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Posts posted by Lysander

  1. 5 hours ago, foxbat said:

    I ain't gonna lie ... while I share your confusion as to the strange change in schedule, that's going to be a cool match-up for Harrison.  I'm hoping its across all the levels as my son plays on the freshman team for Harrison and that weekend was vacant due to the recent Muncie Central quarantine.  Also looks like it's going to be a home game for Harrison, so I'll maybe get a chance to see that one ... and maybe even both varsity and freshman if all levels are scheduled.

    Roncalli is much improved this season....yet still taking polls as to what other people decide that they need call themselves.

    Hopefully they are not so indefinite in their Catholicism....

  2. 4 hours ago, Rudy said:

    From the Indianapolis Star:

    Brebeuf Jesuit cancels 2 games, suspends football activities after player's positive COVID test



    Brebeuf’s cancellation today (9/18) was missing both here and on the currently posted schedule.  

    It appeared they were playing this weekend vs. Culver YET skipping next weekend vs. Roncalli (which, I think, would have been a hellacious game).


  3. I was bummed to read the PM late last night from TD.  He was a fixture here before I first discovered the GID and to a a very real extent - a kindred spirit (particularly when I used to frequent the OOB) although, on rare occasion, I’d get a bug up my rear end when it came to TD’s intense “MIC love”....kind of like I do about another school further east on 56th Street.

    I wish him and his the absolute best....most especially his son who is an officer in the Special Forces.

    Over the years, there were many times when something bugged me here that I would reach out to him to discuss.  Going to miss that.  

    That said, I understand his decision and respect it.....just wish it wasn’t so.  

    I think the GID is going to be the lesser for it, unfortunately.  

    It certainly will be from my perspective.



    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, DT said:

    This a very interesting post, and clearly demonstrates the animosity, ambivalence and general  ingnorance central Indiana , and particularly Indianoplace folks have about The Region and Northwest Indiana.  

    I vote we secede and just officially be who we are, a south suburb of Chicago.  We dont need the hillbilly mentality and false hubris that comes out of Indy. 

    NWI has been forever the industrial, technological and cultural leader of this backward state 

    The ignorance and lack of sophistication ooze out of Lysander's post.  

    Keep trying......I am admittedly ambivalent...I really don’t care.  I’m just looking at who has visited LOS these last 20 years.  

    Seems pretty clear.

    Good luck, though,  tying your identity to a city in another state that you don’t even live in.

    BTW, I’m a proud hillbilly from Southeast Indiana....not Cincinnati.


    • Like 3
  5. Going to be honest.  Not trying to be nasty....but puzzled by the general overall uncompetitive nature of the area.

    If I were some dude from outside the State and I had to go to Indianapolis every year for the last 15-20 years for Thanksgiving and my in-laws insisted we go see the Indiana HS Football State Championships all those weekends, I wouldn’t recognize any single name of any High School listed in the above references (I would recognize Lowell...but they weren’t mentioned).


    I would know the names of a LOT of teams in Indianapolis, Ft. Wayne, South Bend and the Evansville Area.  

    Hell, I’d know the name of a school in Southeast Indiana who’s town is the equivalent of postage stamp (East Central).

    Why is the “Region”, almost alone, simply not competitive?

    Unless you folks want to claim Rensselaer along with Lowell.


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  6. 10 minutes ago, PHJIrish said:

    I hope this one is streamed live somewhere.

    So far, I am not seeing any evidence of this.  It’s not listed as playing on IHSAATV or affiliates.

    Chatard did webcast the East Central home game on Facebook a couple of weeks ago but I’ve seen no announcement regarding this as of yet, either.

    In theory (note....”theory”), this is a game between No. 3 and No. 5 per Maxpreps/Calpreps and should technically (note....”technically”) constitute the premier game this weekend in Indiana. 

    • Like 1
  7. Thumbs Up:

    East Central defeating Moeller 21-6.  This Indiana HS win over an historic GCL powerhouse has gone largely unremarked.  I’m not sure there has been a bigger EIAC victory ever outside of East Central and Lawrenceburg’s prior State Championships.

    It seems like every corner of the State loves to b!tch and moan about being disrespected but there is nowhere in Indiana as overlooked as Southeastern Indiana.

    Congrats to East Central.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 4 hours ago, TheDoctor22 said:

    Closer to 0.50 - 99.50. Cathedral has too many weapons this year for Chatard to defend for 4 quarters, and their offense definitely can't go toe to toe in a shootout. Hope the rivalry aspect keeps this one close, but I fear another mercy rule for the Cathedral juggernaut. 



    • Haha 2
  9. I was out of town last week and, for whatever reason, couldn’t sign onto the GID all last week until just yesterday.  I have stated previously, that I have no qualms with schools charging for video feeds....and I get why the IHSAA is doing it more often than in the past given their likely decrease in income.

    That said, I was surprised that WHMB TV-40 charged $10.00 this past Friday night to watch their Game of the Week (Chatard/Roncalli) on line.  Just 2 weeks ago and in all years past, I have been able to watch their Game of the Week live online at no cost.  Not sure why the change of policy on their part but it does seem to be taking a bit of advantage.

  10. 21 minutes ago, Howe said:

    I have been on this forum since 2005 and I have never submitted a downtick either. 

    Just kind of my personal gig.  I always figured that if I really disagreed enough with someone enough to give them a downtick I, at least, ought to talk it out.  

    If not, then they just weren’t worth the time to give a downtick to anyway.

    Again, that’s just me....

    • Like 2
  11. 20 hours ago, swordfish said:


    CNN’s Don Lemon is now anti-riot, but not because looting and violence are wrong.


    The cable news host who bills himself as a serious, objective journalist opposes the anti-police riots now because he is worried that the destruction and mayhem will hurt the Democratic Party’s electoral chances in the fall.

    How is that for a principled stand?

    Lemon’s about-face on the righteousness of rioting came Tuesday evening as his CNN colleague Chris Cuomo warned that the anti-police violence in Kenosha, Wisconsin, where two rioters have been shot and killed, is “a Rorschach test for where this country is.”

    Cuomo, who appears also to have experienced a change of heart on the issue of anti-police rioting due to bad polling numbers, added, “I think it probably represents the biggest threat to the Democratic cause.”

    Lemon agreed, saying Cuomo took the words right out of his mouth.

    “Kenosha is a Rorschach test for the entire country, and I think this is a blind spot for Democrats,” said Lemon. “I think Democrats are ignoring this problem or hoping that it will go away, and it's not going to go away.”

    “But guess what?” the cable anchor added. “The rioting has to stop. Chris, as you know and I know, it's showing up in the polling. It's showing up in focus groups. It is the only thing — it is the only thing right now that is sticking.”

    Ah, the rioting must stop because it polls poorly for the Democrats, not because people are getting hurt and livelihoods destroyed. Got it.

    This is such a farcical change of attitude for these two partisan operatives. Lemon himself defended anti-police riots in May, soft-pedaling them as the “mechanism for a restructure of our country or for some sort of change.” Lemon’s idiot co-worker, Cuomo, also attacked critics of the riots in June, claiming that “too many see the protests as the problem.”

    “And please,” Cuomo added at the time, “show me where it says that protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Because I can show you outraged citizens are the ones who have made America what she is and led to any major milestones.”

    The word "peaceably" is right there in the text of the First Amendment.

    Cuomo continued his attacks on those who have been critical of the rioters, claiming in July that they are “ignoring the reality and … are picking on the aberrations for bad reason.”

    But that was then. This is now. Now, polling and focus group results show that, actually, razing cities and towns to the ground is bad for the business of getting elected.

    “The ongoing violence in American cities is an increasing vulnerability for Dems,” communications professional and Bulwark publisher Sarah Longwell said on Aug. 24. “It’s popping in my focus groups as well. Americans were originally on the side of protesters. But as the unrest continues, attitudes are shifting. It’s the one R talking point starting to stick.”

    She added, “This is why Trump is leaning so hard into the LAW AND ORDER message. It’s starting to resonate — and beyond Trump’s base. And my guess is you’ll hear a lot about violence at the convention as R’s want to make sure they connect it to Democratic lead cities and not Trump’s America.”

    This is why two CNN anchors who have previously defended the anti-police riots have changed their minds suddenly. It is because the destruction may hurt the Democratic Party at the polls.


    Looks like the Democrats are starting to come to their senses.......

    What violence?  




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