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Posts posted by Lysander

  1. On 8/7/2020 at 12:35 AM, IndianaWrestlingGuy said:

    I think it is 18-2 Cathedral in the last 20. @Lysander Correct me if I’m wrong. 

    Jeez,  IWG, do you take the little blue pills whenever you see the word “Chatard”?  

    It’s like you are responding to yourself.

    I get it, though,........most of you wealthy antiquarians at Cathedral occasionally need a bit of an “assist”.  Good on you Irish for keeping on keeping on, though.  

    Excepting me, of course, we all need a bit of an occasional “lift”.

    You’re wrong per your earlier self-responding post, of course...no shock there.  You belittled comparing the size of schools earlier as regards Chatard v. Cathedral (which in most years is twice as large as Chatard...despite recent declines in Cathedral student population....you guys need to switch some of that financial “need” dollars to regular students) yet you were happy to step out of 6A after you didn’t make the cut.

    The reality here is that Cathedral can reach out and talk DIRECTLY to every individual archdiocese student and parent by phone and tell them they can be a star and win a State Ring at Cathedral (or, not mentioned during that phone call, simply be gold helmet fodder....).  Chatard can’t call anyone (about ANYTHING)....including their own Archdiocese kids.

    That said, it would be hard for me to imagine that the rest of the state could dislike Cathedral more (as in “hate”) if they recognized Cathedral’s full advantages......

    OK...Cathedral is 15-5 v. Chatard the last 20 years.  You were wrong (no surprise).

    I'm thinking Chatard’s 10 State Championships the last 20 years vs Cathedral’s lesser number might have addled you.

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  2. On 8/1/2020 at 6:52 PM, IndianaWrestlingGuy said:

    Lots of excuses here @Lysander. Since you are coronating Chatard as “the Northside P/P power“, don’t you think it would be wise to share the heads-up record between Cathedral and Chatard the last 20 years? 

    Also, when you strip out the Martin brothers from Chatard’s resume, you guys are pretty pedestrian with your linemen. The Irish have as many NFL lineman and have at least 1 more heading to the league next year (Alabama’s starting RG and CHS grad Emil Okifor). And, in my opinion, we have 2 more NFL prospects on this year’s incredibly stacked O-Line (Owen Wood, Junior Left Tackle) and Brenden Wooten (Sophomore TE phenom). Cathedral’s O-Line has to be the top in the state this year and only 1 senior on it. Keep an eye out. 

    Not pedestrian.  I can think of 5 D1 lineman in the last 5 years....just off the top of my head....not even trying.  Yet, it’s a lot more important to you so I guess you knew the lie in your statement before you even made it.

    The Martins chose Chatard for a reason.....best let it go at that.....admittedly, they didn’t need the Cathedral coffers of oft offered money and simply paid full tuition at Chatard.

    No doubt Cathedral has the best money can buy....until they don’t...or Columbus East or New Pal proves otherwise Mercedes don’t matter.

    • Like 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, Howe said:

    My nephew is on the football team at Connersville. I've never understood why such a blue collar community never embraced football. They love basketball.

    Yep....Connersville plays one sport only.....Hoops.  The only aberration was the brief time Radtke was there....which tells me more than a little as to how great he is as a coach.

    Baffles me too.  By all measure they should be a great football town.

  4. 11 minutes ago, DanteEstonia said:

    It’s the Robert E Lee statues that are being torn down, not the Washington statues.

    I never even mentioned Washington but am now absolutely assuming it must be wishful thinking on your part, though.......though he’s clearly targeted for you and your comrades.

    I’m just assuming you were still too giddy over the death of Herman Cain when you made that slip.


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  5. 22 hours ago, Coach Nowlin said:


    Interesting Segment;   I know of 1 actual HS History Teacher on here: @DannEllenwood  any others ?   Food For thought?  

    Errr, dunno,.....the faculty at Butler University back in the day thought I was marginally proficient in History.  

    Not having listened to a Brit talking about American history, my only observation was that he thought that the idea of the current crazies tearing down Lincoln and Jefferson statues was more than ridiculous....literally a straw man position.

    ....and yet it’s happening.

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  6. 18 hours ago, raiderx2 said:

    What proof is there he got it at the rally?  CNN said he did, MSNBC said he did?  What f'ing proof do you or they have he got it at the rally?

    None, none whatsoever...regardless whether I might personally disagree with his not wearing a mask. 

    Some folks here simply have a sickness inside and celebrate the death of those they disagree with, that sickness has nothing to do with a virus.

    But truly sick, nonetheless.

    I’d never wish or celebrate death on most anyone...it’s beyond my kin.

    Pray I never hope to be as depraved to celebrate the death of a good man.

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  7. 19 minutes ago, Impartial_Observer said:

    Ehh, I’m pretty sure his wife put him up to it, besides she’s the real Catholic! She can be quite feisty too.

    She was out of town when I sent her the link regarding Roncalli’s (and the Archdiocese as well)......prostration.

    I can’t print here just exactly what she had to say about Roncalli and the Archdiocese being.....err......”vaginas”.....or something to that effect.

    She is nothing if not erudite.

    I married well.

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  8. 1 hour ago, DT said:

    I thought kids go to school in the neighborhood they grew up in

    When did that change?

    Excepting Cathedral and Brebeuf, it didn’t change.

    We considered Guerin (even attended a couple of fund raisers...thanks for that Colts signed football, btw) since we, quite literally, lived on the Hamilton/Marion County line but that “no refundable” application made us opt out of considering Guerin (along with their really pricey tuition).....even though my old college teammate was the AD there at the time (another old teammate was, still is, Chatard’s AD).

    BTW, DT, do you happen to know of a Highland grad named Tim Vasser?  Another old college teammate....from roughly your vintage...and mine, I believe.

  9. 12 minutes ago, IndplsCathedral_Dad said:

    Enrollments for 2020-2021 according to IHASS.org (https://www.ihsaa.org/Schools/Enrollments-Classifications)

    Roncalli: 1,188

    Cathedral: 1,099

    Brebeuf:  791

    Guerin: 761

    Chatard: 714

    Ritter: 566

    Scecina: 427



    Dang, Cathedral admissions appear WAY, WAY down these days.  They used be twice Chatard’s size....people must be catching on.   I’d suggest changing your mascot and adding some Riverdance classes....appears to be working for Roncalli.


    • Haha 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, DT said:

    The core premise of this post was more to focus on what is coming down the road.

    Despite Hamilton County's reputation for general "softness," is Guerin in position to overtake Chatard as the #2 Indy Catholic power in the next decade?

    It is very possible that Roncalli could come roaring back under this new regime .

    I will say this.  Chatard is feasting on lower classes that are hollowing out due to declining participation at many lower level schools.  While we are seeing more parity at the top end of the class structure, we are seeing pure dominance at the bottom half.  

    This plays into Chatards favor.  Frankly, I am a bit disapointed that Chatard has not petitioned to "play up" into the 4A or 5A tournament.  What is more important to the Trojan faithful?  Stockpiling an already overflowing trophy case, or giving your kids the opportunity to compete at the highest level possible?



    I’m assuming you’re blowing smoke because that’s your gig but 3A has been the best class pound for pound the last 3 years or so (been a fairly weak class historically....not so now, though).

    Most any truly keen observer already knows this which tells me more than a little about your evaluations (or lack thereof....or, simply, your desire to stir that pot.....worked in my case).

     The fact that 3A Evansville Memorial won 4A last year in a comparatively “down“ year for them versus the prior couple of years should say it all.  
    Prior to that, in 2017, Chatard fairly easily handled eventual 4A State Champ East Central the last game of the season yet Chatard got smoked by Danville who in turn got smoked by Memorial.



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  11. OK, I’ll bite....add that this is an actual thread about football and not the whole Corona/politics BS.

    I find it a bit funny that some here are actually thinking Chatard declines when last season they were ranked 6th ALL CLASSES  (That’s 1A-6A for the MENSA members) per Sagarin .  Sagarin’s Predictor ranking had them at 5th ALL CLASSES with only Carmel, Avon, New Pal and Brownsburg ranked ahead of them.  

    Chatard’s strength of schedule (SOS) ranking was Top 10 or 15 throughout the regular season but fell to 21st at season’s end largely due to 3A playoffs.  During the regular season, Chatard played an effectively “MIC-like“ overall schedule per comparative SOS rankings..  BTW, I followed the Sagarin SOS rankings throughout the regular season - it was well within the range of the MIC team’s SOS rankings pre-playoffs.

    Somehow, neither Cathedral, Brebeuf, Guerin or Roncalli squeeeeeeeeezed ahead of Chatard as to Sagarin rankings last year....some weren’t even in the same solar system.

    So before y’all declare Chatard dead and buried (while Chatard is “desperately” clutching those State-leading 14 State Championships in hand), I am quite honestly thinking Chatard (though roughly 1/2 the size of Cathedral....just to remind you folks...lest you forget) will offer even more challenge in the future as to being THE top Indy Metro Parochial (They REALLY should have beat Cathedral last year)

    1. Chatard will STILL be the North Indy Archdiocese school.  Say what you want about Hamilton County (Okay, I’ll say it..much of Hamilton County can be a bit....errr, well....... “soft”).

    2. Chatard NOW actually has their own football facility for home games which only Roncalli has previously had to offer as an Archdiocesan school (that said, Roncalli football, these days, may well be too cisgender male for them moving forward....I’m expecting them to drop football...I’m hearing they have some great Riverdancers on the South side these days).  

    Pretty nice facility, for the record, at Chatard.  FYI - Cathedral still has NO home game facility....nope...none whatsoever.

    3. Chatard NOW throws the ball around just a tad (and Coach Doyle was a HS and College QB......add that Rob is a pretty d@mn smart dude) which means Chatard now ACTUALLY competes for Archdiocesan QBs and receivers (and by default gets an upgrade to safeties and defensive backs) which they really didn’t previously.

    4. Chatard is still arguably the best Archdiocesan  (and anywhere else for that matter) home for prospective college lineman to make their bones.  The Big’uns are looked at like Chris Hemsworth by EVERYBODY at Chatard....just keep the shirt tucked in.  

    Truly, truly sexy dudes.

    5. Chatard still RUNS the ball like few teams do.  Running backs can make a name at Chatard.

    6. The apparent (and unsurprising) decision by Brebeuf to now focus on artistic swimming, gender studies and navel gazing means that even more actual football players will be available for a real Catholic school like Chatard (yeah, Cathedral too, unfortunately, even though they aren’t a Catholic parochial...life is yin and yang I guess).

    I’m sure I am missing tons of new reasons but I think Chatard actually (without any decline by competitors) does nothing except becomes significantly better.  

    When you factor in the actual expected decline of Brebeuf and (further decline of) Roncalli as they both drill down hard and focus on their social justice street cred, Chatard (maybe Cathedral) does nothing except get better at playing football....as well as college and career relevant studies.


    PS.....Again, Chatard is roughly 1/2 the size of Cathedral and a lot smaller than Roncalli.  

    Chatard is only about 100 students bigger than Ritter just to give some of you folks some perspective.



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  12. On 6/17/2020 at 9:58 AM, tango said:

    Ev. Memorial lost a lot of starters.  With a very small group of seniors they will need sophomores and juniors to step up.  Things will be a little different this year than the past 3 years...

    Gosh those comments sound familiar...........

    • Haha 2
  13. Honestly, if you just want to enjoy a fun, engaging game and don’t focus on any one team, almost every weekend there is going to be either a big rivalry game or a game between two Top 5 (or 10) teams in one class or highly ranked teams from across classes  (example - Chatard v Cathedral, Cathedral v. Carmel, Lutheran v. Scecina, etc.) within 30-40 minutes of most any part of Indianapolis.

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