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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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    Indianapolis Cathedral
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  1. Are you suggesting busing tables at Waffle House isn't a viable income? Such a noble admittance from a Boomer Republican. You know, the I-70 split is rather up and coming honestly, but who would expect some Boomer like you to understand such social constructs. I mean you living in Columbus with your communities fentanyl and meth issues and all.
  2. Pass along now so society can recovery from the disaster your non-scientific based era created. Why we are still asked to wear masks going on three years now. You guys believe more off of Facebook than you do coming out of the University of Harvard Medical School.
  3. Boomer culture at its finest. He's definitely a he/his type guy. By the way, when's the last time @Impartial_Observer, that Seymour made it past sectionals? 1999?!? Oh wow! No wonder your are impartial, because your not relevant. Keep living in your little town and voting for a dying party. #Trump2024 #Boomer #Irrelevantnotimpartial
  4. Too stupid tp realize the difference between a profile pic and a banner pic? Go back to playing pickleball you geriatric hillbilly. What am I jealous of? Your banner pic or your dead conference you still wish CG was a part of? SMDH!
  5. I will say it again, Boomer! Why don't you die already so this country can heal as it should. What happened to your red wave?
  6. Thanks for trying to downplay, but offensive line play and play calling were atrocious at best last night for Peebles and OL coach.
  7. CG by at least three touchdowns. This will be a snoozer, save your gas and stay in Ft Wayne.
  8. First off, you can stop paraphrasing what I said. I said CG is not apart of the Blue Blood programs in this state. A blue blood is a long standing elite program. I am sorry but 20 years is not long standing! BTW, nice pixelated JPEG you have going on there. What are you, a boomer trying to stay relevant?
  9. This state dominates basketball. Let's prove it!!
  10. I apologize, I should have clarified prior. I was simply stating that I think CG is a tremendous program and they are on the precipitous of becoming a part of that class. However, once Coach Moore is gone, it's going to be interesting how the base follows through.
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