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    Heritage Hills
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  1. And reviving some old rivalries! Batesville might have something to say about that......again.
  2. Sectional 32 was as presumed. Brutal. 5 (or maybe 6) of those 8 teams could simultaneously be in the top 10.
  3. We are closer to Nashville, Tennessee than Chatard. You will have even better warm up facilities on your playoff run in 4A this year.....those schools are waaaaay nicer.
  4. What is the possibility that Southridge, Heritage Hills, Gibson Southern, Memorial, and Mater Dei all end up in the same sectional? All of those teams could easily be in the top 10 and maybe even some in top 5 in 3A.
  5. In every school below 4A this is likely fact. Carmel has theirs made by skilled craftsmen from Italy.
  6. We played them in sectionals a couple years ago. I don't think their football team has been very good. Maybe this guy will bring the change they are looking for.
  7. Well yeah! We only want to get beat by a couple scores instead of 4 or 5 scores. 😂 Indeed....SS will likely dump the game, and I hope it happens. That needs to happen sooner than later. Problem on both sides is the gate $$$$$$ for that game is always high. But, as you know, the fact is that it is a waste of time for both teams.
  8. There was a time (maybe still is the case) that we had more PAC championships than the rest of the PAC combined. As it currently stands we haven't won the PAC since 2019. While sectional is always on the top of the list, we would love to run the table, but as you have already pinpointed there are a few that give a challenge. Southridge - oldest and historically most competitive rival, on paper we should smoke them but this will be contested Gibson Southern - In the last decade our biggest rival - tons of love here, this game will be brutal North Posey - again on paper shouldn't be close, but sometimes this is quite a game New game in week 2 to replace Tell City (FINALLY) - Christian Academy of Louisville, they have won state in KY for the last 2 years in 3A and they runner-upped (i think) the year before that. Pretty sure that will be contested. We should be very, very good, and should be better than 2023, but we are talking about children and you just never know. I am chomping at the bit for next season.
  9. We have picked up Christian Academy - Louisville in the week 2 spot. They have won 3A Kentucky state the last 2 years....should be an interesting game. I'm not shocked TC did this. This game was a waste of time for both of us. South Spencer needs to go next.
  10. There is more to that story. Coach Clayton asked the PC coach to go to a running clock, he smarted off to Clayton and coach basically said ok then we will run it to 100. We just didn't have enough time.....:)
  11. So for the couple of you that might care, Dave dug this out and sent it to me last night. Dave believes that this ONLY accounts for 1996-2006, so some of these have been broken, many likely will never be broken. If nothing else I found it interesting and terribly nostalgic.
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