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Posts posted by Lysander

  1. I probably need to explain first principles for me.  

    I haven’t given a single downtick in the 12-13 years I’ve been around here.  I gave Muda a couple when he p!ssed me off and then withdrew them 5 minutes later.

    I’ve always figured that if I really have a disagreement with someone, I’d argue it out.  Otherwise, I just like being smarmy.

    But then....that’s just me.

    Hell, I’ve given Muda upticks in the middle of vicious disagreements just because he made a semi-good point...or made me chuckle (obviously accidental....since Muda has no sense of humor....waiting, waiting).

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  2. 7 hours ago, Howe said:

    CDC Director Robert Redfield stated "Suicide and drug overdoses are killing more young people than COVID as the two pre-existing epidemics have been exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic". "We're seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID". "We're seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose that are above the excess that we had as background than we are seeing deaths from COVID".

    The American Medical Association stated "Over 35 states have reported increases in opiod-related mortality as well as ongoing concerns for those with a mental illness or substance abuse disorder".

    Not sure why you received a downtick for this (at least the first paragraph...I can’t verify the second.....mainly because I’m lazy).

    The first paragraph was a quote, though....I found it pretty easily (which means anyone could).

    The last thing one is allowed to do these days, apparently, is report the truth....you must have missed the memo.

    But hey, its not like you’re writing for the New York Times or anything.....


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  3. 12 hours ago, Foobird said:

    Wow. Don't know how I missed that. My brain must be in a COVID fog.

    East Central (1-0) at Indianapolis Chatard (1-0)
    GAME TIME: 7 pm ET, Bishop Chatard.
    COACHES: Jake Meiners, 12-1 in 2nd year at East Central. Rob Doyle, 33-10 in 4th year at Bishop Chatard.
    SAGARIN RATINGS: Bishop Chatard, 88.78, 10th overall, 1st in 3A. East Central, 81.1, 21st overall, 4th in 4A.
    LAST OUTING: East Central defeated Lawrenceburg, 34-7. Bishop Chatard defeated Brebeuf Jesuit, 27-14.
    OPPONENTS' RECORDS: East Central 0-1. Bishop Chatard 0-1.
    SERIES LAST 35 YEARS: Bishop Chatard, 2-0
    LAST MEETING: Bishop Chatard, 31-14, Oct. 13, 2017.

    Anybody know if this is going to be webcast/broadcast anywhere?  I don’t think SEI sports is covering it.

    I did see something on WRBI about a webcast, though.

    Can’t believe Ron Raver apparently must have a show on WRBI, btw.....I don’t know any adult not currently serving time that I have any lower regard for. 

  4. 8 hours ago, DT said:

    I like the fact that you have called out Jennings County here and given them an earfull.  There are some schools that should just do the honorable thing and drop football.  Jennings County, Frankfort and Crawfordsville are on that list.  There is no shame in walking away from a losing endeavor.  Reinvest in winning opportunities for your student body.  

    When I gave my own kids an “ear full” my intent was that they would seek to improve.....not quit.  That’s never been my intention with any kid or team.

    That said, I’ve been grumpy as Hell this year and probably said some things that were on the tip of my tongue rather than “rethought” it a bit and bite my tongue (see the whole Indy parochial thread).  

    Tongue biting has worked well with the same chica these last 42 years.  

  5. 36 minutes ago, StinkTownClown said:

    Lysander, Lysander, Lysander 1.2.3.

    Where did you get your info on the "whipping" by EC?

    The Crew and I were at the game, a little buzzed, no I am not ashamed. 

    The score at the half was 7 to 7 & Stink Town held EC to 60 yards in the first half.

    The third quarter saw a few things go against the Tigers (pick 6, TD taken off the board, trick play for 6 on an athletic play by EC's WR)

    The Trojans won the game and the score may show a "whipping" but the game was far from that even with blurred vision. 



    You’re right....I’m wrong.  Apologies.  

    I watched the summary from Channel 19 AFTER I had posted it (and couldn’t edit) and realized the final score didn’t really represent the actual closeness of game.

    Liked that pregame talk too...

  6. Random thoughts:

    1. Marian beating Mishawaka seems like a big deal to me.  

    2. GIbson Southern is playing about as tough a first couple of week’s schedule as anybody in 3A (except Brebeuf...and maybe Chatard, Guerin and West Lafayette).  Certainly the toughest schedule in the South so far.

    3. West Lafayette losing to Jeff by 11 is an impressive loss.  The main difference from prior years in this matchup is the relatively low scoring nature of the game.  West Lafayette looks to be as good as billed.  McCutcheon this week.  Should give us a little feel how they compare to Guerin early on.

    4. Brebeuf is in the meat grinder again this week at New Pal.  I still don’t have a feel for just how good they are....or Chatard for that matter.  That said, Friday’s game had relatively few penalties vs. year’s past.  Gotta’ think New Pal is licking their chops after having had to sit home this Friday, though.  Could be a long night for the Preppies.

    5. Chatard v. East Central would normally be a matchup between two State contenders in 3A and 4A, respectively.  I still have no sense as to where Chatard fully stands.  EC whooped 3A contender Lawrenceburg on Friday.  Chatard has won the last 2 meetings (maybe the only 2 meetings).  I think EC plays Cincy Moeller next week, btw.  Not sure any 4A team is playing as tough of a schedule as EC is early on.

    6. Concordia has lots of kids back and won big Friday.  Monster test against Homestead coming up.  Big SAC game.

    7. Guerin beating 5A McCutcheon is a big deal.  They now stand 2-1 vs. McCutcheon the last 3 years.  Decatur Central coming up.  DC has been as good a 5A team as you might find the last few years.  BIG test for Guerin.

    8. Danville v. 4A Mooresville Could be interesting.  My guess is that the ball will spend most of its time in the air.  Mooresville has lost the last 2 Regionals in close games.  Danville seems likely wired for Semistate again by default if they simply beat Tri-West in Sectional again.  Mooresville has done nothing but get better the last 3 years under Gillin.

    Its really going to be a while, in my opinion, before teams start shaping up so I am expecting some massive turnarounds by many teams.  Still, I know some comment has been made regarding a lot of losses amongst the early high-ranked 3A teams but I would argue that a lot of those teams are playing tougher early schedules than years past.

    Anybody else have any observations?

    • Like 1
  7. A few years ago when I logged into the GID from my office I was greeted with a rather “hirsute” lady who would have found a great home in many 1970’s “Art” films.  

    Despite my teenage (and ongoing) affinity for the ladies of that era and my possible enjoyment of those art films at the time, I had to stop logging in from my office entirely.  

    I’m really not sure what was going on at the time.

    • Like 1
  8. Finals.

    Chatard 27    Brebeuf 14 (at Brebeuf).   Both teams are contenders to win their Sectional.  Honestly believe a second game could go either way.

    Guerin 14  McCutcheon 7.  Appears to be a hard fought game ultimately won by a team with a really tough-minded coach (from Penn originally....I might be wrong on this)....not that that might be a surprise.

    Covenant Christian 52  Jennings County 14.  Seriously, 4A Jennings County, you just got dog-piled by a 1A team from the Circle City Conference that’s not quite up to playing in the Circle City Conference (because the other teams are either 3A or 4A teams.....or 2A Heritage Christian who won’t even play....)

    What’s the deal Jennings County?  Seriously.....

    Roncalli v Southport.  No game.  No surprise.  No name....Roncalli continues to disappoint.  Whatever the Hell their name is these days.  I’m sure their Social Justice Czar will come up with an appropriate name.....I have some suggestions, though.  I may be behind the times as to their name, though......as if I cared.

    Heritage Christian (2A)  v. ?.  Don’t think that game happened but who cares?  Honestly don’t pay much attention since they won’t even play in their own conference.

    Attribute my 2020 attitude to COVID.....since most everything else this year has been....well....less than positive. 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, DumfriesYMCA said:

    48-6 Columbus North over Gibson Southern


    not a pretty score at all but hey I’ll take it knowing that GS had no turnovers and few penalties. Showed that they can move the ball against good competition. 

    need to clean up stuffing the run on defense but it’s week 1 after a crazy offseason with an inability to travel to the numerous 7on7s they have in previous seasons. 

    On to Whiteland who is currently tied with Columbus East. Hopefully we see some improvements.  Tough sledding but it should be worth it 

    A bit surprised at this.

    3A Guerin has beat Columbus North the last 2 years.  

    CN is a big school and can greatly improve with any given class....but still a lot surprised considering I look at GS as a state contender in a really good (the last few years) 3A class.  

  10. 3 minutes ago, Staxawax said:

    LN  62  Avon  34.  Final.

    LN is elite on offense.  Speed kills.  Talent kills.  The combo of the two is deadly.

    LN was never challenged offensively by the Avon D.  

    Not sure how good they are defensively but they might just outscore everyone.


  11. Chatard 27

    Brebeuf 14


    4 Chatard Turnovers.  My opinion is that the Brebeuf staff made TWO highly questionable 2nd half 4th down calls deep in their own side of the field which might have cost the game....it cost them at least 1 TD....and they were lucky Chatard fumbled in the end zone or it would have cost them 2 TDs.

    I have a ton of respect for how hard the Brebeuf kids played.


  12. 1 hour ago, IndianaWrestlingGuy said:

    Funny. You're assuming I haven't already outworked you for your lifetime. As Drake would say, "started from the bottom, now we here."  

    If all things have gone to plan since my 18-wheeler days, I’m hoping EVERYBODY has outworked me since.  

    That has always been my intent. That said, it does take a Cathedral-sized ego to assume going from 3rd base to home is considered out working ANYBODY.

    Dunno what Drake” is.....sounds like some hippie music reference....and less than the King’s English...probably a Cathedral class.

    I stick to the Holy Trinity - Cash, Willie and Waylon.





  13. On 8/8/2020 at 7:48 PM, IndianaWrestlingGuy said:

    Actually brilliant. I wrote my original post standing waist-deep in the clear, blue, natural waters of Lake Wawa.  Hopefully CHS - Penn happens so we can pre-game at the Frog with all the “old money” dive bar Cathedral parents and fans in Syracuse.

    Speaking of the Frog, I frequently bump into the Northwood coach. If Rona swipes the Penn - Cathedral game, my Amish friends are ready for the challenge. And the word in the street is Northwood is stacked this season. 

    Miss a week miss a lot.    

    Man.....spent the last week wading hip-deep in a grease pit working on several true, great American muscle cars (like any real red-blooded American should)..........working hard for a living....no Wawasee coupon-clipping.......or even Cathedral recruiting visits.

    Summers always remind me when me and the Old Man in the 18-Wheeler were hauling real American steel to the Gary mills my Senior summer.  I’ll never forget hauling American steel through the week and on the weekends when I wet-sanded and painted my wife’s (wife-to-be, then) 1968 Nova with Imron airplane paint back in the day.  Frickin’ Imron paint was like titanium....until someone broadsided her at a stoplight.  Absolute TRUTH in this paragraph, btw.....no kidding....  

    She’s lasted a a fair bit longer than the paint....or the car.  

    Still.......wish we had the car too.

    Chatard v. Northwood was a fun game last year.  Great hosts.  Think that game might still be on YouTube.

    Seriously, as hardscrabble folk as me and the Old Lady might be (she’d never admit it, though), thank God my kids got some understanding at Chatard of a life earned vs. a life given.  

    They’d never got that at 56th and Emerson.

    Just sayin’ .....as they all seem to say these days.


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