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Posts posted by Lysander

  1. 1 hour ago, gonzoron said:

    Are they requiring masks and following social distancing guidelines? All the Club basketball events are. Even for the idle teams.

    Maybe 1 out of every 10-15 with a mask.  Not really what I would consider social distancing....people sitting/standing side by side along the sidelines.  Lots of signs, etc. about it, though.  Anyone that appeared associated with the park was wearing a mask.

    It wasn’t really any different than the tournament they had there 3-4 weeks ago.

    To be honest, if I hadn’t been paying attention, I might not have even noticed there was anyone wearing masks.  

    Place was packed....took me almost 15-20 minutes to get from the parking lot to US31 once the second game I watched ended at 12:30.

    • Like 1
  2. 49 minutes ago, Titan32 said:

    But I wouldn't have....LOL

    My recollection from the Marian game last year was that they were losing a lot to graduation.  Honestly, Concordia was probably the most youthful team we saw in the North with the most coming back.  I have to admit that, although the whole Sectional 28 thing was a bit...errr..... “dubious”, it was very, very cool to see and play against teams in the North.  Teams that you are only going to see at LOS otherwise (unless you schedule them in the regular season).

    Without fully knowing, I’d still pick the winner of 28 to be the most likely team from the North to get to LOS.  I really think  there were 4 teams in that Sectional last year that could have made it  to LOS if they had survived the Sectional.

    • Like 1
  3. Hmmmm......usually it’s just a rehash of the end of last season and not much of a predictor.  For the most part it is - excepting they dinged Heritage Hills unusually hard by ranking them 6th rather than 2nd (which would be the norm).

    No idea how these teams actually shape up but I’d definitely put Guerin somewhere in the Top 10.

    Man, I’m going to be sick (maybe not the best word choice) if there is no HS football this Fall.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, DT said:

    These two conferences have a very mutually beneficial gentleman's scheduling agreement.  It seems to work very well and creates the opportunity for some outstanding public vs private matchups, something you rarely see anymore in the MIC or the HCC.  

    Agreed.  It’s been enjoyable to watch these games and I agree that they have been “mutually beneficial” (perfect choice of words DT).  I have to give kudos to the ADs (and whoever else) that might have beeninvolved in making this happen.

    If I have one regret it is that Chatard has not yet played Columbus North.  I have long wanted to attend a game at Columbus North (and East for that matter).

  5. 2 hours ago, Gipper said:

    Although it clearly won't be happening this year, I think cross-sectional match-ups across the entire state could be a great idea.   You could put Conference Indiana against the Midstate, Hoosier Hills against the SIAC, or even the ultimate test in the Central Indiana pecking order: the MIC facing off against those pesky upstarts from the HCC.  I'd also like to see smaller conference represented: Hoosier, Hoosier North, NLC, Pocket, and WRC among others.  I know I didn't name many from the southern part of our great state: suggestions, please:classic_cool:

    Conference Indiana and the Circle City Conference already play several cross-conference games yearly.  In fact, I think the CCC teams  have generally played as many CI teams in the the regular season each year as they have CCC teams.

    Don't know the exact breakdown (although I have tracked it each year...just don’t have it on hand), but I think the CCC schools have been relatively dominant in terms of victories vs. the CI.

  6. 25 minutes ago, Basementbias said:

    The problem that even Marty had was that the middle school coaches at that time were not running his system. I believe this has been rectified and our youth league is running the offenses of both schools. We mandate a 5-2 defense for safety and learning techniques. I will say the biggest hurdle Bellmont is facing is the culture of the athletes. I've watched some practices that past couple of years while doing sign ups for the youth. The leadership of the players was not great. You have saw the results of this not in just football but wrestling, basketball, and baseball to an extent. Seems like the wrestling program has finally fixed that and hopefully those guys can play football and pass it on.

    Going to be honest - I’ve never thought that having elementary and middle schools “run” the varsity offense was that important.  I know that schools like Center Grove (whose success is indisputable) swear by it but I’m just not convinced.  Everyone cites consistency of system as some sort of cure all but it’s certainly not what my kids experienced in CYO and even in Freshman football.

    At least on the Northeast side of Indy, the CYO programs have no ties at all to running Chatard or Cathedral’s schemes.  Heck, not so many years ago  (can’t speak for now) Chatard’s Freshmen didn’t even run the varsity system.

    Rather, it’s a lot more about teaching skills and technique...and making it fun (retention and making it fun where huge for Chatard Freshmen teams).   I honestly felt like my kids in Jr. High received better instruction on skills and technique than I ever did In HS.

    Even so, what happens when there is a head coaching change and the new coach scraps the old system.  Bear in mind, there is a 6 year “tail” (Grades 3-8) on teaching kids these “systems” - does the average head coach even stay at a school 6 years?  Let’s say it’s 10 years and then he leaves....then was the 6 years for those incoming Freshmen wasted?  

    I realize kids have to play “some” sort of system in Grades 3-8 but wouldn’t it just be better to worry less about whatever the HS is doing and focus a lot more on skill and technique....and keeping it fun?

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Muda69 said:

    It should just be something logical and efficient.

    States would be renamed to the number that they entered the union.  So Indiana would be renamed to "State 16".

    Now the county level.  We could just number the counties like our BMV currently does on license plates.   So Clinton county would be renamed to "County 12",  Miami county to "County 52",  and so forth.

    Then each town, village, burg, etc. would be lettered.  In County 12 Frankfort would be renamed to "City A",  Michigantown to "Town B", Rossville to "Town C" and so forth.

    School buildings within those areas would be named with a combination.  So Frankfort High School would be "School A-1".  FMS would be "School A-2".   Clinton Central High school would be "School B-1", the elementary school "School B-2".

    Street names could be easy. North-South streets would be letters, East-West streets numbers.

    So an address in the former Frankfort, Indiana would be:

    Mr. Muda69

    123  D Street

    City A, County 12, State 16, 46041


    Nice job sir.....and to imagine I once thought you were humorless....

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. 20 minutes ago, JustRules said:

    That's a completely separate discussion. I don't see a reason why the worst team in 3A has to be better than the best team in 2A. That's not true in NCAA football either. There are D3 teams that can beat D2 and FCS teams. There are D2 teams that can beat G5 and possibly the bottom of FBS. There are several FCS teams that can beat G5 and some P5 schools. NAIA generally falls between D2 and D3 and the same applies there. Enrollment is a good place to start with classification, because it's an easily measurable number and generally equates to likely ability. The Success Factor helps to provide some balance. Ultimately high school sports are about team building, leadership skills, physical activity, and education. Along the way they get to compete and try to win championships, but that's not the only goal.

    In NCAA lacrosse, the top 20 DIII teams could compete in DI.  In fact, just a few years back, perennial DIII lacrosse champ Salisbury, beat top ranked DI Duke in a preseason scrimmage.

    More specifically, at year end last year, Sags had a 3A team as the 6th best team in the State overall (5th in “Predictor”).

    Just a few years ago, when 1A LCC was on its several championships runs, I’d challenge anyone to say they weren’t among the top 20 teams in the State all classes. 

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, DT said:

    Why does 3A Bellmont open the season with two 1A schools?

    How do you get better and prepare for conference play play by playing against little 1A schools?




    Coach: Eric Davis, 0-10 in 2nd year at school, 27-85 in 12th year overall
    Aug. 21 at Adams Central 1A 7:00 pm    
    Aug. 28   South Adams 1A 7:00 pm    
    Sep. 4 at Columbia City 4A © 7:00 pm    
    Sep. 11   Norwell 3A © 7:00 pm    
    Sep. 18 at Huntington North 4A © 7:00 pm    
    Sep. 25   Leo 4A © 7:00 pm    
    Oct. 2 at New Haven 4A © 7:00 pm    
    Oct. 9 at DeKalb 4A © 7:00 pm    
    Oct. 16   East Noble 4A © 7:00 pm  

    I’ll give you some credit....only a HS football geek would go so far into the weeds that you’d dig deep into Belmont’s schedule and notice they open the season with 1A teams.

    Sounds like something I’d do.  

    That said,  once I realized it I wouldn’t have cared much either way given their record last year.

    • Like 2
  10. Just bear in mind that baseball isn’t the only alternative Spring sport you are contending with.  Most every school is also going to have track.  Many other schools are also going to have golf, lacrosse and rugby.  

    I played football both ways in HS but if had been forced to make a choice between track and football, I’d have chosen track.  Not because I liked running in circles until I puked vs playing football but because running in circles paid for my college....something football wasn’t going to do.

    Not to mention the point @Temptation made earlier about underclassmen would basically be playing continuous football from literally January through the end of November in the case of teams that would make deep runs.  That’s 11 straight months of football for underclassmen.

    I think spring is problematic.

  11. 3 hours ago, Titan32 said:

    So this is North Central High School right?

    My understanding was it was a 3-2 vote in the MSDWT and all sports (extracurriculars) are suspended until such time as they have a re-vote.  

    No date has been set for another vote.

    I am getting this from friends who teach in the district.  The thought is that IPS will likely follow.  

    I can only assume this is the initial start of the tidal wave.

  12. 1 hour ago, Titan32 said:

    My fear is the knee jerk reactions that are going to take place when some school "X" with 800-1000 kids has 25 positive "cases" in one week at some point.  There will be nutjobs in that community, no matter where it is, calling for the shutdown of sports, the school or both.  We have to be able to manage a situation like that and it should be technically manageable.  Large factories are getting through it all over the state.....but profits are at stake.  Our kids will be safe.  Those at risk should take extraordinary steps to manage their personal risk.  I am a 49 year old fat guy with an autoimmune disease...I will take care of me.  Get the kids back to life.  I have to side with the American Academy of Pediatrics on this one, kids need to be in school.  We can do football in Indiana as long as people don't panic when the "cases" come, because they will.  Big College programs are managing the "cases" just fine.  

    The real question is the FANS right?....how is attendance going to work, and how do we protect those at risk?  This is the key question IMHO at every level Pro, College and HS.  What protocols will be put into place?  At the end of the day the NFL and College (FBS) will play because the of folks we can call "those willing to take the risk" will attend these events and in fact they will attend them in numbers that will keep profits at "near normal" levels.  Will the attendance of these events cause a spike in "cases"?  Probably to some degree yes.  What will death and ICU rates do?  I don't know but aren't those those really the key statistical factors we should be looking at?  Every news cycle we see, X number of players tested positive in this or that pro or college sport.  Did we really expect not to see that?  Was playing sports at any level really going to be if there were zero "cases"?  That is the impression I get from the media and some folks here on GID.

    Unfortunately, the response will be “knee-jerk” just as every response has been to literally EVERYTHING these last few months.  It will take only one school to have those “”25” positive cases” and it will begin the cascade and ultimately the avalanche of school shutdowns.  

    I think we have societally lost the ability to accept (or understand) the measured risk of everyday life in general.....and that isn’t to say that COVID doesn’t constitute an unacceptable risk....just that societally, we tend not to accept any risk from something new to our experience anymore.  

    If, in fact, we do have football with fans in the stands, it’s likely I will be there but I will be damned uncomfortable about it (but my wife will be going regardless so I might as well get sick “with her” rather than “from her”).  All that said, I’m not sure there will be fans in the stands but rather there will be video feeds.  

    To be honest, I’d be down with paying the HS for an in-house broadcast to offset ticket and concession sales losses....although I’d prefer a free webcast.  Just as a note, unlike many high schools, Chatard does not have an internal webcast of their games....or traditional radio coverage like Cathedral and Roncalli in Indy.

    This might push every HS in the direction of live internet broadcasts....which I would find appealing.



    • Like 2
  13. 21 minutes ago, tango said:

    100% Correct. 

    It's shocking to me how many people are not wearing masks at the grocery store, etc.  I'm still very skeptical we will have a fall sports season.  Ev. Mater Dei already had to postpone their restart a week because of a positive return for COVID-19.       

    I am skeptical too and become more so daily.....and I am absolutely agnostic on the politics of this.

    I still think the jury is out for the pro sports experiment.   I think NASCAR will pull it off but have serious doubts about the stick and ball sports.   If that ends up going bust, then there will flatly be no HS.

  14. 15 hours ago, TheStatGuy said:

    I am starting to think we won't have a season, if we do.. I see it being cancelled at some point. 

    I hope i'm wrong... . July will be the big test imo. 

    Unfortunately, I am beginning to believe the same.

    That said, I was at 3 graduations this weekend and a lacrosse tournament at Grand Park with probably 200 teams (so I was told by one of the officials).  I really didn’t see very much at any of these events in the way of precautions.

    I think this domino will fall (if it is going to) sooner rather than later.

  15. 21 hours ago, HoosierFB_JG said:

    Becoming an independent may sound like a viable option, and it's not to say this isn't an option, but this makes for a scheduling nightmare by becoming an independent.  The reality is, if you make Carmel an independent, you'll still (most likely) play MIC teams during the MIC nonconference schedule, or potentially some MIC/some HCC.  This is 3 games (now that there would be 7 teams).  The remaining 6, well the HCC is out because they're in conference play, and the rest of Indiana (besides Cathedral, MAYBE Chatard, MAYBE Penn but doubtful on the last two) won't want to play Carmel on an annual basis.  Let's say Cathedral does jump on the Carmel train, that's 4 games on the schedule.  Who else does Carmel play?  Now, while Carmel Clay has a decent sized budget for athletics, you're most likely at this point having to play, at minimum, 4 games against out of state teams.  All that scheduling has to line up.  It's just a big hassle.


    Now, as we know, football is the only sport where this is tough.  This isn't an issue in any other sport besides football, but for that reason alone, I don't see Carmel bailing.  It's a bit easier for Cathedral due to having a larger pool of teams they can play from Indiana annually (for example:  Cathedral has played Brebeuf, Jeffersonville, Chatard, East Noble, Tech, Mishawaka since 2016, all teams that would not want to schedule Carmel, maybe except for Chatard, which is still doubtful.)  As a parent, I'm against leaving the MIC.  If I were an administrator, I do believe seeking competitive balance in golf, swimming, tennis, cross country at Carmel is MUCH NEEDED, but in the meat of our budget sports (FB, BBB, GBB), we have certainly not outgrown or outclassed the rest of the MIC.  


    I generally agree.  Football scheduling is difficult......but doable.

    I think it might be more problematic than one thinks in other sports just because there are so many of them.  The problem is replicating that “no-conference game” schedule for ALL the other sports.  While I agree football is a wholly different animal to schedule individually, it’s still going to be difficult (and tons of work) to do it for all sports.

    As a side note, I think many will not be happy when all those “All-Conference” designations for kids disappear.  As an Independent, about the only post season recognition accolades your kids have to look forward to is whether or not they are All-State.  It may sound a bit petty but I think many will dearly miss that little cherry on top of the Sunday.


  16. On 6/16/2020 at 9:54 PM, NE8Fan said:
    1 West Layfaette
    2 Chatard 
    3 Heritage Hills
    4 Mish Marion 
    B Jesuit

    My understanding was from last season that the first 4 teams listed above had a TON of major contributors that needed replacing and most of them might well be top 10 but not top 5.

    Brebeuf, I am less certain about.

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