 points - no carryover from last year.

  7. 6 minutes ago, hunter63 said:

    What well happen next year Western Boone well have to move to 3a, or if Chatard would win state this year do they have to move up to 4a since they made it to semi-state last year

    Both WeBo and Chatard started at 0 points this year as regards how the IHSAA calculates the Success Factor.  Currently they have both earned  3 points so far this year,  If they both win this year then all they need to do is win a Regional next year to move up a class.

  8. Thanks to the folks at Mishawaka Marian for being wonderful hosts on Friday.  One of my closest friends in college and a groomsman at my wedding was an RB who would have played last on the ‘77 team before he went on to play at Butler (where we both played sports).  It was kind of special to me to finally visit his Alma Mater.  

    Also a shout out for “The Evil Czech” recommendation.  The chicken and waffles were, in fact, great....although probably not the best thing I could have eaten at 10:00 PM.



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  9. 4 hours ago, HoopsCoach said:

    Which school from 3A south would you suggest switching with Chatard?  The furthest north of any of the schools in sectionals 29-32 is Tri-West.  It is almost “due west” of Chatard.  So it’s basically a wash if you are trying to pick the school that is further north.  The IHSAA doesn’t propose the alignment, representatives of the member schools do.  The natural pairing would be to keep Tri-West and Danville together, and Chatard and Brebeuf together.  If you send Danville and Tri-West north, and Brebeuf and Chatard south, then you’ll have people argue that there is some kind of bias against the schools in the southern half of the state since they would have to go through the Indy parochial schools.  The line has to be drawn somewhere, and I think the committee for 3A made the most logical choice they could with splitting those sectionals north and south.

    Why are those the “natural” pairings?  Chatard and Brebeuf have never been a consistent “natural” pairing. Chatard has been in the South forever.  Brebeuf bounces back and forth.

    If we are truly worried only about (A) “natural pairings” then why go down the whole discussion path of  (B) “if you send....Brebeuf and Chatard south, then you’ll have people argue there is some kind of bias against the schools in the southern half of the state since they would have to go through the Indy parochial schools”?

    So, which is it that determines these things?  Natural pairings (which seem natural only now but haven’t been the last 20+ years) or using Indy parochials like a missile to apparently punish the part of the State that gets stuck with them (paraphrasing of point “B”).

    Per the comments above, apparently Tri-West (whoops, did I say that) was “biased” against the northern part of the State this time around when it pointed the Indy parochials North and we ended up with a 3A  South so that any team capable of walking and chewing gum concurrently from Sectional 29 (containing Tri-West, shockingly) has a free ride to Semistate.  

    An aside.....but how is it just an accident that 7 of the Top 10 Sagarin ranked 3A schools somehow end up in Sectionals 28 and 32?  4 of the Top 6 in Sectional 28 which has NEVER been a “natural” geographic combination of teams in Sectional.  Brebeuf has not anytime recently shared a Sectional with West Lafayette although they have, at times, been North.  Now suddenly, West Lafayette, Brebeuf, Guerin and Chatard together are “only natural”?  But then, its been admitted that now the Indy parochials are simply a weapon to yield to punish the “losing”part of the state as regards the internal politics of playoff and Sectional structuring.    

    BTW, anyone shedding crocodile tears about somehow disrespecting Sectional 30 teams who are the doormat to Semistate for the Sectional 29 winner can spare me.  I’ll save my tears for West Lafayette, Brebeuf (did I just say that?...must be nuts), Guerin, Gibson Southern and Southridge.  I have always hated the phrase “get better or get used to it” but it’s the best I can offer Sectional 30.

    When it comes to the legitimizing of so much of the current playoff system and how the Sectionals have been determined - don’t think for a minute the rest of us believe there is some fundamental purity of intent there.   


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  10. 3 minutes ago, jimsinchur said:

    Again, tell em to go lookin for chatards 16 and 17 trophies! If they come to the ville they will indeed find em!

    Heard them Marshals are confiscating those tonight from the ‘Ville.  Taken’ em back to schools that don’t recruit all their quarterbacks.

    Good clean, God fearin’ people like Chatard or Heritage Hills folks.  Not folks doin’ dirty deeds back in the double wide park.

    Good authority.....real good.

    • Haha 1
  11. 1 minute ago, jimsinchur said:

    A chatard fan talk about dirty doins

    Must be delusional

    Tell us all about em buddy, or your good authority not tell ya because there is no dirty doins here at the ville! Just a bunch of warriors that lovin beatin up those trojans here! 

    Just trying to help a brother out.....give you a warnin’

    I heard those IHSAA Marshals might be comin’ straight to your double wide lookin’ for that missin’ football team.

    I have it on good authority.


    • Haha 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Indian72 said:

    Chatard is a whole different type of program than many up north.  They remind of Hobart and the Howell days.  The have a tradition rich program and it just continues.  SJ has played them 4 times I believe.  The 2 games in the state finals were good games but the one game the fumble was the killer and the other Taylor got hurt in the semi state and tried to play but was no where near the player he was.  I m anxious to see Chatard now after watching them against Northwood.  You want to prepare for the tournament.  You may want to schedule them.

    My guess is Chatard will look much the same as they did at Northwood for anyone who has viewed the game.  There have been a few dings but for the most part, it’s the same ballclub playing the same way.  When they are “on” they are a lot of fun to watch and can pile up a bunch of points in no time.  I think they scored 42 points within about 13 minutes after the half last week.   Very different from the grinding (but effective) style versus St. Joe in 2010 and 2011 (although the 2011 guys would throw the ball around).

    I know Chatard and Marian have played lacrosse against one another recently but that might be the only HS games they have played one another in near memory.  I am looking forward to visiting their facility.



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  13. 2 hours ago, StinkTownClown said:

    Stinky, Stink, Stink 1.2.3.

    If not for the "success factor" and some "crazy realigning"

    neither of these teams would be playing this week!

    Thanks IHSAA & Blue Tigers! These two squads owe you a Tiger BL!

    STC - You aren’t inferring that certain Sectionals 29 and 30:were redrawn/realigned by certain HS administrative types from a certain school bearing the letters TW somewhat prominently so that said certain school might be able to flow through certain Sectional 29 and over the winner of Sectional 30 to land easily in a certain Semistate slot annually as easily as crap flows through a goose are you?

    Are you certain?

    I am certain about one thing - that’s the longest run-on sentence I have ever written in my life.

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, PhilLee said:

    A lot of idiocy in this thread, but here a few facts to actually ponder as we have reached semi-state Friday across the state:


    1.  There are 16 teams left in the state of Indiana in 3A-6A.  Of those 16, only 1 did not have to beat a single team during their playoff run with a Sagarin rating better then 100.  That one team is Danville.   Doesn't mean they cannot and/or could not have done so and doesn't mean much once the game kicks off tonight.   But the simple reality is they won a sectional with a few average (at best) teams and beat arguably the worst 3A sectional winner in the past 20 years (if you go off the Sagarin ratings) in the regional last week against Vincennes.  

    2.  Have seen the usual and tiring jabs at certain P/P schools (in this case Chatard was brought up) about being "dirty" and certain assertions about undue influence.  For fun, why not go back in the last 4 years and look at every starter who has played at Danville and check where they attended middle school and then compare that with Chatard and their feeder perishes.  Might be very enlightening.  Of the last 4 Danville QB's, only 1 played middle school football at Danville.  Their QB this year miraculously showed up this summer as a sophomore from Avon, where a returning JR starter at QB was ahead of him on the depth chart.  If that would have happened at a Chatard or Mishawaka Marian (just using them as they are 2 teams still playing), we know what the calls from many on this board would be.   

    3.  Heritage Hills has already beaten 3 teams during their playoff run better (according to the Sagarins) then Danville.  Again does not mean anything as tonight's outcome, but HH has seen better outfits then what Danville brings to the table.  Danville's best win on the year was at Tri-West in the sectional (after losing to them in the regular season).  HH has 5 or 6 wins this year better then anything Danville has done.   Hence why many who think this game, at least on paper, will not be all that competitive if both teams play at similar levels as we've seen throughout the season.  


    Hopefully we some great games across the state tonight.  Something we've haven't seen a ton of at the sectional and regional final levels to this point.  Too many bad matchups and bad games in the 6 classes. 

    PhilLee - If I didn’t know better, this insightful, succinct and thoughtful post certainly sounds as if “Dan Jones” has returned to the GID fold.  Always my “go to” when I need to get my head set straight regarding my thinking about HS Football.

    If not, then thanks for the insightful, succinct, and thoughtful post.  And I have just found my new “go to” thought leader. 

    As to the events of last evening, I can neither confirm or deny alcohol was involved before I passed out.....err.....calmly went to bed  but I am forever puzzled as to whether I am catnip for drunk posters or they for me......but God, I do love them....


    HH by +35

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