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Posts posted by Footballking16

  1. 1 minute ago, Staxawax said:

    All 3 of your sentences are gross exaggerations. 

    If you don’t think the league as a whole had a good year (and better year than the MIC) then you aren’t really paying attention. Brownsburg was as good last week as they were bad this week. To say BD isn’t very good? Just plain dumb. 

    MIC is still #1. HCC is a clear #2.

    Ben Davis hadn’t beat a soul until tonight. Simply put, this is a below average Ben Davis team. There is no sugarcoating it. If Brownsburg was ever going to break through, this was their night. They didn’t bother to show up. Center Grove will beat this BD team by 30 points next week.

  2. 1 hour ago, temptation said:

    LOL, had a feeling this would be your take.

    But here’s the thing…last Friday was NOVEMBER 5th and Carmel DIDN’T show up.

    Funny how we pick and choose our narrative.

    Sorta like a South Carolina fan chanting “SEC” for Georgia or Alabama while watching them play in the Sugar Bowl after they played in the Meineke Car Care Bowl a week earlier.

    Still waiting on the HCC….

  3. 19 minutes ago, FastpacedO said:

    Nor do I, but I would imagine deception or cheating wasn't the intention.

    I only stated the rule because it was brought up about Friday night and special teams. Reading the rule it looks like any special teams play doesn't count toward the quarter rule so I didn't get the correlation for Varsity. Like I said I don't put much into JV games other than it is rep for players that aren't Varsity starters. 

    Based on the post from the other thread, sounds like there was a Cathedral player who played multiple non-special team plays in the varsity game (it was stated 6 out of 53 plays) and played in the JV game the following morning. 


  4. 47 minutes ago, FastpacedO said:

    I don't and didn't rationalize any non-compliance/cheating. Just don't put much into JV football games or deem a school evil (especially when it is tournament time and there are no JV game).

    Shouldn't have any bearing on "Special Teams" for Friday Night

    Q. 54-3 Is a football player charged with a quarter of participation if the student participates in a Varsity kicking down?

    A. No, a student participating just in a Varsity kicking downs (kickoffs, kickoff returns, punts, punt returns, field goals, and kicked extra points) during a quarter will not have the quarter count under the maximum quarter rule, rule 54-3.1.

    Q. 54-4 What is the maximum number of season quarters in which a football player may participate during one week?

    A. Maximum weekly season quarter participation is as follows: Varsity Sub-varsity

    4 0

    3 1

    2 4

    1 4

    0 4

    I've seen Coach Peebles coach at Southport (even played CG a few times) and Lawrence Central. Has not had a bad culture anywhere he has coached. You believe what you want honestly that is up to you. Just like some wanted to cast a bad shadow on Coach Moore's coaching culture (a soured parent from what I hear). I wouldn't make generalized statement about culture of a staff you haven't even worked with.

    For the 2nd time back to the game at hand between New Pal and Cathedral. Are both teams looking to be relatively healthy? Everyone has bumps and bruises right now any significant injuries.

    I totally get the reason for the rule, it is all about safety. The spirit of the rule is to prevent an underclassmen from playing 20-30 snaps as a rotation player and then turning around and playing a full 50-60 snaps in a JV game the next morning. That's why the rule is implemented and in place.

    However, the letter of the law really contradicts the point of emphasis on player safety. By rule, you could have a sophomore appear on every special teams unit (kick-off/kick-off return/punt/punt return/Extra Point) and potentially play 25 plays a game. If said player doesn't appear on any regular down aside from special teams, said player is theoretically available to play an entire JV game the next morning. 

    By the same letter of the rule, your back up QB (who serves as the regular JV QB) could be forced to play a down in the 2nd quarter because the starting QB has an equipment malfunction and then later on in the game with his team up 56-0, comes in and kneels the ball three times. The letter of rule theoretically states the JV QB is now only eligible to play in 2 JV quarters the following day.

    Common sense tells you the point of emphasis on player safety is completely disregarded. How is it acceptable for a kid that plays 25 special teams down be available for an entire JV game while another kid who handed the ball off one time in one quarter and kneeled three consecutive times in another quarter can only play two quarters? It makes no sense.

    I don't know specifically what happened in the CG/Cathedral JV game, but seems that common sense was lost and had left the building. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, FastpacedO said:

    Like I said I am clueless on your quote or number 2 with something dealing with a JV game. It wouldn't be something I would know about, care to know about, or any of my business. Obviously it has you upset.

    A Cathedral JV player played 5 varsity (non-special teams) snaps in the Friday night game against Center Grove spanning more than one quarter and then played in the JV game the following Saturday morning, which was also the last game of the JV season. By rule it's not allowed and Center Grove addressed the issue.

    As to why he's upset? Who knows, dude likely just needs a better hobby. 

  6. 17 minutes ago, IndianaWrestlingGuy said:

    Maybe my math was off, but I thought it was less than 1:30 left in the game? Was it more than that? If so, I stand corrected. I was so pissed off by that point, I could have easily made a mistake. 

    I think they took over on downs with a little over two minutes left, and Cathedral was calling TO's to try and stop them. 

    • Like 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, IndianaWrestlingGuy said:

    Discounting CG's final garbage time TD when they could have kneeled on it, the starting Irish D has given up 8 TDs this season. None so far in the playoffs. 

    I don't fault CG for scoring there. They mathematically couldn't have run out the clock and it was still only a one score game. Don't like it, stop them.  

    • Like 1
  8. 24 minutes ago, FastpacedO said:

    No dog in the fight but honestly, I wouldn't lobby petition to play anywhere (down or up). I would sit back and let them move you to where you fall (enrollment, success factor etc). Just leave it up to the IHSAA (like every other team/school). Success on the field moves you up, non success puts you in you're enrollment class. I have respect for many programs.

    Do you honestly believe (no offense to New Pal) that if New Pal loses Friday night they will petition to stay in 5A or will they allow themselves to go back down to 4A. I don't mean that in a mean way at all, most likely they they are going to let the IHSAA move them wherever they should be. I don't think that should be any different for any school be it Private/PP or Public. Play where they place you!

    100% agree.

    I have no problem with Cathedral playing in 6A and actually would prefer to see them in 6A. But at the same time, they shouldn't be forced to petition up nor receive the backlash they do on boards like these for playing where the IHSAA places them. It's silly. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Dave007 said:

    If we plow through remainder of playoffs with sizeable win margin I will be very disappointed if Cathedral brass does not lobby/petition IHSSA to move to 6A in fall 2022.  

    I have a feeling the IHSAA will cook something up that doesn't allow Cathedral to remain in 5A next year if they don't accumulate enough points/petition to move up.

    It was a few years ago and Cathedral was technically scheduled to move back to 4A because they lost in the sectional finals to Decatur and out of nowhere the IHSAA changed the criteria for necessary points needed to remain in a class. I believe it was from 4 to 2, but could be wrong on that. They lost to Columbus East in the semi-finals and earned 3 points but then lost the following year in the sectional finals to Decatur earning 0. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, Indiansreloaded said:

    I was not at the game but did stop by to watch a little from the parking lot.  I watched Mississinewa score their final touchdown and after the running back was clearly in the endzone, officials gave the touchdown signal, and RB dropped the ball, a Wayne player shoved him.  Wayne had 5 unsportsmanlike penalties in the game before the brawl.  Mississinewa's #62 was in the wrong for shoving the Wayne player and a flag was thrown very quickly for it as well.  Then 2 or 3 Wayne players attacked #62. People are saying that there were words exchanged between players in reference to a dad and racial slurs.  The players know what was said not the fans, so who knows what provoked this brawl. The fans from Wayne jumped the fence and ran onto the field.  Then a Wayne player chased Mississinewa's coach across the field.  WaneTv out of Fort Wayne has it posted on their website showing the coach being chased.  It was all uncalled for.  I agree #62 should be suspended.  I do believe the officials initially ejected him.  It used to be an IHSAA rule that if a player was ejected from a game they are automatically ejected for 4 quarters.  So if a player was ejected in the 3rd quarter they would have to sit out the 4th quarter and would not be eligible to play until the 4th quarter of the next game.  Wayne has also been accused of damaging the visitor's lockerroom.  From the pictures posted on social media it looks like the wall was punched and hole was put in the wall, perhaps it was a player taking out frustration after being ejected or after the game due to loosing.  Some of the other "damage" looked like just normal wear from players rubbing the corner of the wall.  Either way, when there are at least 5 unsportsmanlike penalties against one team and two players ejected, a fight or brawl is bound to happen.

    For the record, I don't agree with the actions of any of the players or fans running out onto the field.  Sad thing is, the clock was running non-stop due to Mississinewa being up 35 points and Mississinewa was marching down the field to potentially score again.  There were several police officers that respond to the game to make sure everybody was able to leave safely and to my knowledge everybody was able to leave safely.  

    Appreciate the context. Sounds like blood was boiling and the cheap shot by the Mississinewa player put everyone over the edge. Don’t condone the brawl but that likely never happens if #62 doesn’t do what he did and they’re able to finish the game with triple 0’s on the clock. Bad look for both programs here, hopefully Wayne pays for the locker room damage.

  11. 32 minutes ago, Indiansreloaded said:

    If you can video of tonight's Mississinewa and Fort Wayne Wayne game it was wild.  Wayne had 2 players ejected in the 3rd quarter.  Then with 7:05 left in the game, the officials called the game due to the number of unsportsmanlike penalties.   One of the Wayne players chased Mississinewa's coach around the field.  I am sure the IHSAA will be looking at the film and reviewing it to determine if there are any suspensions of players and coach's from both teams.  It wouldn't surprise me if the IHSAA suspends players from Wayne in the next sport they play this school year.  

    Mississinewa has one running back that is 100 yards shy of 2,000 rushing yards on the season and another running back that has almost 1,500 yards rushing on the season.   The Northridge game will be a good one.  Hopefully the goal post is straight in the West endzone.  

    Saw the video. Not sure the prelude to what happened, but in the video I saw of the specific incident, that falls solely on Mississinewa’s #62. Won’t find a bigger cheap shot than that shove in the back after the play was over. IHSAA should be able to review that video and retroactively eject him from the game (if he already wasn’t) and he should be suspended for the next game. If I were his coach he wouldn’t play the rest of the season.

  12. 3 hours ago, Slobberknocker said:

    So what is everyone's opinion on how many points is considered running up the score?  Last weeks high game was Tri 79  Knightstown 0 and the week before Hobart 72 Griffith 10 is this a example of running up the score?

    There shouldn't be a threshold that constitutes running up the score. If a team pulls their 1's after the 1st quarter and runs dives and powers with the 3rd and 4th teamers the rest of the game and wins 80-0 then so be it, that's on the other team.

    A team up 35-10 late in the 4th quarter, with the ball, throwing while the game is in hand to make the final score 42-10 is a lot more classless than the above mentioned scenario. 

    • Like 2
  13. 43 minutes ago, TheDoctor22 said:

    I know the outcome of this season will affect this answer, but assuming they run the table as expected, where would you rank this Roncalli team among their all time teams?  The offense at least has to be up there one would think?

    The 04 Roncalli team was very good. Jason Werner was Mr. Football and starred at Purdue and Pat Kuntz started a couple years at Notre Dame. Also had Tim Sergi who went to IU on a scholarship but missed most of the season due to an injury. They weren't fancy back then, didn't need to be. They ran all of 3 or 4 plays and you couldn't stop them. Also believe 4A was much stronger back then when it was 5 classes compared to what 4A is now. 

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